类价值,species value
1)species value类价值
1.Some thoughts on species values of human based on species philosophy基于类哲学的人的类价值沉思
2.The value details of sustainable development mainly incarnates as the natural values which unifies of inner value and exterior value, the species value which unifies the synchronic and diachronic, the all - round development of the individual which unifies material value and spirit value.可持续发展的价值底蕴,集中体现为内在价值与外在价值相统一的自然价值观、共时性与历时性相统一的类价值、物质价值与精神价值相统一的人的全面发展。
2)IT value categoriesIT价值类型
1.On the basis of analyzing IT evolution,the architecture of IT and its applied value in enterprises were studied,an IT value categories framework based on value .在分析IT演进的基础上 ,研究了IT结构的构成及其在企业组织中的应用价值 ;构造了一个基于价值创造的IT价值类型框架 ,并结合案例进行了分析 。
3)value types价值类型

1.Value Type and its Evaluation of Forest Resource Asset森林资源资产评估的价值类型及其估值
2.Graph the three major types of cost functions.三种主要类型价值函数的曲线图。
3.On Types and Value of the Variants in Shangshu of Santishijing;论三体石经《尚书》异文的类型及价值
4.Function,category and value of metaphor in Wen Xin Diao Long;《文心雕龙》中比喻的作用、类型及价值
5.The Value of the Combination of Different Genres in Haiyan s Fiction;类型融合的价值——以海岩小说为例
6.Estimation on the VaR Based on ARCH Models;ARCH类模型在风险价值测度中的应用
7.A Study about Value Chain Management Model of Quasi-Production Function;类生产函数企业价值链管理模型研究
8.On the typology and literature values of the poems of the Qing Dynasty;论清代诗文集的类型、特征及文献价值
9.The Personality Types and its Ethical Value Presented by Zhou Yi;《周易》的人格类型与伦理价值导向
10.Study on the Types of Global Value Chains and the Growth Path of OEM Enterprises全球价值链类型与OEM企业成长路径
11.Relationship Between Parent-child Communication Type and Outlook on Values大学生亲子沟通类型与价值观的关系
12.Two models of real option pricing with leaking losses;两类含有价值漏损的实物期权定价模型
13.Evaluation of Eco-service Functions of Major Forest Types in Hunan Province湖南省主要森林类型生态服务功能价值评价
15.This provides useful information on the type of occurrences.所有资料提供有关矿床类型的有价值材料。
16.Several Kinds of Inventory Models Based on Time Value of Money and Their Optimization;基于货币时间价值的几类库存模型及其优化
17.Kind of Enterprise Department Newspaper Group s Value Chain Analysis and Transformation;类事业部型报业集团的价值链分析与改造
18.On the Patterns and Assessment of the Maternal Love Thesis in Contemprary Chinese Literature;论中国现代文学的母爱主题类型及其价值评估

IT value categoriesIT价值类型
1.On the basis of analyzing IT evolution,the architecture of IT and its applied value in enterprises were studied,an IT value categories framework based on value .在分析IT演进的基础上 ,研究了IT结构的构成及其在企业组织中的应用价值 ;构造了一个基于价值创造的IT价值类型框架 ,并结合案例进行了分析 。
3)value types价值类型
4)taxonomic value分类价值
1.The results showed that stem height,stem and inflorescent ramification are multiform in different habitats, and therefore have little taxonomic value.通过计算分析发现:株高、茎和花序分枝等性状受环境影响较大,因而其分类价值不大;叶形、毛被、叶缘锯齿等性状的变异在居群内是连续的,所以也不是可靠的分类性状;而花部性状的一些变异,包括花瓣的颜色、大小、形态,基本不受环境影响,且这些变异在居群内是不连续的,所以其分类价值相对较高。
2.The characters of reproductive organ have been the main evidences for the classification of Poaceae, but they are not totally equal in the taxonomic value because of the differences of their dependencies in morphological trait, growth position, developmental degree and environmental alteration.生殖器官性状一直是禾本科植物分类的主要依据 ,但由于各个性状所附实体的形态特点、着生位置、发育程度和环境饰变的差异 ,其分类价值是不尽相同的。
5)value type价值类型
1.The significance of ascertaining the value types of jewelry in criminal cases concerning jewelry appraisal as well as certain problems are brought about and discussed in this paper,taking the jewelry appraisal case for example from the judicial organ in the Gems Testing & Appraisal Center,Sun Yat-Sen University.以中山大学宝玉石研究鉴定(评估)中心受司法机关委托进行的珠宝资产评估案例为例,讨论了刑事案件中珠宝价值类型确定的重要性及存在的问题。
2.Analysed the value types of mortagage lending evaluation deeply,and debated the evaluation ways for mortagage lending evaluation.以现有的抵押贷款评估法律、法规及金融机构的相关规定为依据,结合资产评估的一般理论及森林资源资产的特点,探讨了森林资源资产抵押贷款评估的目的、假设等若干理论问题,深入分析了抵押贷款的价值类型,讨论了评估方法在森林资源资产抵押贷款评估中的选择与使用问题,提出了规范与完善森林资源资产抵押贷款的相关建议。
3.At present, the research in enterprise value pays attention to establish and analyze the valuation model of the enterprise value, but ignore the research in value type concept.目前国内外对企业价值的研究大多注重于从定量上研究企业价值评估模型的建立和分析,而忽略对价值类型的研究。
6)value style价值类型

价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VA  jiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分