必然性与偶然性,certainty and contingency
1)certainty and contingency必然性与偶然性

1.Necessity and Chance of Educational System Innovation;论教育制度创新的必然性与偶然性(下)
2.Necessity and Chance of Educational System;论教育制度创新的必然性与偶然性(上)
3.Analysis on Causes of the Formation of Flourishing Age of Kangxi and Qianlong--Discussion of Historical Necessity and Contingency;康乾盛世成因蠡析——兼论历史必然性与偶然性
4.On the contingency, necessity, probable of criminal investigation;论刑事侦查的偶然性、必然性与或然性
5.Post-modern Writing:the Inevitability of Plot and the Fortuity of Non-plot;后现代写作:构思的必然性与非构思的偶然性
6.Uniformity of Contingency and Necessity in Inspiration;谈“灵感”中偶然性和必然性的统一
7.Disscuss about the Inevitability and the Occasionality of the Engraving论版画艺术表现中的必然性和偶然性
8.the modal logic of necessity and possibility and contingency.讨论必要性可能性与偶然性的模态逻辑。
9.dependent upon or characterized by chance.偶然决定的或偶然性。
10.The quality or condition of being fortuitous.偶然性,偶然偶然发生的性质或状态
11.Three Broken winged Butterflies--The Tragedies of Three Negative Female Antagonists;三只折翅的蝴蝶——论三个非正面女性角色悲剧的偶然与必然
12.Mastering the Inevitability in the Chanciness--On Deng Xiaoping s Thinking of Seizing the Apportunities;从偶然性中驾驭必然性——论邓小平抓机遇的思想
13.But chance is only the one pole of a relation whose other pole is named "necessity."但是,偶然性只是相互依存性的一极,它的另一极叫作必然性。
14.The Tragedy Resulting from the Conflict Between Rationality and Contingency;理性与偶然性对抗下的悲剧——简析《诺言》
15.The unity ofopposites on the chance and necessity ofthe origin of human disease hasessentially been clarified by Darwinian medicine .达尔文医学从本源上阐明了人类疾病产生的偶然性与必然性的对立统一。
16.A Coincidence? The Inevitability of History--Analysis of Contemporary Chinese Women from Sister Carrie;偶然的巧合?历史的必然——从《嘉莉妹妹》看中国女性发展的现状
17.A Tentative Analysis of Contingency in Present Novels;必然缝隙里钻出的“野草”——当前小说中的“偶然性”刍议
18.Dependent upon or characterized by mere chance.偶然的或带任意性的

accidental phenomena and inexorable law偶然性与必然性
3)occasionality and inevitability偶然性和必然性
1.People s knowledge about occasionality and inevitability, simplicity and complexity, order and disorder has already exceeded complemental idea of exclusive and opposite system, and makes for a great unity of reciprocal inclusion and transformation.混沌学蕴涵着深刻的哲学内涵 ,人们关于偶然性和必然性、简单性与复杂性、有序性与无序性的认识业已超越互相排斥和对立体系的互补性思想 ,而走向互相包含和转化的统一 ,进入更高的层次。
4)probability and necessity可然性与必然性
5)necessity and contingency必然与偶然
6)haphazard and inevitability偶然与必然
1.Competition and cooperation :upgrade leadership of Core players including haphazard and inevitability in Soccer竞争与合作:足球运动中核心球员领导力提升的偶然与必然
