政治旨趣,Political purport
1)Political purport政治旨趣

1.On the Purport of Montesquieu's Eco-Politics Doctrine孟德斯鸠政治学说的生态政治旨趣
2.The Politics Interest of Others’ in the Expound Grounds of Association Practice交往实践论域中“他者”的政治旨趣
3.Every politics contains the presupposition of human nature, which results in much more different political purport.任何政治都隐含着关于人性的假定,对于人性的不同预设导致了迥然不同的政治旨趣
4.From Theoretical Purport to Political Practice:A Comparison between Foucault and Marx;从理论旨趣到政治实践:关于福柯与马克思的一个比较
5.The Cultural Political Identity and Technological Identity:The Exploration on History and Reality of Dual Interests of Intellectuals;文化政治认同与技术认同——知识人双重旨趣的历史与现实
6.The Editological Singnificance of the Three Represent s Theory -The unity of the editor s political tendentiousness and the wide spread of advanced cuturre;“三个代表”思想的编辑学旨趣——编辑的政治倾向性与高扬先进文化的统一
7.On Ataching Importance to the Historical Style and Value of Liu Zhiji and Si Maguang’s Shi Qi Shi Shang Que析王鸣盛对刘知几和司马光治史旨趣的推重
8.He interested me in politics.他使我对政治发生兴趣。
9.Are you interested in politics?你对政治有兴趣吗?
10.Politics has zero interest for me, ie I am not at all interested in it.我对政治丝毫不感兴趣.
11.Politics have never interested me.政治从未引起我的兴趣。
12.a compulsive novel about politics有关政治的有趣的小说.
13.The taste for politics soured.我对政治的兴趣减退了。
14.He is interested in politics他关心政治(对政策有兴趣)。
15."The Business of military installation is to train soldiers, not to provide a public forum for politics"军事基地旨在训练士兵而非提供政治讨论场所
16.Political Development of Islamic Fundamentalism in Malaysia;伊斯兰原教旨主义与马来西亚的政治发展
17.Political Emancipation Aimed At Human Emancipation--On Development of Contemporary Political Civilization in China(III)旨在人类解放的政治解放——三论当代中国政治文明建设
18.I take a lively interest in politics.我对政治有很浓厚的兴趣

interest of history study治史旨趣
3)political theme政治题旨
1.In NianLuJiao ?KunLun , MaoZedong merged the KunLun mythology with the philosophy of “one divides into three” creatively , which brings not only sharp reproduction and striking imagination but artistic manifestation to NianLuJiao ?KunLun , and then it expresses the political theme of “combating imperialism”.在《念奴娇·昆仑》里,毛泽东同志创造性地将昆仑神话和“一分为三”的哲学意蕴融合为一体,不仅赋予了《念奴娇·昆仑》以深刻的再现力和奇特的想象力,而且也赋予了《念奴娇·昆仑》以艺术的表现形式,进而艺术化地表达了“反对帝国主义”的政治题旨。
4)political tenet政治宗旨
1.In the development from a political tenet to a moral core, "serve the people" has realized the unification between politics and morals, superiority and universality, realism and idealism, and morals and profits.为人民服务从政治宗旨发展为道德核心 ,其基本含义是“我为人人 ,人人为我”。
5)purport[英][p?'p?:t, -'p??rt][美][p?'p?rt, -'port]旨趣
1.It is expounded in the paper that integration of art structure in Shang and Zhou Dynasties Show the fentures of Chinese art on type,code-medium,and subjectival-purport.本文通过对商周之际中国艺术结构整合的描述,揭示了中国艺术在型态、媒介与旨趣追求方面所显示的特质。
2.The primary target of legal demonstration is to establish the principle of priority, the purport o.论证是为了证明自己的主张的正确性 ,而正确的主张是建立在无可动摇的论证前提———某个普适性的优先规则或者无规则的基础上的 ,所以 ,法律论证的目标首先就是确立优先规则 (或者称为法律论证的无规则 ) ,其旨趣是提出一个富有价值内涵的优先规则 ,然后根据优先规则证明某种主张的正确
1.And there was a full-bodied characteristic of Su Shi in Ye Mengde s interests of learning,because Ye Mengde had been influenced deeply by Su Shi and his pupils.叶梦得的学术旨趣受到苏轼及其门人的深刻濡染,表现出一种浓郁的苏门特色。

政治处(见政治部)政治处(见政治部)political division zhengzhiehu政治处(politieal division)中国人民解放军在团和相当于团的单位设立的政治工作领导机关。主要任务和职责与政治部基本相同。见政治部。