类本质,human nature
1)human nature类本质
1.Therefore,he regarded the return of human nature as the return of the value of social development;and he also regarded socialism,that is,the freedom and overall development of human beings,as the highest form of social developmen.受抽象的人道主义理论出发点、相对贫乏的经济学知识、特定的理论与历史语境,以及思想深层中的内在矛盾等因素的制约,青年马克思在《844年经济学哲学手稿》中尚不能完全揭示共产主义的科学内涵,而以人的类本质的复归为社会发展的价值旨归,把社会主义即人的自由和全面发展的理想的社会形态作为社会发展的最高形态,而将共产主义看作是实现社会主义的必然环节。

1.The Idiosyncrasy and the Reality of Human Nature--the Perspective of Human Nature from Karl Marx;人的类本质、人的现实本质——试述马克思关于人的本质的看法
2.Genius is a subset of human nature, just as neurotics are a subset of human nature.天才是人类本质的一种,正如神经病是人类本质的一种一样。
3.The Practical Exploring of Mankind Essence and Its Contemporary Value;人的类本质的实践探解及其当代价值
4.All men are my Brothers, all Tilings are my Companion: Reflecting on Human Nature;民胞物与——对人的类本质关系的思考
5.Marx s Theory on the Generic Nature of Man and its Significance;马克思关于人的类本质理论及其意义
6.On Marx s Original Knowledge of Theory about Human Own Kind s Essence;马克思关于人的类本质理论的原本认识
7.essentially complete class of decision rule决策规则的本质完全类;决策规则的本质完全类
9.Non-conventional Writing about the City Appetency and Anti-essentialism;“另类”写作:反本质主义的都市欲望文本
10.As human beings are now constituted, it is impossible for them to be very happy.按照现在人类的本质,人类是不可能很快乐的。
11.On the Western Aesthetic Trilogy Concerning Artistic Nature(Part 2)--An Exposition on the Artistic Nature of Human NoumenonAesthetics;西方美学关于艺术本质的三部曲(下)——人类本体论美学艺术本质论
12.Though marketed as a novel, the book is semiautobiographical.本书虽以小说类上市,却属半自传性质。
13.fundamentally different or distinct in quality or kind.根本不同的或性质及种类截然不同的。
14.Overall, both devices are essentially similar.总的说来,这两种器件本质上是类似的。
15.Being so sandwiched is the very essence of humanity;这样被夹在中间便是人类天性的本质;
16.The city essence is the human culture, is the culture.城市的本质就是人类文明,就是文化。
17.Art is essentially a way of expressing human feelings.艺术在本质上是人类情感的普遍传达。
18.Existence of Essential Components of Some Set-valued Mappings;一类集值映射本质连通区的存在问题

essentially closed classes本质闭类
1.Namely, a polar radical classes is nothing but the essentially closed classes.利用本质子群与本质扩张的概念,证明了极根类恰是本质闭类。
3)the nature of human beings人类本质
4)essentially complete class本质完全类
1.The present paper deals with the invariance of the admissible estimation of scale parameter under the function of entropy loss and that of Bayes estimation and proves that all the non-random decision class of scale parameter, under the function of entropy loss, depending on full statistic T is an essentially complete class.讨论在熵损失函数下,刻度参数的可容许估计的不变性及Bayes估计的不变性,证明在熵损失函数下,刻度参数所有依赖于充分统计量T的非随机化判决构成一个本质完全类。
5)nature of human b eing人类的本质
6)costs of quality质量成本分类
