类哲学,Lei philosophy
1)Lei philosophy类哲学
1.View of Lei philosophy about values of western psychology;从类哲学看西方心理学的价值观
2.The human nature views of behaviorism psychology and psychoanalysis psychology and humanistic psychology were introduced by this paper,according to Lei philosophy,author have analysed them.本文介绍了行为主义、精神分析学派和人本主义学派的人性观,并从类哲学的角度对其进行了解读。
2)types of philosophy哲学类型

1.Globalization, Postmodenuty and the Cultural Plurality of Philosophy. A Brief Discussion of the Difficult Position and Chances Faced with Chinese Philosophy;中国哲学:“合法性”、思维态势与类型——兼论中西哲学类型
2.On the Classification of Humanism in German Classic Philosophy;德国古典哲学中人本主义的类型划分
3.A basic logical type of philosophical conception in post-Kantian philosophy.后康德方式后康德主义哲学中哲学概念的一种基本逻辑类型
4.Two Types of Rendering in Modern Chinese Terminology --taking the translation of "science"and"philosophy"as an example;近代汉字术语创制的两种类型——以"科学"、"哲学"为例
5.Max Weber s Ideal Type Ethics-Economics and Its Moral Philosophical Structure;韦伯伦理—经济“理想类型”的道德哲学结构
6.Weber s Ethical-Economic Ideal Type Chosen from the Perspective of Historical Philosophy;韦伯伦理—经济“理想类型”的历史哲学取向
7.Social Philosophy Perspectives: Two Major Types of Belief and Their Relationship;社会哲学视野:信仰的两大类型及其关系
8.It contains scientific philosophy and philosophical methodology.它包括学科哲学和哲学方法学(方法类应用哲学)。
9.On the Nature of Marxist Philosophy:Practical Philosophy of Anthropology;论马克思哲学的实质:实践人类学哲学
10.Economic Philosophy:The Philosophical Reflection to The Human Economical World;经济哲学:哲学对人类经济世界的反思
11.The Regional philosophy,World s philosophy,cosmic philosophy --To study the development stages of philosophy on the basis of regionalism;区域哲学·世界哲学·宇宙哲学——从地域分类视角看哲学的发展阶段
12.A Great Roc: From a Philosophical Allusion to a Literary Ego;大鹏:从哲学意象到文学自我——庄子、李白文化符号类型比较
13.Overall Meankg Structure: Total Typology;全面的意义结构:总体类型学——解析戈德曼的哲学理论逻辑
14.An Exploration into the Essence and Type of Modern Instructional Environment:Analysis of Culture Philosophy;当代教学环境的实质与类型新探:文化哲学的分析
15.From Individual Body to Class Body--People in Transition and Reform of Philosophical Education;从个体主体到类主体——人的转型与哲学教育的变革
16.Iris Murdoch s Moral Philosophy and Rhetorical Creation of Type:A Close Reading of The Time of the Angels;论艾丽丝·默多克的道德哲学和类型修辞——以《天使的时光》为例
17.On Categories of Opinion Propositional Attitude and Object Proposition--Serial Research on Philosophy of Language;意见命题意向谓词与客体命题的类型——语言哲学系列探索之五
18.In philosophy, an ontology is a theory about the nature of existence, of what types of things exist; ontology as a discipline studies such theories.哲学上,本体论是探讨存在本质的理论,探讨什麽类型的事物存在,并研究这类理论的一门学科。

types of philosophy哲学类型
3)philosophical classification哲学分类
1.Quite a number of philosophers worked out their conceptions of philosophical classification which all but have some defect of one or another sort.不少哲学家都提出了自己的哲学分类构想。
4)philosophical anthropology哲学人类学
1.Science and technology have abundant and profound philosophical anthropology significance,which could not only open human s outside nature,but also extend human s inside nature.科学技术具有丰富而深刻的哲学人类学意义。
2.The Later philosophical anthropology only studied the individual,not the humankind as a whole.已往的哲学人类学只研究人类个体而不研究人类整体。
3.From the visual angle of philosophical anthropology and based upon the background and the re.本文从哲学人类学的视角,在考察《周易》经传的产生背景以及“感”、“象”、“数”三者之间关系的基础上,认为《周易》经传中的象数观念其实是原始时代的感性具体的思维方式及其宇宙观的积淀。
5)human philosophy人类学哲学
1.And it was acted the importent character in the human philosophy of“take person as highest goal”.近代西方主体性哲学的发展,使“崇高”的文化内涵逐渐丰富起来,它在康德那里不但与优美一并成为解析判断力的两大范畴,更在其“以人为最高目的”的人类学哲学中扮演着重要角色。
6)philosophy anthropology哲学人类学
1.Beauty certaily aims at morality under the backgroud of philosophy anthropology.康德哲学美学是主体性学说,在哲学人类学的背景下,美必然以道德为旨归;该命题有着深远的历史思想渊源,在其哲学探索人与自然统一关系的背景中诞生;同时也与康德推崇卢梭有重要关系,受卢梭影响而对人及人的自由重视;该命题的提出有着它的现实基础,康德感于当时人的生存状况而对人及人的自由思考与重视“,美是道德的象征”就是在意识层面上达到人与自然的统一。

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀