哲学教科书,philosophical textbook
1)philosophical textbook哲学教科书
1.The developing project of philosophical textbooks should move forward together with the time;哲学教科书建设应当与时俱进

1.Analysing the Trend of Modern Maxist Philosophy According to the Changes of Philosophy Textbook Printed by Chinese Renmin University Publishing Company;从人大版哲学教科书的变化看当代马克思主义哲学的走向
2.The Compile of the First New China Philosophy Textbook for the Course of Marxism;新中国第一本马克思主义哲学教科书的编写
3.The Review and Self-examination of Philosophical Textbooks as"Model";对作为“范式”的哲学教科书的检讨与反思
4.On Shortcomings of the Traditional Textbooks System on Marxist Philosophy Remain and its Recompiling Requirements;马克思主义哲学教科书体系缺陷与重构要求
5.Some Ideas on Reformation of the Marxist Philosophy Textbook;对马克思主义哲学教科书改革的几点思考
6.Cognition about the reform of Marxist philosophy textbook system;对改革马克思主义哲学教科书体系的几点认识
7.The Core Clue, System Structure and Characteristics of the Demonstrate Textbook of the Principle of Marxist Philosophy;如何编写马克思主义哲学教科书——以《马克思主义哲学原理》(示范教材)为例
8.The Compilation Process and Experiences of the First Textbook of Marxist Philosophy in the New China;新中国第一本马克思主义哲学教科书的编写及其经验
9.On Marxist Philosophy Textbooks and Their System;关于马克思主义哲学教科书及其体系问题的一点思考
10.He is reading a text on Chinese philosophy.他在读一本中国哲学的教科书。
11.The Relationship Between Traditional Textbooks and Marxist Philosophy;传统教科书与马克思主义哲学的关系
12.This is an encyclopaedia of philosophy.这是本哲学百科全书。
13.Identification of the Mistakes in Some Key Propositions in Textbooks about the Principles of Philosophy;哲学原理教科书中的若干重要命题辨误
14.Theodore Schick, Jr. ed. Readings in the Philosophy of Science: From Posotivism to Postmodernism, Mayfield Publishing Company 2000.丹皮尔,《科学史及其与哲学和宗教的关系》,商务印书馆1975年。
15.Practice Concept of Marxist Philosophy马克思哲学的实践概念——兼对现有教科书实践概念的解析
16.On the Theoretical Evaluation and Analysis of Several Questionsin "Marxist Principle Philosophy" Textbook;对《马克思主义哲学原理》教科书中几个问题的理论评析
17.Two defects in the textbook of Principles Of Marxist Philosophy;《马克思主义哲学原理》教科书亟待克服的两大缺陷
18.The Study of Scientific Inquiry Teaching upon the Perspective of the Philosophy of Science;科学哲学视野下的科学探究教学研究

textbook system of Marxist philosophy哲学教科书体系
1.In view of the present academic circle s research condition,the article maintains that reconstruction of textbook system of Marxist philosophy should be given priority.重建马克思主义哲学有几个前提必须明确:要把重建马克思主义哲学教科书体系放在首位;重建的马克思主义哲学体系要以马克思哲学为基础;要准确把握马克思哲学与时代课题的结合点。
3)Soviet philosophy textbook苏联哲学教科书
1.Its epoch-making significance lies in the end of using Soviet philosophy textbook in Chinese philosophy class.《辩证唯物主义历史唯物主义》是一本由中共中央书记处决定编写的全国党校和高校通用的马克思主义哲学教材,其划时代意义是结束了中国人在自己的课堂上使用苏联哲学教科书的历史。
4)Soviet textbook philosophy苏联教科书哲学
1.Soviet textbook philosophy, as an event of philosophy which developed from the specific historical conditions and had huge influence on people s thought and behavior in the nearly half century, always has been the topic to which the academic circles pay attention since the 1980s.“苏联教科书哲学”作为主宰人们思想长达半个世纪之久的马克思主义哲学理论范式,时至今日,在一些人看来仍然是马克思主义哲学理论的“权威”范式,被视为是对马克思主义哲学的真理性认识。
5)Metaphysics textbook哲学原理教科书
6)philosophical outlook presented in traditional textbooks传统教科书哲学观

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