实践标准,practice criterion
1)practice criterion实践标准
1.After the "Great Cultural Revolution" finished, our party successively affirmed to put forward "three criterions" including practice criterion, productive forces criterion and "three favorable" criterions before and during the reform and opening to the outside world."文化大革命"结束后,在改革开放之前和进行之中,我党先后提出确立了三次"标准"即实践标准,生产力标准,"三个有利于"标准,而每次标准的提出和确立都与邓小平的贡献分不开,邓小平丰富发展了马克思主义理论。
2.Correspondingly in the side of philosophy, we have also gone through such a main line on the theme conversion of practice criterion, productivity criterion and the people s support criterion.相应地在哲学思想上经历了"实践标准"、"生产力标准"、"人民拥护标准"的主题转换这样一条主线。
3.While establishing the theory of socialist value Deng Xiaoping stressed on the practice criterion and then put forward the criterions of productive forces and three-advantaging , which was a sign of the primary form of Deng Xiaoping s socialist criterion systems.邓小平在创立社会主义价值论过程中,从重申实践标准开始,先后提出了生产力标准和“三个有利于”标准,这些基本价值标准的提出,标志着邓小平社会主义价值标准体系的初步形成。

1.On the Theoretical and Practical Standards in the Doctrine ofConfucius s Benevolence;试论孔子仁学的理论标准与实践标准
2.The Productivity Standard-not the Realistic Application of Practical Standard;生产力标准并非实践标准的具体运用
3.“The three advantage” Criterion is an Extension of Practice;“三个有利于”标准是对实践标准的发展
4.On the unification of the outcome of the economic reform: practice, productive forces and three-favour;论实践标准、生产力标准、三个有利于标准的统一
5.Discussion on the continous Line of criterion of practice,criterion of productive forces and crieterion of three benefit,that can be traced to the same origin论实践标准、生产力标准和“三个有利于”标准的一脉相承
6.A Trial Discussion about the Relationships Among the standard of Practice of Productive Forces and of"Three Advantages";试论实践标准、生产力标准和“三个有利于”标准的关系
7.Dialectical Relation among the Criterion of Practice of Productive Forces and of People s Interest and Its Significance;实践标准、生产力标准、人民利益标准的辩证关系及其意义
8.The Practice and Reflection on Implementing ISO9001 in Software Vocational School;软件高职实施ISO9001标准的实践与思考
9.On the criteria of productive forces and the three conducivenesses being essentially the criterion of the results of practice;论“生产力”标准和“三有利于”标准本质上是“实践的结果”标准
10.Practice is the only yardstick for truth实践是检验真理的惟一标准
11.Only social practice can be the criterion of truth.真理的标准只能是社会的实践。
12.We affirmed that practice was the sole criterion for judging truth.肯定了实践是检验真理的唯一标准,
13.We say that practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.我们讲实践是检验真理的唯一标准,
14.Practice is the sole criterion of truth.实践是检验真理的惟一标准。
15.The Practice Research of Compulsory Education "Music Curriculum Standardize";义务教育《音乐课程标准》的实践研究
16.Practice in Designing Web Pages with Web Standards;应用Web标准设计网页的实践及思考
17.Analyzing the Practice of Logistics Standardization Based on Hierarchy;基于层次结构的物流标准化实践分析
18.Morality in Analysing Actual Judicial Practice Appraises the Standard Problem;浅析司法实践中的道德评价标准问题

criterion of practice实践标准
1.Deng XiaoPing deepens criterion of practice by cri.该文以对话形式论述了马克思唯物史观新哲学中实践标准与生产力标准的统一关系问题 ,认为传统马克思主义哲学体系在唯物史观之外讲实践 ,忽视生产劳动实践观是全部马克思主义哲学的根本观点 ,从而在某种程度上模糊了马克思唯物史观新唯物主义哲学与旧唯物主义的根本区别。
2.The essay saying, both the criterion of truth and the criterion of practice are the dialectical unity of the monistic and variety.从前者看,接受检验的不是真理而是认识,真理的标准不是实践而是认识所反映的容观对象;从后者看,真理标准和实践标准都是一元性与多样性的辩证统一,这要求我们既要科学地对待各种不同的理论,又要在坚持实践标准的同时正确对待并重视直观观察、逻辑证明和理论论证三种具体实践方法,既高扬实践的权威又反思实践的局限性。
3)Practice standard实践标准
1.Both of its realization and test are achieved through respecting the practice form the mass, and adhering to the practice standard.通过实践实验,促进了指导思想的战略性转变;尊重群众实践,实现了指导思想的战略转变;坚持实践标准,检验了指导思想的战略转变。
4)the practice criterion实践标准
1.About subjective dimension of the practice criterion;关于实践标准的主体向度问题
2.Among Deng Xiaoping s value viewpoints, the people s interest criterion, the productive forces criterion and the practice criterion are the form of socialism criterions.在邓小平价值观中,人民利益标准、生产力标准和实践标准是社会主义的基本价值标准,它们依次揭示了社会主义的根本价值目标、根本价值手段及探索和实现社会主义价值的根本途径,分别是社会主义最高价值标准、根本价值标准和终极评价标准。
5)practical standard实践标准
1.So it is a scientific attitude to uphold the practical standard as a basis.实践以无可争议的事实证明某种认识的真理性,它是检验真理的唯一标准;逻辑论证是实践的产物,是实践检验的一种延伸,所以,坚持以实践标准为基础,准确地运用逻辑论证为真理及其实践服务是科学的态度。
6)view and standard of practice实践观点和实践标准
1.Marxist philosophy s view and standard of practice,production,and common masses are the philosophical foundation of the Chinese characteristic socialism theory.马克思主义哲学的实践观点和实践标准、生产力观点和生产力标准、人民群众观点和人民利益标准是中国特色社会主义理论的哲学基础。

实践标准  见真理标准。