人的本质存在,human's essential existence
1)human's essential existence人的本质存在
2)human true and primitive existence人的本真存在
1.First, this article describes the condition of the human alienation in present times through studying the human true and primitive existence.本文首先通过对人的本真存在的考察,阐述了当今时代的人的异化存在状况,在此基础上,本文分析了当代人的异化存在之因——工具理性的越界。
3)essence of being存在本质

1.The Study of Problems Without Essential Components;一类不存在本质连通区的问题的研究
2.In philosophy, an ontology is a theory about the nature of existence, of what types of things exist; ontology as a discipline studies such theories.哲学上,本体论是探讨存在本质的理论,探讨什麽类型的事物存在,并研究这类理论的一门学科。
3.On the Theory of Educational Constructivism: from the Existence of Noumenon to the Formation of Essence;从本体存在到本质生成的教育建构论
4.Are we primarily physical beings or spiritual beings?根本上,我们究竟是物质的存在还是精神的存在?
5.the metaphysical study of the nature of being and existence.对于存在的本质的哲学研究。
6.existing as an essential constituent or characteristic.以一种本质的要素或特征而存在的。
7.Existence of Essential Components of Some Set-valued Mappings;一类集值映射本质连通区的存在问题
8.Anti-dialectics: The Essence of Heidegger s Existence-Ontology;反辩证法:海德格尔存在本体论的实质
9.The Existence and Essence: Academic Power of the Research-based Universities;存在与本质:研究型大学中的学术权力
10.Concept of Metaphysics in Existent and Essence;论《存在者与本质》中的形而上学概念
11.Essence and function of PE from the ontological point of view从存在论视角解析体育的本质及功能
12.Between Existence and Individual:Reflection on the Essence of Curriculum;在存在性与个人性之间:课程本质的再思考
13.I read Perls, and then I tried to seek out Gestalt trainers.以前我有本书的一章叫“体验:人本、形与存在主义治疗法的本质”。
14.We regret you should have to complain of a difference in the quality of the above.很遗憾贵公司认为本件货物质量上存在问题。
15.Thinking of the Nature of Life and Aesthetic Existence:The Essence of Marcuse s New Sensibility;生命本然与审美存在之思:马尔库塞新感性实质
16.Proprieties as an Essential Human Existence Way--Confucian Theory for Proprieties;礼仪是人的本质性的存在方式——孔子礼论
17.Metaphysical Thinking from Transcending the Reality: Existentialism Searching for the Question of Philosophy;超越现实的形上之思——论哲学问题的存在论本质
18.On the Meaning of the Virtual Presence and the Return to the Human's Essence论虚拟存在的意义及其向人的本质的回归

human true and primitive existence人的本真存在
1.First, this article describes the condition of the human alienation in present times through studying the human true and primitive existence.本文首先通过对人的本真存在的考察,阐述了当今时代的人的异化存在状况,在此基础上,本文分析了当代人的异化存在之因——工具理性的越界。
3)essence of being存在本质
4)essential existence本质存在
1.Man in Zhuang Zi s thought includes the study of man s difficult position , man s essential existence & the transformation from the non-essential existence to the essential existence .庄子人学包括人生困境的追溯、人的本质存在、人由非本质存在向本质存在的转化三个方面。
5)where sb. is at某人的本质所在
6)the ontological essence of capital资本的存在论本质

存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)existentialist ethics  cu陀012加yilun淞Ue存在主义伦理学(existeotialist ethics)见存在主丸