晚年生活,later life
1)later life晚年生活

1.Later in his life, Dufu was very poor.杜甫晚年生活很困苦。
2.He had an un-restrained personality, experienced many hardships in life and was poor and frustrated in his later years.疏狂放任,一生坎坷多舛,晚年生活潦倒,
3.The opera star wanted in her later years.那位歌剧明星晚年生活困苦。
4.Her widowhood condemns her to a lonely old age.守寡使她不得不过着孤独的晚年生活
5.Wang Yangming s Taoist Spirit;王阳明的道教情结——以晚年生活为主线
6.This aspect often shows success coming in the later part of life.这相位通常显示出晚年生活才获得的成功。
7.Love·Sex·Death:Duras s Love Novel and Her life in Her Later Years;爱·性·死——杜拉斯的情爱作品和她的晚年生活
8.Healthy eating and physical exercise are part of maintaining general good health in later life," she said.健康饮食和体育锻炼是在晚年生活保持健康的一部分。“她说。
9.The later part of his life was shadowed by his son's tragic death.他儿子死这一被悲惨事件给他的晚年生活投上了阴影。
10.I'm indeed getting on, and a helpmate would cheer my declining day我确实老了,有一个老伴就会给我的晚年生活带来欢乐。
11.His life of sunset is very happy.他晚年的生活很幸福。
12.The poet lived a happy life in his later life.这位诗人晚年过着一种幸福的生活。
13.The Life Around Rural Markets of Lu You in His Late Years in "Jinghu Lake Poetry";“镜湖诗”中的陆游晚年农村市场生活
14.Indeed, what sadder sight is there than vice in old age, especially in a woman?的确,还有什么比放荡生活的晚年——尤其是女人的放荡生活的晚年——更悲惨的呢?
15.The old man lost his wife and son, and led a desolate life for his remaining years.这个老人妻儿俱亡晚年过着落寞的生活。
16.The famous poet Bai Juyi led a quiet life at home when he was old.如诗人白居易,晚年家居过着平静的生活,
17.A Critical Confession " --Life and Thought of the Old Althusser;“一个批判的忏悔”:晚年阿尔都塞的生活和思想
18.He was still very active in the evening of his life.他在晚年时仍很活跃。

The Retirement Life with Leisure in the Later Years晚年退闲生活
3)life history年生活史
1.Supplementary study on life history of emerald ash borer,Agrilus planipennis,in different areas of China;花曲柳窄吉丁在不同地区年生活史的补充研究
2.There was both one generation and two generations in its life history each year,in which about 3/4 of the total individuals occurred one generation each year.种群年生活史同时存在1年1代和1年2代现象,其中1年1代的个体数占大多数,大约占虫口总数的3/4。
4)life cycle年生活史
1.Annual life cycle and population dynamics of Sylepta derogata;棉大卷叶螟的年生活史与种群动态
5)life age cycle生活年史
1.This is a report of the field work in Nanchong suburbs,1991~1992,with the aim oflooking into the form characteristics,life habit,life age cycle and regular growth-and-decline pattern of Phyl-locnistis citrella.作者于1991~1992年在南充市郊进行了柑桔潜叶蛾的形态特征、生活习性、生活年史及消长规律研究,为防治柑桔潜叶蛾提供了科学依据。
6)living age生活年龄
1.Disputes often arise when skeletal age is used in judgment by judicial bodies,so it is an important and hard task for forensic medicine to determine the skeletal age close enough to living age.骨龄又叫骨骼测定年龄,刑法所规定的"刑事责任年龄"为某一个体的"生活年龄",二者所代表的含义不同,且存在着较大的差异。
