常道,Unvaring Tao
1)Unvaring Tao常道

1.The Way that can be told of is not an Unvarying Way. The names that can be named are not the unvarying names."道可道, 非常道; 名可名, 非常名"
2.Naming represents a way of thinking or observation.所以老子开篇即说“道可道,非常道,名可名,非常名。
3.Only through constant practice, can you improve your skills.常言道,“熟能生巧”。
4.Horse's narrow esophagus stenosis results in repeated choke.马的食道狭窄,常常引起食道阻塞。
5.His master was angry and asked,主人非常生气,问道:
6.a condition in which the vagina is unusually dry.阴道异常干燥的状态。
7.We often go swimming [hunting] together.我们常一道去游泳[打猎]。
8.News is often colored.新闻常被歪曲报道。
9.As the saying goes, @Every man has his taste.常言道:“人各有所好。”
10.As the saying goes, @Don't put the cart before the horse.常言道:“切勿本末倒置。”
11.as the saying goes, there is no smoke without fire.常言道,无风不起浪。
12.`More haste,less speed,' as the saying goes.常言道`欲速则不达.'
13.So the streets became crowded所以道路得非常拥挤,
14.associate with sb ;act together with or often deal with sb与某人交往或常打交道
15.An attack of these spasms. Often used with the.呃道的发作。通常与the连用
16.We often go fishing together.我们常一道去钓鱼。
17.The avenue is magnificent.这条林荫道异常幽美。
18.Religious rites for the dead are prohibited in the 7th and 20th Districts.七都和二十都禁做道常

Moral common knowledge道德常识
3)Abnormal passage异常通道
4)Changhong Tunnel常洪隧道
5)Equatorial anomaly赤道异常
1.Numerical simulation results show that the phenomena of equatorial anomaly is only a.结果表明:在磁静日时,赤道异常现象仅在白天出现在磁扰日时,当在向电场足够大时,可引起沿场排列不均匀结构,在夜间也可以出现赤道异常现象。
2.SELIT consists of six NNSS differential Doppler receiving stations which span about 20°latitude range from Manila to Shanghai,and it is specifically designed to enable tomographic imaging of electron density large-scale structure in the region of ionospherlc equatorial anomaly.该台链专为电高层赤道异常区电子密度大尺度结构CT成像而设计,其目的是监测研究赤道异常形态与动力学、电离层等离子体泡、行优以及暴时磁层-电离层-热层耦合过程等重要的赤道与低纬区电离层现象。
3.All above indicate that the regional properties of Kunming station and the evolution characteristics of ionospheric irregularities in the equatorial anomaly.这充分体现了昆明站的地域特性及赤道异常区电离层不规则结构发展特性。
6)abnormality and uprightness反常合道
1.Its essence is abnormality and uprightness,i.其实质是"反常合道",即与理,与常规,与古板的对立,它始终代表着一种民间精神的展示,代表着新奇的艺术追求。

常道【常道】 (杂语)寻常之道理也。无量寿经下曰:“生死常道转相嗣立。”