内在契合,inherent similarities
1)inherent similarities内在契合
1.This article will introduce these inherent similarities and the formative reasons briefly.本文将对这些理论的内在契合之处及其成因作些简要的探讨。

1.On the Inherent Connection between Constitutionalism and the Modern Political Civilization;论宪政与现代政治文明的内在契合
2.The Intrinsic Conjunction of Ideology and the Logic of Alienation;论意识形态理论与异化逻辑的内在契合
3.A Simple Discussion about the Inherent Similarities of Sushi s Calligraphic and Poetic Theories;略论苏轼诗书理论的内在契合及其成因
4.On the Inner Identity between the Philosophical Horizon and the Humanity Spirit;论哲学境界与人文精神品位的内在契合
5.Ethics of Economic Action:An lnner Agreement between Economic Action and Ethics;经济运行道德:经济运行与道德的内在契合
6.Internal Harmony and External Opportunity --An Analysis of the Recognition of The Symbol of Depression by the Chinese Modern Literary Circles;内在契合与外在机运——中国现代文坛接受《苦闷的象征》探因
7.The Internal Union Across Time and Space--Comparison of the Essays between Yang Shuo and Yu Qiuyu;跨越时空的内在契合——关于杨朔、余秋雨散文之比较
8.On the Internal Identity of Jinggangshan Spirits and Jinggangshan University;精神与大学——论井冈山精神与“井冈山大学”的内在契合
9.Internal Correspondence Between History Logic and Theory Logic in the Second Leap of Marxism-Sinolization;论马克思主义中国化第二次飞跃理论逻辑和历史逻辑的内在契合
10.The Selection of the Value of Life and Personality: A Study of the Internal Congeniality of Su Shi and Huang Ting-jian;基本人生取向与人格理想:论苏轼与黄庭坚的内在契合
11.The privilege of demanding fulfillment of a contract at a specified time.履行契约权在规定时间内要求履行合同的特权
12.The Agreement of External and Internal Beauty--Evaluation of Four Versions of Chun Xiao in Terms of Translation Aesthetics;外在美与内在美的契合——从翻译美学看《春晓》的四个译本
13.Conliousness of life:Auordance Betueen Wen Yiduo′s poetry and Jingchu Culture in internal spirit;生命意识:闻一多诗歌与荆楚文化内在精神的契合与同构
14.The Difference and Conjunction between Constitutionalism and Democracy宪政主义与民主主义的内在理论差异与现实实质契合
15.Research on Indoor Display Design Needlework Culture研究女红文化与室内陈设艺术的契合
16.The lover of nature is he whose inward and outward senses are still truly adjusted to each other, who has retained the spirit of infancy even into the era of manhood.对挚爱自然的人来说,内在和外在的感官可以真正地契合,就算已是成年,还依然保持着童稚之心。
17.appalachia: a region of the eastern United States including the appalachian Mountains.阿巴拉契亚: 美国东部包括阿巴拉契亚山脉在内的地区。
18.A contract granting use or occupation of property during a specified period in exchange for a specified rent.租契在一特定期限内转让使用或所有权以换取一定租金的契约

inner integrated point内在契合点
1.Then, it elaborates the scientific development concept and the culture industry related concepts, analyzes the characters of the culture industry and the local culture industry, and reveals the inner integrated points of the culture industry and the scientific development.然后理清了科学发展观和文化产业的相关概念,分析了文化产业特征和地区文化产业的特质,重点揭示了文化产业与科学发展观的内在契合点。
3)interior qualities to agree with内质契合
1.According to formulation of the right of labour course of development,the right of labour should be with people s development and moving to maturity constantly,right of labour and people s development have surprising interior qualities to agree with.从劳动权产生和发展的历程来看,它应和人的发展并不断走向成熟的,与人的发展有着惊人的内质契合,主要表现在劳动权和人的劳动能力的发展,劳动权和社会关系的发展,劳动权和人的需要的发展,劳动权和人的自由个性的发展四个方面。
4)agreement between interior and exterior内外契合
5)internal fit内部契合
1.Relationship between HRM system and organizational performance in power industry:The view of internal fit供电行业的人力资源管理系统与组织绩效的关系:内部契合观点
6)internal association内在结合

契合1.投合﹐意气相投。 2.符合。 3.谓结盟﹐结拜。 4.泛指结好。