主体需要,subjective demand
1)subjective demand主体需要
1.The contradictions between continuously growing subjective demands and objective dissatisfiction and between the limits of man s natural organs and limitlessness of demands of productivity development promote the constant development of productivity.生产力系统自我运动最深刻的源泉来自自身内在的矛盾运动,即主体的需要以及不断发展着的需要与客体不能完全满足主体需要的矛盾和人的天然器官功能的有限性与生产力发展要求的无限性的矛盾运动,推动了生产力由低级向高级的不断发展。
2.It involves objective property satisfying subjective demands,and entails the meaning of the object to the subject.审美价值是对真的价值和善的价值的包含和超越 ,是客体属性对主体需要的满足 ,客体对象对主体的意义 ,审美属性及主体的审美需要都是价值要素 ,价值尺度包涵了主体尺度和客体尺度 ,是主体尺度对客体尺度的吸收和提升。

1.Value is the relational category of the object to the subject and meeting the needs of the subject.价值是客体相对于主体并满足主体需要和目的的关系范畴。
2.Rationality of Subject’s Needs: the Criterion for Rationality of Value Judgment;主体需要的合理性是价值判断合理性的标准
3.On human ontology,need,value and moral education;人的主体性、需要和价值意识与德育
4.Should China Build a Market-based Financial System?;中国需要选择市场主导型金融体系吗
5.On the Value and Encouragement of the Subject of Self a loral Needs论主体自我道德需要的价值及其激励
6.The physical suffering to be relieved is chiefly woman's.需要解除的主要是妇女的肉体上的痛苦。
7.Micro subject of the insurance market: Inadequate demand for commercial insurance.这主要表现在1、险市场微观需求主体:对商业保险的需求不足。
8.In present period, especially needs making patriotism, collectivism and socialism as basic guiding direction of val-ue.在现阶段,尤其需要以爱国主义、体主义、会主义作为基本的价值导向。
9.The application of law needs to explain, a judge should be a subject that explain.刑法的适用需要解释,法官应是解释的主体。
10.The government spokesman gave out that the Chairman was not well and required a few days of complete rest.政府发言人宣布,主席身体不适,需要静养数日。
11.Moral Needs and Subjective Choice of University Student’s Moral Qualities;道德需要与大学生道德人格的主体化选择
12.New Socialist Countryside Needs a Compound Old Age Security System;社会主义新农村需要复合型养老保障体系
13.Moral Education on Development of the Subject: Realistic Necessity of Moral Education;主体发展性道德教育:道德教育的现实需要
14.A Research into the Need and Stimulation of the Principle Part of Human Resources in Universities.;高校主体性人力资源的需要与激励研究
15.Playing Farmers' Innovation Spirit and Setting up the Fair Game Platform农民主体作用的发挥需要建立公平博弈平台
16.On the Conversion of Starting Point from Subject s Demmands to Object s Needs in Ideological and Political Work;论思想政治工作起点由主体要求向客体需要的转换
17.So constituting the model of multi-agent cognize reasoning must consider the interaction among agents.为此我们需要区分团体知识与公共知识,需要借助博弈论方法分析描述主体认知的动态性。
18.Bell ringing, as a signal of non language communication, was especially prepared for the senile and infirm patients, with a satisfaction rate of 97.37%.而摇铃主要作为年老体弱患者需要非语言交流的信号 ,满意率为 97.37%。

the need of the principal part主体的需要
3)framework of subject need主体需要框架
4)Student's needs of principal body学生主体需要
6)Dominant Needs主导需要
1.The Dominant Needs and Motivating Factors of Knowledge Employees;知识型员工主导需要及激励因素的研究
2.The result shows: 1) the strongest dominant needs are the need of seeking knowledge, the need of friendship, the need of self respect, the need of self reliance and the need of making a contribution while the weakest non dominant needs are the need of sex, the need of material enjoyment, the need of power, and the need of avoiding injury and humiliation; 2) from the an.结果表明:强度最大的主导需要为求知的需要、友情的需要、自尊自立的需要、建树的需要;强度最弱的非主导需要为性的需要、物质享受的需要、权力的需要、躲避伤害和躲避羞辱的需要;从需要的6 大维度看,由强至弱依次为发展的需要、尊重的需要、贡献的需要、交往的需要、安全的需要和生理的需要;边疆少数民族地区师专学生的需要结构存在团体差异和个体差
