个人全面发展,individual development in an all-round way
1)individual development in an all-round way个人全面发展
1.People s development in an all-round way does not only refer to the individual development in an all-round way, but also to mankind s development in an all-round way.其同一性表现在它们的内容在本质上是同一的 ;在关系上 ,它们构成人的全面发展不可缺少的两个方面 ,这两个方面相互联结 ,相互制约 ,总趋向接近一致 ,个人的全面发展是人类全面发展的基础和前提 ,人类的全面发展又是个人全面发展的结果和归宿。

1.Individual and Mankind s Developments in an All-round Way and Their Dialectical Contradiction;个人全面发展与人类全面发展及其辩证矛盾性
2.Human Subjectivity-A Fundamental to Education and All-Roun d Development of Individuals;人的主体性:教育与个人全面发展的根本
3.On the Relationship between Individual Character and All-round Development;简论人的个性发展与全面发展的关系
4.On Personal Property and People s All-round and Free Development;论“个人所有制”与人的全面自由发展
5.Man's allover development has a long history course.人的全面发展有一个漫长的历史过程。
6.He has an earnest desire to be an all round person.他迫切希望成为一个全面发展的人。?
7.All-Round Development of Man and "Three Representatives;人的全面发展与“三个代表”重要思想
9.On the Important Thought of "Three Represents" and People s Development in an All-round Way;论“三个代表”重要思想与人的全面发展
10.Man s Overall Development and the Value Selection of the “Three Representatives”;人的全面发展与“三个代表”的价值取向
11.The Important Thought of Three Representatives and the All-round Development of Man;“三个代表”重要思想与人的全面发展
12.On the "Three Representatives" to Individuals Complete Development;论“三个代表”关于人的全面发展观
13.On Carrying out "Three Represents" and Realizing Man′s Overall Development;论践行“三个代表”与实现人的全面发展
14.Upholding Three Represents Promoting Man s All -round Development;坚持“三个代表”,促进人的全面发展
15.Human s All-round Development and the Scientific Intension of" Three Represents;人的全面发展与“三个代表”的科学内涵
16.The All-round Development of Human Is the Inner Requirementnts of "Three Represents;人的全面发展是"三个代表"的内在要求
17.Practise Three Representations,Improve Human s All-round Development;实践“三个代表” 推进人的全面发展
18.On Discrimination of Relations between the Education of Man s O verall Development and That of Personality Development;人的全面发展教育与个性发展教育关系辨析

individual's all-round development个人的全面发展
3)the all-rounded development of person个人的自由全面发展
1.The kernel value of Marx s theory system is the all-rounded development of person,which has two basic inherent logic points--one is labor,and the other is leisure;They both mainly contain in Marx s economic books.马克思理论体系的核心终极价值是个人的自由全面发展,它有两个内在逻辑基点,一是劳动,二是休闲,它们交织缠绕主要蕴藏在马克思的经济学著作中。
4)the freedom and all-round development of human being个人自由而全面发展
5)the individuals of free and full development自由而全面发展的个人
1.Karl Marx had described what the behaviors and symptoms the people with abnormal personality had on physical、mental、moral and aesthetic, and further point out that the people with normal personality should be the individuals of free and full development.马克思揭示了病态人格在生理、心理、道德和审美方面的表现,指出健康人格是自由而全面发展的个人。
6)Uncontrolled and overall development of each person个人自由全面发展

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