信仰理性,faith rationality
1)faith rationality信仰理性
1.Teacher’s teaching rationality should contain‘faith rationality’,‘cognitive rationality’, and‘reflective rationality’.教育是理性的事业,教师需要形成合理的教学理性以保证教育教学活动合乎理性地展开,健全、合理的教学理性应当同时涵具“信仰理性”、“认知理性”、“反思理性”,单一的“信仰理性”或者“认知理性”都不足以实现教育教学的理性要求。

1.On View of "Rationality of Belief" of Muhammad;浅谈穆罕默德·阿布杜的“信仰理性”观
2.Faith Reason, Cognitive Reason and Reflective Reason;信仰理性·认知理性·反思理性——理性“天然合法性”的根据何在
3.Scepticism and Animal Faith怀疑论和非理性信仰
4.LOGOS TREATMENT OF IRRATIONAL RELIGION--Discussing on Problem of Irrational Religion in the Harmonious Society;非理性信仰的理性对待——谈和谐社会中的非理性信仰问题
5.a rational motive for a belief or action.信仰或行为背后的理性动机。
6.an irrational belief arising from ignorance or fear.因无知或害怕引起的无理性信仰。
7.The Syncretism between Faith and Reason--A Study on the Thought of Philo Judaeus;信仰与理性的汇融——斐洛思想研究
8.Philosophical Review on Irrational Beliefs in Contemporary Chinese Society;当前中国社会非理性信仰的哲学观照
9.Formation of Philosophy in the Middle Age: An Accommodation of Logos and Belief;中世纪哲学的形成:理性与信仰的调和
10.Reason and Sense--In Perspective of the Belief Factor in Science;理性与意义——从科学中的信仰因素看
11.Towards the meaning world on rational faith--implication of Kante’s moral faith走向理性信仰的意义世界——康德道德信仰观对我们的启示
12.Comments on Russells Thought of Knowledge Certainty;经验·理性·信仰——罗素知识确定性思想述评
13.For Rational Faith:The Argument over Modernity Versus Post-modernity on Educational Outlook为了理性的信仰——教育观的现代性与后现代之思
14.On the Blended Composition of Maitreya Belief and Amitābha Belief试论弥勒信仰与弥陀信仰的交融性
15.Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.信仰必将一切动机、理性和谅解踏于足下。
16.Rationalism usually considers itself more religious than empiricism.理性主义总以为自己比经验主义更有宗教信仰。
17.The mysteries of faith are hidden from sense and reason.信仰的奥秘是感觉和理性所不能察知的。
18.Foundation of Belief in Rationalism--new annotation on descartes’metaphysics理性主义的信仰基础——笛卡儿形而上学新诠

rational belief理性信仰
1.Research of Thomas Aquinas Rational Belief;托马斯·阿奎那的理性信仰研究
3)view of "rationality of belief"信仰理性观
4)irrational belief非理性信仰
1.Many irrational beliefs prevail in contemporary China,which could be reduced to various causes——present or traditional,individual or social.当前中国社会非理性信仰盛行,原因既有现实的,也有传统的,既有个人的,也有社会的。
5)The Rationality and the Faith理性与信仰
6)reasonable belief rationality合理信仰理性
