物质无限可分,substances are infinitely divjdable
1)substances are infinitely divjdable物质无限可分
2)immeasurable separate matter物质的无限可分性
3)infinitely divisible无限可分

1.Risk-tolerance Strategy of Online Reverse Auctions for Infinite Divisible Goods;无限可分商品在线反向拍卖的风险策略研究
2.Classification of Infinitely Dimensional Indecomposable U_q(sl_2)-modules;无限维不可分解U_q(sl_2)-模的分类
3.Finite element analysis on reliability of lead-free soldered joints for CSP deviceCSP器件无铅焊点可靠性的有限元分析
4.Semi-infinite programming based on Kriging reliability analysis以Kriging可靠度分析为基础的半无限规划
5.infinite branch无穷分枝, 无限分枝
6.Threshold Identity Authentication Scheme without Trusted Center and It’s Game Theoretical Analysis无可信中心的门限身份认证方案及其博弈分析
7.Security-analysis of a(t,n) threshold signature scheme without trusted party无可信中心的(t,n)门限签名方案的安全性分析
8.New threshold partially blind signature scheme without trusted center无可信中心的新型门限部分盲签名方案
9.infinitely continuously derivable functio无限次连续可微函数
10.infinite amount of vaporization(分馏时无限汽化) 无限蒸发
11.The managers may have limited or unlimited discretion.经理们可有无限或有限酬处权。
12.Inverse Iimits and Infinite Tychonoff Produces About B_i-Expandable Spaces关于可膨胀空间的逆极限及无限Tychonoff积
13.The government image can be divided into visible image and invisible image, total image and partial image, true image and false image, realistic image and ideal image.政府形象可分为有形形象与无形形象; 总体形象与局限形象;
14.A partnership may have unlimited liability as well as limited liability.合营可以是无限责任也可以是有限责任。
15.Wuxi Huadong Cocoa Food Corp., Ltd.无锡华东可可食品有限公司
16.It saves a lot of money and a great deal of efforts in language learning.可省无数银子,可免语言学习的无限痛苦,
17.Separation of variables for vibration problems of infinite and semiinfinite strings无限长与半无限长弦振动的分离变量解法
18.You can also get detailed views of the performance of children or parent routines, enabling you to dissect performance in an almost unlimited number of ways.你还可以获得性能分析视图的上下级细节信息,甚至分解成无限个小环节来分析其性能。

immeasurable separate matter物质的无限可分性
3)infinitely divisible无限可分
4)separated infinite tree可分无限树
5)Infinitely Divisible Cascade(IDC)无限可分层叠
6)the profound infiniteness of matter物质深邃无限性

渤海铝业有限公司铝箔分卷机分卷铝箔渤海铝业有限公司铝箔分卷机分卷铝箔 渤海铝业有限公司铝箔分卷机分卷铝箔