认识论转向,epistemological turn
1)epistemological turn认识论转向
1.At the beginning of reform and opening up, a group of scholars represented by Professor Gao Qinghai claimed to understand Marxist philosophy from an epistemological perspective, starting an attempt to reform classical textbooks of philosophical principles, and achieving the epistemological turn in China s Marxist philosophy.在改革开放之初,以高清海先生为代表的一批学者提出了对马克思主义哲学的认识论理解,开始了改革传统哲学原理教科书的尝试,实现了我国马克思主义哲学研究的认识论转向

1.The Significance of the Epistemological Turn in Marxist Philosophy--to Commemorate the 30th Anniversary of Reform and Opening-up Policy;马克思主义哲学研究认识论转向的意义——纪念改革开放30周年
2.Transendental Turn and Existential Turn of Epistemology--Re-understanding of Epistemology in Existential Dimension;认识论的先验转向和生存论转向——以生存论维度重新理解认识论
3.A Critique to Richard Rorty s Conception of Knowledge--And On the Pragmatics Turn of Epistemology;罗蒂知识观批判——兼论认识论的语用学转向
4.The Epistemological Meaning of Research Turn of Sociology of Scientific Knowledge;科学知识社会学研究转向的认识论意义
5.The process,form and pattern of the conversion fromrational knowledge to perceptual knowledge --Understanding of the mechanism of practice the theories;理性认识向感性认识转化的阶段、形态和模式——兼谈理论向实践转化的认识机制
6.Susanne K. Langer s Artistic Philosophy:Change from Epistemology to Ontology;苏珊·朗格的艺术哲学:从认识论向本体论的转换
7.Conversion from "Professional Human" to "Cultural Human"从“专业人”走向“文化人”——论当代教师认识论的转变
8.Differentiation of Natural Science from Philosophy and Evolution of Philosophical Formation;论本体论向认识论的转变与马克思主义哲学建立的关系
9.From Cognizance to Approval--Modern Transformation of Chinese Literati's Consciousness of Death从认识到认同——论中国文人死亡意识的现代转变
10.Orientation Change in Criticism Theory--From "Form" to "Cognition";批评理论的转向:从“形式”走向“认知”
11.Preschool Literature Education: from Theory of Knowledge to Theory of Being;幼儿文学教育:从认识论走向存在论
12.Phenomenological Intention Structure Theory from Cittamatra Epistemology;从唯识认识论看现象学的意向性构成理论
13.Deepening the Theoretical Understanding of the Transformation of the Development Pattern;加深对转变经济发展方式的理论认识
14.Two Misunderstandings Concerning the Theory and Practice of Industrial Transition;产业转移理论与实践认识的两个误区
15.Zhu Xi s "Li Yi Fen Shu" and Its Epistemological Direction;朱熹的“理一分殊”及其认识论指向
16.On Xiang Jingyu s Understanding of Marxism and Practice;论向警予对马克思主义的认识和实践
17.A Critical Reflection on the Thought of “Despising Knowledge" in Chinese Basic Education;认真对待“轻视知识”的教育思潮——再评由“应试教育”向素质教育转轨提法的讨论
18.Epistemology with the Guidance of Interests--Research on the Characteristics of Habermas s Epistemology;以兴趣为导向的认识论——对哈贝马斯认识论特点的探讨

epistemological turn to pragmatics认识论的语用学转向
3)bi-directional epistemology双向认识论
1.Students translation competence,according to the elements involved in the translation process and by the bi-directional epistemology,namely the macro-to-micro-to-macro one,falls into cognitive competence of translation ontology,manipulative command of translation objects,and initiative as translation subjects.本文采用从宏观到微观再到宏观的双向认识论方法,按照翻译过程涉及的因素归结英语专业本科生的翻译能力,提出英语专业本科生翻译能力的复合培养模式:在程序上重过程,在内容上求全面综合,在手段方式上力求多层次、立体化。
4)epistemological direction认识论指向
5)e pistemology认识论倾向
6)conversion of the knowledge theory知识论转向

辩证唯物主义认识论(见认识论)辩证唯物主义认识论(见认识论)theory of knowledge of dialectical materialism  blanZhengweiwOZ卜U丫1 rens卜jlUn辩证唯物主义认识论(t heory ofkn。wle此eofd坛lectical mater认价皿)见认识论。