个人观,view of individual
1)view of individual个人观
1.there is an inherent relationship between the view of individual and the discourse of modernity.现代性话语与个人观有着内在的关联。

1.ATTORNEYS' comments about the outcome of CLIENT'S matter are expressions of opinion only.代理人对委托人案件结果的评论仅属个人观点。
2.Technological Man and Moral Man--On He Lin’s Conception of a Modern Confucian;技术人与道德人——论贺麟的儒者型个人观
3.inquired the grave-digger, who was looking on.旁观的那个掘墓人问道。
4.That' s my private view.那是我个人的观点。
5.That 's a matter of opinion.那只是个人的观点。
6.He is a man of little observation.他是个观察力极差的人。
7.one who adheres to traditional views.一个坚持传统观念的人。
8.Individual or specified judgment or outlook; opinion.个人看法,见解个人的或规定的判断或观点;观点
9.two people who held separate views on the issue.对这个问题持个别观点的两个人
10.Effects of Personal Investment Theory on Spectator′s Decision to Attendance;个人投资理论对观众观赛决策的影响
11.Insisting on the Three Basic Viewpoints for People s Interests by the Party;坚持党的人民利益观的三个基本观点
12.How adequate is this view of human character?这个关于人类个性的观点适不适切?
13.A person who has provincial ideas or habits.乡下人一个有乡下观念或习惯的人
14.Human, Human Individuality, Literature--The Early View of Literature of Zhou Zuoren人·个性·文学——论周作人早期的文学观
15."Impersonal, as in attitude or views."非个人的,一般的态度或观点上非个人的
16.Nigara Falls is a wonderful sight.尼亚加拉大瀑布是一个令人叹为观止的景观。
17.Adolescent Imaginary Audience and Personal Fable;青少年假想观众和个人神话观念的研究述评
18.Conscientiously Study the Important Thought of Three Represents And Acquire Correct Values and Outlook on Life and World;认真学习“三个代表”重要思想 确立科学的世界观、人生观、价值观

individual conception个人观
1.Sociological Analysis of Collective and Individual Conception of Chinese Rural Residents in Social Transformation;社会转型期我国农村居民集体观和个人观的社会学分析
3)Personal Viewpoints个人观点
1.Analyzing Authors Personal Viewpoints from the Selection of Synonyms in Journalistic English;从报刊英语中同义词的选用透析作者的个人观
4)individual history idea个人史观
5)personal subjective outlook个人主体观
1.In view of the culture, this whole illustrates the capitalist cultural value crisis, crisis of conscience, personal subjective outlook crisis and globalization crisis.由文化入手,从资本主义文化价值观危机、精神信仰危机、个人主体观危机、“全球化”危机四个方面阐述了资本主义文化危机。
6)individual values个人价值观
1.This paper proposed that the country values should be placed in the dominant position in the establishment of social,national and individual values,then put forward the suggestion that the country values education be carried out among the student to guide the students individual values establishment.文章提出了国家价值观在社会、民族和个人价值观建立中处主导地位的观点,进而提出了在学生中进行国家价值观教育,以引导学生个人价值观建立的建议。

不自观音,以观观者【不自观音,以观观者】  不自观音者,谓不随声尘所起知见也。以观观者,谓返照自性也。不起知见,则无所妄;返照自性,则一切真寂,无复苦恼。故令受苦众生,蒙此真观,即得解脱,是为无畏。经云:观其音声,即得解脱。是也。