真义,true meaning
1)true meaning真义
1.The article directs against some standpoints which regard Mencius doctrine of kingcraft as people-foundation theory,it proposes that,Mencius does not have humanistic thought,the true meaning of his thought is that he regards people as the capital of country,rather than the masters of country.文章针对许多论者将孟子的王道政治理解为以民为政治主体的民本论,指出孟子没有民本思想,其思想的真义是将民当做君王立国的本钱、资本,而不是将民当做立国的目的、看做国家的主人。
2.The academic field\'s definition about the plurality of true meaning in general evaluation activities is inapplicable to individual self-evaluation activities.学界对一般评价活动真义多元性内涵的规定不适合个体自我评价活动,具体到个体自我评价活动中真义的多元性应该另有其内涵:同一主体对同一客体的不同属性所产生真义的多元性而非不同主体对于同一客体的同一属性所产生真义的多元性。

1.Historical Intendments of the Rhetoric of "Yellow Peril" and "Cultural Nationalism";“黄祸论”与“文化民族主义”的历史真义
2.They are genuine patriots.这一类是真爱国主义。
3.I have an obligation to tell you the truth .我有义务把真情告诉您。
4.Materialists face truth, whereas idealists shun it.唯物主义者面向真理, 唯心主义者则逃避真理。
5.Materialists face truth,whereas idealists shun it.唯物主义者面向真理,唯心主义者则逃避真理。
6.Strawson on meaning-truth: under the background of the debate on the relationships between meaning and truth;意义和真理之争背景下的斯特劳森意义——真理观
7.Review Into The Meaning Of Truth--Harmony of Intended Truth And Extended Truth;真理涵义的再探讨——内涵真理与外延真理的融合
8."The Authenticity of Realism" and "the Truth of Matter s Inherent Law";“现实主义的真实性”与“本质真实”
9.A Further Exploration of "Innocence" in the Age of Innocence《天真时代》中“天真”一词的意义探析
10.She felt the undertone-the real significance.她听得出这言外的意义——真正的意义。
11.Realism in art and literature.真实主义艺术和文学上的现实主义
12.Naturalism:The New Truth of Realism;自然主义:重塑现实主义的“真实”
13.The Tendentiousness and Authenticity of Socialist Realism社会主义现实主义的倾向性与真实性
14.Definitions of Truth Value and Non-Truth-Value--Concurrently on Problem in Logic Concept Definition;真值定义与非真值定义——兼论逻辑概念的定义中所存在的问题
15.The world is so full of colonialism, neocolonialism, hegemony and power politics!老殖民主义、新殖民主义、霸权主义、强权主义,真不少啊!
16.The real with its meaning read wrong and emphasis misplaced is the unreal.“真实”的含义被误解,轻重被倒置,那就成了“不真实”。
17."On Practice" manifests the Marxist philosophy truly the candid spirit;《实践论》真正体现马克思主义哲学的本真精神
18.On Art Reality,Film Reality and Realism;关于艺术真实、电影真实和现实主义的漫谈

1.By analyzing the contents of Hamlin Garland s regional short stories, the paper tries to reveal the social significance of his work, his writing style and his literary views-veritism.本文通过评析哈姆林·加兰的边疆小说,来展示加兰小说的社会意义、写作特色和他的文学主张——写真主义。
2.When many people were following European styles to write romantic stories,Hamlin Garland experimented with his literary techniques in veritism and helped form up the national literature on the new continent.加兰提倡写真主义,其艺术思想和文学实践对民族文学的形成做出了较大贡献,他的成功既得益于西部开发运动又与当时盛行的印象主义艺术的影响密切相关。
1.The model is built based on the characters of ambiguity strings,including true-ambiguity and pseudo-ambiguity,and the semantic information of the neighboring words is considered in the feature selection.文章试图从歧义字段本身的特点,即从伪歧义与真歧义这两个角度,以规则库为辅助手段,构建相应概率统计模型来解决歧义字段切分的问题。
4)simulation semanteme仿真语义
5)vacuum of sense意义真空
6)truth-conditional semantics真值语义
1.It is found that,to some extent,the former is a complementation of the latter,and appraisal system is another powerful development of truth-conditional semantics.真值语义学在众多语义学理论中长期处于权威地位,但也存在着某些自身无法解决的问题。
