原初意义,the original meaning
1)the original meaning原初意义

1.On the original and modern significance of Zhouyi;试论《周易》的原初意义与现代意义
2.The Onginal Meaning of Sounds of Nature from Qiwulun;从《齐物论》看“天籁”的原初意义
3.Pruriency or Elegancy“狎邪”与“大雅”——晏几道词对宋玉《高唐》、《神女》原初意义的回归
4.Hidden Divinity of Stone-Houses in the Tibetan and Yi Corridor:Exploration of Its Original Meaning and Function Basing on the Ethnographies;隐藏的神性:藏彝走廊中的碉楼——从民族志材料看碉楼起源的原初意义与功能
5.On the Contemporary Significance of Rawls s Idea of the Original Position;罗尔斯“原初状态理念”的当代意义
6.Empirical Study on Influence of Lexical Prototypical Meaning on Listening Ability;词汇的原型意义对听力能力影响初探
7.Shaoyang Helm is a Important Concept of Six Meridians of Exagenous Febrile Diseases“少阳枢机”的原理及其临床意义初探
8.Seeking for the Original Meaning of Life--On the life consciousness of Yan Lianke s novel;探寻人生原初的意义——论阎连科小说的生命意识
9.Discussion on Feasibility of Prototype Theory in Teaching Primary English Lexicon;论原型理论对英语初级词汇教学的意义
10.River's Natural Life and Its Meaning for River Ethics河流自然生命:时代意义、方法论原则和初步结论
11.A Study on Methodologies and Clinical Significance of Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing of Chlamydia Trachomatis;沙眼衣原体药物敏感性试验方法的建立及其临床意义的初步探讨
12.Study on the Significance of the Ecological Yaodong Resort Reviving the Traditional Settlement in the Loess Plateau Area;生态窑居度假村对黄土高原地区传统聚落复兴意义初探
13.What is the Original Meaning of Life--The Symptomatic Analysis of "Ri Guang Liu Nian";人生原初究竟有何意义——《日光流年》的一种症候式分析
14.Meaning Construction and Information communication:Reform in Principles of the Courses in Architectural Design意义建构与信息传达——建筑设计原理课程教学模式改革初探
15.Author's Original Intention,Textual Meaning,and Reader's Interpretation in Translation作者原意、文本本意、读者意义与翻译
16.Objective To investigate the clinical significances in prognosis of the expression of Pyrimidine Nucleoside Phosphorylase( PyNPase) in primary hepatocellular carcinoma.目的初步探讨嘧啶核苷磷酸化酶在原发性肝癌中表达的临床预后意义。
17.semantic prototype model语义原形模式 语意原形模式
18.On the Causes of Corruption at the Sociatist Primary Stage and Countermeasures;社会主义初级阶段腐败产生的原因及对策初探

original will原初意愿
3)The original consciousness原初意识
4)Original justice原初正义
5)original meaning原始意义
1.To explore the relationship between LaFargue′s historical hermeneutics and the truth of Tao Te Ching,his introduction of “Competence”and his discovery of the original meaning of Tao Te Ching were analyzed.为了考察拉法格的历史解释学与《老子》原始意义之间的关系,文章对他所引入的“语言能力”这一概念以及他所发现的《老子》“真意”进行了分析,认为拉法格对《老子》的分析是主观的、语言学的、纯理论性的,但同时他的历史解释学理论对《老子》研究却有着非常重要的意义。
2.The amplifying usage of preposition mainly comes from it s basic spatial meaning, so they are related to their original meaning.因此它们与它们的原始意义是有关联的。
3.After the Wei and Jin dynasties,this category has two main branches,which are closely related with the original meaning of cai.魏晋以后,文论中的"才"范畴有两大发展方向,这与古人对"才"原始意义的两种理解有着极为密切的联系。
6)the meaning of the original work原作意义
1.from the perspectives of linguistics,the philosophy of language and translation studies,attempts to account for a possible gap in conte nt between the author s thought and the meaning of the original work and the propostiion that some concepts be mo re codable in the target language thanks to its particular features of lin guistic forms at each level.本文试图从语言学、语言哲学、翻译研究的角度,论证原作意义与原作者思想之间可能存在空缺,译入语由于特殊的语言形式特征在表达一定思想内容时有着客观、不同的编码优势;因而,翻译时在语言的各个层面都有发挥译文优势的空间。
