两个决不会,two nevers
1)two nevers两个决不会

1.The Internal Unification of “the Two Necessities” and “the Two Absolute Nonpossibilities”;“两个必然”和“两个决不会”的内在统一
2.The Scientific Character of "Two Necessities" and "Two Nos" From "Two Co-existences";从“两个并存”看“两个必然”和“两个决不会”的科学性
3.A historical view on “two necessities” and “two impossibilities”;从宏观历史高度看待“两个必然”和“两个决不会
4.The Relationship Between the "Two Necessities", the "Two nos" and the Doom of Capitalism;“两个必然”、“两个决不会”与资本主义的灭亡
5.Accurately Understanding the Dialectic Relation between "Two Necessities" and "Two Negations;正确认识“两个必然”与“两个决不会”的辩证关系
6.Expound Briefly The Theoryof Marxist “Two Necessities” and “Two Absolute Nonpossibilities”;论马克思主义“两个必然”和“两个决不会”的理论
7.Two Impossibilities:the Core Explanation of the Times;“两个决不会”是对时代的核心解释
8.Marx s thought on the "Two Nevers" and socialism with Chinese characteristics;马克思“两个决不会”思想与中国特色社会主义
9.Several Thoughts on Marx s Two "Absolutely Not";对马克思两个“决不会”的几点思考
10.Most of the problems were solved at the meeting, but two were left hanging in the air.大多数问题在会上得到了解决,但还有两个问题悬而不决。
11.I would remember that a good skater never tries to skate two directions at once.我不会忘记,优秀的溜冰者决不会试图同时滑向两个方向。
12.There are two things in this life for which we are never fully preparing, and that is - twins.人生有两个我们决不会作好准备的东西,那就是——孪生子。
13.There is two thing in this life for which we is never fully prepare, and that is - twins.人生有两个我们决不会作好准备的东西,那就是--孪生子。
14.Force is wrong, and two wrongs never make a right.暴力是错误的,两个错误加在一起决不会变得正确起来。
15.The problem of our ability to fight was solved within the first two or three months.能不能打,这个问题两三个月就解决了。
16.But even if the president rejects the bill, Congress can override his veto with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House and the Senate.但即使总统否决了这个法案,国会可以透过参、众两院三分之二的票数同意而不顾他的否决。
17.The two finalists are well matched and it should result in a nail-biting finish to the tournament.两个决赛者棋鼓相当,决赛将会扣人心弦的。
18.You cannot go wrong--the road is bordered by trees on both sides.'‘你决不会走错的,大路两旁都有树。

two absolute improbability两个绝不会
3)No, only for two weeks.不,两个星期。
4)Two are all incorrect.两个都不对。
5)"two thorough ruptures"两个彻底决裂
6)It definitely can't go wrong.决计不会错。

不会迁徙的夏威夷雁(图)  夏威夷雁,又叫夏威夷鹅,属雁形目,鸭科,与加拿大鹅有亲缘关系,是加拿大鹅迁徙到夏威夷以后进化而成的不会迁徙的陆栖鹅。翅膀较短,脚上部分有蹼。夏威夷雁体长约65厘米,有灰色和褐色的栅格羽毛。颈上有黑色的条纹,黑色的脸。它们在山坡上食浆果和野草。后来成为夏威夷引进哺乳动物捕食的对象。这些引进的哺乳动物包括狗、猫、猪、?B。此外,还要遭到人类的捕杀。由于面临这双重灾难,到1911年,已经所剩无几。从那时候起,才禁止人们捕杀。可是夏威夷雁的数量还是有减无增。到1952年,只剩屈指可数的30只。人们不得不把它们捉起来饲养。然而饲养后放回野生地的雁却难于自我繁殖。因此境况依然不妙。 现在,夏威夷雁是夏威夷州的州鸟,受到法律的严格保护。