现代性态度,attitude of modernity
1)attitude of modernity现代性态度
2)Appropriate modernity适度现代性

1.Architecture Annotation of Moderate Modernity: Inspiration from Creation of Benxi Museum Architecture适度现代性的建筑诠释——以本溪博物馆建筑创作为例
2.The Postmodern Nature of Internet and Adjustment of Copyright s Fair Use Doctrine;网络后现代特性与著作权合理使用制度的调适
3.An Applicability Research on the Modern Operational Risk Measurement Method;关于现代操作风险度量方法的适用性研究
4.Between "Rational Structure" and"Moral Conduct"--A Logic Analysis of Modern Social Adjustment“理性制度”与“德行”之间——现代社会调适的逻辑分析
5.Empirical Comparison Analysis and Applicability of Current Credit Risk Measurement Models;现代信用风险度量模型的实证比较与适用性分析
6.This extreme attitude of a critical reconstruction of the academic reason will perhaps be practical with modern literary studies at a time of doubts atout rationality and modernity.值此理性与现代性一起遭受怀疑之际,这种倡导适度理性的学术态度庶几对矫枉过正有所补益。
7.On Rang--Also on modern application of Confucian Rang论“让”——兼谈儒家之“让”的现代适用度
8.Criticism and Construction of Modernism--A Comparison between the Modernism Thought of Dewey and Hu Shi;现代性的批判与现代性的建构——杜威与胡适现代性思想比较
9.On the Distribution System Adapted to the Modern Enterprise System;论与现代企业制度相适应的收入分配制度
10.In keeping with the growing complexity of modern business,为了适应现代商务日益增长的复杂性,
11.The Construction of the Adaptation Organization Based on Modern Science and Technology Revolution;基于现代科技革命的适应性组织构建
12.On the Psychological Stress and Self-Ajustment of Modern Vocational Women;现代职业女性的心理压力与自我调适
13.Adequate Political Expectation and Reasonable Academic Promotion:Ideology and Marxism under the Perspective of Chinese Modernity;适度的政治期待与合理的学术推进——中国现代性视野下的意识形态与马克思主义
14.Research of Developing Modern Venture Capital within Limits and Measures in China;中国现代风险投资的适度发展与对策研究
15.On How the Inside Audit Meet the Needs of Modern Enterprise System;内部审计如何适应现代企业制度的要求
16.Advancing Agricultural Moderate Mass Production to Change Modernization Agricultural Development Mode;推进农业适度规模经营 转变现代农业发展方式
17.Knowledge change and institutional adaptation: considering modern school system in the view of epistemology;知识变迁与制度调适:现代学制的知识学观照
18.Construction of a Modern University Institution Conforming to the Scientific View of Development;构建与科学的发展观相适应的现代大学制度

Appropriate modernity适度现代性
3)high modernity高度现代性
4)system of modernity现代性制度
5)postmodern academic attitudes后现代学术态度
6)Gesture of Anti-modernism反现代性姿态
1.The Gesture of Anti-modernism from Rural Viewpoint;乡土视角下的反现代性姿态

态度类似性态度类似性similarity of attitudes  态度类似性(similarity of attitudes)交往双方在态度方面的相似程度。人与人之间在交往过程中,如果彼此在理想、信念、价值观、世界观等态度体系方面有更多的相似或相同之处,彼此便容易建立起良好的人际关系,反之便会影响人际关系的亲密水平。因此,态度的类似性也是建立人际关系的基本条件,“物以类聚,人以群分”就是这个道理。 (孙俊山撰张交审)