无产阶级阶级意识,proletarian class consciousness
1)proletarian class consciousness无产阶级阶级意识
1.This paper explains Lukacs\' History and Class Consciousness from a new perspective with the aim to find the inner consistency among reified consciousness,historical overall dialectics and proletarian class consciousness,and it ultimately forms the basic opinion that the historical overall dialectics is consistent with proletarian class consciousness in the social historical level.以一个全新视角对卢卡奇的《历史与阶级意识》一书进行解读,旨在挖掘物化意识、历史总体性辩证法和无产阶级阶级意识三者的内在一致性,最终形成了"历史总体性辩证法与无产阶级的阶级意识在社会历史层面上具有鲜明一致性"的基本观点。
2)Proletarian consciousness无产阶级意识

1.The Origin of "the Proletariat Ideology" in Theory and Practice;“无产阶级意识形态”之理论与实践源探
2.They wish for a bourgeoisie without a proletariat.他们愿意要资产阶级,但是不要无产阶级。
3.In the ideological field, the question of who will win out, the proletariat or the bourgeoisie, has not yet been really settled.无产阶级和资产阶级之间在意识形态方面的谁胜谁负问题,还没有真正解决。
4.The proletariat the intellectuals, or vice versa?无产阶级领导知识分子,还是知识分子领导无产阶级?
5.Because we want the bourgeois intellectuals to acquire the proletarian world outlook and transform themselves into proletarian intellectuals.就是为了要资产阶级知识分子建立无产阶级世界观,改造成为无产阶级知识分子。
6.The "little intellectuals" of the proletariat will do precisely that -- exercise leadership over the big bourgeois intellectuals.无产阶级的“小知识分子”就是要领导资产阶级的大知识分子。
7.On Ideological Color of Middle Class in Network Literature;论网络文学的中产阶级意识形态色彩
8.It is inevitable that the bourgeoisie and petty bourgeoisie will give expression to their own ideologies.资产阶级、小资产阶级,他们的思想意识是一定要反映出来的。
9.belonging to or characteristic of the proletariat.属于无产阶级或者有无产阶级的特点。
10.Which leads which -- the proletariat the bourgeoisie, or vice versa?无产阶级领导资产阶级,还是资产阶级领导无产阶级?
11.If it does not mean bourgeois despotism, then there is no sense to it at all.不是资产阶级的专制主义,就是毫无常识了。
12.Discussion on the Chinese Communist Party’s Idea for the Proletariat’s Leadership from the Failure of the Great Revolution;从大革命失败看中共对无产阶级领导权的认识
13.We are not exaggerating if we say that a great many comrades still harbour non-proletarian ideas.我们可以毫不夸大地说,许多同志的思想意识中都存在着非无产阶级的东西。
14.Proletarian Revolution and Nationalism for the Modern Consciousness of National Salvation:Taking Liang Qichao,Sun Zhongshan and Li Dazhao as Examples;近代救亡意识下的无产阶级革命观与民族主义——以梁启超、孙中山和李大钊为例
15.Discussion of Chinese Industrial Workers class Consciousness of the Present Age;当代中国产业工人的阶级意识问题研究
16.The proletariat or the bourgeoisie?是无产阶级领导,还是资产阶级领导?
17.The vernacular is used by the proletariat and also by the bourgeoisie.无产阶级讲白话,资产阶级也讲白话。
18.Aware of belonging to a particular socioeconomic class.阶级意识的意识到属于某一社会经济阶级的

Proletarian consciousness无产阶级意识
3)the proletariat ldeology无产阶级意识形态
4)class consciousness阶级意识
1.Explore this phenomenon using the historical,cultural and regional character,these folk tales refract the moral concept and class consciousness of peasantry in northeast China in the old days.这些故事折射出的是旧东北农民的道德观念和阶级意识,对统治阶级的贬损和对下层民众的认同构成了这些民间故事的品格。
2.They had clear class consciousness,described significant historical events,and presented lives of workers and peasants.清醒的阶级意识、叙写重大历史事件、表现工农生活是其突出特征。
5)Middle Class Consciousness中产阶级意识
1.In his later years,Engels revised the method of struggle of Europe proletariat according to the social condition,used legal struggle in place of violent revolution.晚年恩格斯根据当时的社会历史条件把欧洲无产阶级的斗争方式由暴力革命修改为合法斗争,是用唯物主义方法解决无产阶级革命问题的重要体现。
2.Retrospecting the development process of Chinese proletariat press cause,we need to survey its inherent news ideology and aesthetics spirit.回顾中国无产阶级新闻事业至今近百年的发展历程,需要客观审视其内在的新闻思想与美学精华。
3.In modern society, to the proletariat governing party, to maintain the long-term government, the legitimacy sources should be enriched continously, which is specifically: to greatly carry on the economic construction which is the primary foundation for governing legitimacy; to seriously take the society situation and pe.当今时代,对于无产阶级执政党而言,要想确保长期执政,应当不断丰富执政的合法性资源,具体做法是:首先要大力进行经济建设这是执政合法性最重要的基础;其次,注重执政过程的社情民意这是执政合法性的关键;再次,不断创新执政理论这是执政合法性的不竭动力。

阶级意识  反映一定阶级的特殊地位和利益的社会群体意识。在阶级社会中,各阶级的经济地位和生活条件不同,由此产生的物质利益对立和政治权力冲突,必然在意识形态领域中反映出来,形成各自的阶级意识。阶级意识包括阶级的欲望、情感、习惯等社会心理和意识形态。意识形态是阶级意识的主体部分,它高于并影响着阶级的心理。一定阶级的意识形态,是一定阶级的政治和经济的反映,归根结柢,是由一定阶级的经济地位决定的。进步阶级的阶级意识,对社会发展起着积极的促进作用;反动阶级的阶级意识,对社会发展起着阻碍作用。    在任何时代,占统治地位的阶级意识,总是该社会经济上占统治地位的阶级的意识,其他阶级则要受到统治阶级意识的影响。在很长的历史时期内,奴隶阶级和农民阶级由于其阶级地位的局限性,都未能把本阶级的意识同剥削阶级的意识完全区别开来,未能摆脱剥削阶级的意识形态的束缚而形成本阶级的独立的意识形态。无产阶级的阶级意识是在社会化大生产的基础上和同资产阶级的斗争过程中形成的。无产阶级的阶级意识需要从外面灌输,无产阶级群众只有在自己的革命政党领导下,经过马克思主义的教育,才能彻底摆脱资产阶级意识形态的影响,真正意识到自己的阶级地位和阶级的根本利益,意识到自己的崇高的历史使命。    随着阶级和阶级差别的消灭,阶级意识的界限亦将逐渐消失,最终形成全体社会成员的共同意识。