涉身心灵,Embodied Mind
1)Embodied Mind涉身心灵
1.Embodiment,Embodied Mind and the Reconstruction of Cognition;涉身性、涉身心灵与认知重构(英文)
2.The theoretical contents of the construction of interactive cognition mainly are that replacing the cognitive agent of mind by the embodied mind,the isolated world by the subject-embedded world,and the traditional representational-computational cognitive framework by the nonrepresentational-computational.交互式认知建构的理论内涵主要是以涉身心灵取代以传统心灵为核心的认知主体,以可嵌入的环境取代完全客观、孤立的认知环境,以非表征—计算的认知结构取代表征—计算的认知结构。

1.Embodiment,Embodied Mind and the Reconstruction of Cognition;涉身性、涉身心灵与认知重构(英文)
2.The theme of ‘undeveloped heart’in the novel‘Where Angels Fear to Tread’;谈《天使不敢涉足的地方》“发育不良的心灵”的主题
3.The Mind-body Relations under the Perspective of Western Philosophy of Mind;西方心灵哲学视野下的心身关系问题
4.Organism and the Mind---Reflections on the Relations between Mind and Body;机体与心灵——关于心身关系的思考
5.The branch of metaphysics that studies the soul, the mind, and the relationship of life and mind to the functions of the body.心灵学形而上学的一支,研究灵魂心灵生命和心灵与身体功能之间的关系
6.A little body does often harbour a great soul.伟大的心灵常寓于矮小的身躯之中.
7.Exercising the body is as important as exercising the mind.锻炼身体与锻炼心灵一样重要。
8.Wisdom is to the mind what health is to the body.知识之于心灵正如健康之于身体。
9.Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.“阅读之于心灵,犹如运动之于身体。”
10.The body is material but the soul is immaterial.身体是有形的,心灵则是无形的。
11.Virtue is to the soul what health is to the body.美德对于心灵犹如健康对于身体。
12.Take exercises with sports, mould soul with art.35用体育锻炼身体,用艺术陶冶心灵.
13.The 45-year-old has been living with polio since the age of one.身体被命运抛弃,心灵却唱出强者的歌。
14.Reading is to the mind what exercise it to the body.读书之于心灵,犹如运动之于身体。
15.Lara: But you have mind and body intelligence.但是??可是身体和心灵全都充满了智慧。
16.The Female Writing Strategy of Body Return and Heart Experience;回归身体与心灵体验的女性书写策略
17.Paying Attention to His Own Moral Uplift without Thoughts of Others--A Poet s Rational and Profound Spirit Comprehension;独善其身:诗人理性深永的心灵超悟
18.A healthy body in the guest-chamber of soul; a sick, its prison.健全的体魄是心灵的客舍;病弱的身体是心灵的牢狱。

1.Merleau-Ponty and Geoge Lakoff Mark Johnson have embodied ideas, have point out themselves embodied philosophy.梅洛-庞蒂与拉可夫、约翰逊都具有涉身性的思想,都提出了自己的涉身哲学,认为身体与心灵是相互作用,人的心与身是统一体,身体在认知外界的过程中起着重要的作用。
3)body-mind-spirit health model身心灵互动健康模式
1.Objective To explore the impacts of body-mind-spirit health model on quality of life in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma.目的探讨身心灵互动健康模式对鼻咽癌患者生活质量的影响。
1.Embodiment,Embodied Mind and the Reconstruction of Cognition;涉身性、涉身心灵与认知重构(英文)
5)Embodied Cognition涉身认知
1.Embodiment gives us a new approach to understand cognition and thereby causes Embodied Cognition.涉身认知研究预示了涉身心灵的新观念,并且由此展现了重新建构认知活动的可能性。
6)body interference机身干涉

不坚身贸易坚身【不坚身贸易坚身】  谓父母所生之身,乃四大假合而成,危脆不实,体非坚固,生灭无常,不可久存;若能持守五戒,清净无染,修习菩提无上之道,以证金刚不坏之身,是为以不坚身贸易坚身也。(四大者,地大、水大、火大、风大也。五戒者,不杀、不盗、不邪淫、不妄语、不饮酒也。)