非理性认识,irrational knowledge
1)irrational knowledge非理性认识
1.In fact,they are connected with both rational knowledge and irrational knowledge.人们通常认为它们只同理性认识相联系,实际上它们是既同理性认识相联系,又同非理性认识相联系。
2.Influenced by the Western traditional rationalism,Chinese epistemology only focused on the macro researches in the past and neglected the irrational knowledge of middle-level and macro;this is the fundamental resource,which failing to get successful in .由于受西方传统理性主义影响,我们以往的认识论只重视研究宏观的理性认识,而忽视中观和微观的非理性认识,这是我们以往在认识和实践中失误的主要的理论根源。

1.Evolution of Management Thoughts and Deepening Insight into Ration and Irration;管理思想的演进与对理性和非理性认识的深化
2.On the Existence of Rational Cognitive Ability and Non Rational Cognitive Ability;理性认识能力与非理性认识能力是否存在等级之别
3.Another Half Forgotten Understanding Should Be Found Back--The Prelude of the Non-reasonable Epistemology Research;应该找回被遗忘了的另一半认识——非理性认识论研究之前奏
4.A Cognitive Pattern of Irrational Expansion of Intellectual Property Rights;知识产权非理性扩张的一种认知模式
5.Rational Cognition of Credit Financing Predicament of Non-state-owned Economy;非国有经济信贷融资困境的理性认识
6.The Positive Functions of Irrational Factors in the Process of Cognition非理性因素在认识过程中的积极作用
7.On Rational and Irrational Accounting of Enterprises.;对公司财务行为理性与非理性的认识和思考
8.Beyond Traditional Logos to Construe Modern Expression of Rationality --Reconsideration of Rationality and Irrationality;超越传统理性概念,构建当代理性形式——理性与非理性关系再认识
9.Discuss the Impact on Realizing and Social Life of the Unrational Factor Simply;浅谈非理性因素对认识及其社会生活的影响
10.Cultivating the positive role of irrational factors in the cognition consciously自觉培养非理性因素在认识中的积极作用
11.Correctly Understanding & Applying the Relations BetweenRation & Irration in the course of Cultivation of Ideology And Moral;正确认识和应用思想道德修养课的理性与非理性关系
12.A fanciful impulse; a whim.理解,认识幻想,想入非非的念头
13.Ideal and Faith and Their Epistemic Functions: Study on the Irrational Factors in Epistemic Structure of the Subject;论理想和信念及其在认识中的功能——主体认识结构中的非理性要素研究
14.Rational knowledge depends upon perceptual knowledge and perceptual knowledge remains to be developed into rational knowledge -- this is the dialectical-materialist theory of knowledge.理性认识依赖于感性认识,感性认识有待于发展到理性认识,这就是辩证唯物论的认识论。
15.Non-fictitious theory and experiential timespace--The recognition of truthfulness of reportages;非虚构理念与体验性时空——对报告文学真实性的重新认识
16.Brief Discussion on the Issue of Desire and Needs and Their Functions in Cognition;略论欲望和需要及其在认识中的功能问题——主体认识结构中的非理性要素研究之一
17.Discussion on belief and adore and their function in the action of cognition--Study on the irrational factors in the structure of epistemic subject;论信仰和崇拜及其在认识中的功能——主体认识结构中的非理性要素研究之五
18.On Real Significance and Theoretical Cognition of Taking Non-normative Appraisements in Vocational Schools;职业学校实施“非规范性评价”的现实意义和理论认识

non rational cognitive ability非理性认识能力
1.Concerning peoples cognitive ability, traditional metaphysics emphasizes excessively the status and function of rational cognitive ability, contemporary western philosophy pays more attention to the position and function of non rational cognitive ability.关于人的认识能力,传统形而上学过分强调理性认识能力的地位和作用,现当代西方哲学则更多强调非理性认识能力的地位和作用。
3)rational knowledge理性认识
1.Bridge between perceptual and rational knowledge——On cognitive function of metaphor;感性认识与理性认识之间的桥梁——论隐喻的认知功能
2.On perceptual and rational knowledge in art design teaching;艺术设计教学中的感性认识与理性认识
3.These include the rational knowledge currently available to defend human health, the historical responsibility we feel today, contemporary medical knowledge, close international cooperation, the new idea of opening information to the public, and the noble thoughts and feelings of medical workers for their patients.对维护人类健康的理性认识和历史责任感 ,当代医学发展的水平 ,密切合作的国际关系 ,信息公开和全民共享的新思维 ,医务人员的高尚情操 ,决定了昔日传染病流行的灾难不可能在今天重演。
4)rational cognition理性认识
1.Views on rational cognition and aesthetic evaluation in teaching music appreciation in universities;大学音乐欣赏教学中的理性认识与审美评价
2.The whole rational cognition is an important ingredient for a novelist to achieve much in creation. 整体理性认识是小说家创作获取成功的一个关键因素。
5)rational understanding理性认识
1.After we recognize this point,we can gain the rational understanding about it and hold the correct direction of the tax revenue s growth.通过历史地分析中国税收收入增长中的合理性,有利于加深对税收增长的理性认识,把握今后税收增长的正确方向。
6)Reasoning epistemology理性认识论
