后十条经验,the latter Ten Pieces of Experience
1)the latter Ten Pieces of Experience后十条经验
2)the former Ten Pieces of Experience前十条经验
3)the Later Ten Points《后十条》
4)Houchen experience后陈经验

1.Villagers’autonomous deepening:Divided power governed by the village and the democracy supervise;村民自治的深化:分权治村与民主监督——浙江武义“后陈经验”解读
2.a statement attested by witnesses.经得起证人检验的陈述。
3.The magistrate was a kind man, but he was young and inexperienced. He listened carefully to both sides of the story.裁判官是一位好官,可惜他年轻欠缺经验。他仔细聆听了双方的陈词后。
4.Experience of CHEN Ying-yi in treating maternal-fetal ABO incompatibility陈颖异治疗母儿ABO血型不合经验撷菁
5.false statement on oath经宣誓后作出的虚假陈述
6.extracurial statement on oath在法庭以外经宣誓后作出的陈述
7.I have often seen drowned men laid out at the morgue.我经常在验尸所见到陈放着淹死者的尸体。
8.A Primary Study of the Experience and Urban Problem on the Solid Refuse Disposal in Chenlu Townlet;陈炉镇固体废弃物处理的经验与规划问题初探
9.Professor Chen Yunsheng's experience on treating Tourette's syndrome in children陈运生教授治疗儿童多发性抽动症经验
10.A Successful Experience of Taking Over Shenyang开拓性的成功经验——陈云领导接管沈阳述论
11.Dr. Chen Yi's Experience in Treating Lung Cancer by Regulating Spirit and Relieving Depression陈熠运用调神解郁法治疗肺癌的临床经验
12.Linda often altered her room after she had studied designing.琳达在学习了设计后,经常改变她屋子的陈设。
13.Zhu Jiahua s Aid of Chen Yinque out of Danger after Hong Kong Was Occupied by Japan;香港沦陷后朱家骅组织救助陈寅恪的经过
14.Finally, the cost approach can provide a basis for allocating penalties, specifically economic obsolescence.最后,成本法可作为一个分配因陈旧特别是因经济性陈旧所引起的贬值的基础。
15.On Chen Yun s Ideas on Finance in Bordering Areas After Anti-Japanese War--Commemorate Chen Yun s 100th birthday and the 60th anniversary of the victory of Anti-Japanese War;抗战后期陈云边区财经思想研究——纪念陈云诞辰100周年暨抗战胜利60周年
16.Teach English-I am patient and experienced. This is cliche- everyone claims the same thing.教英文--我有耐心和经验。这是陈腔滥调--每一个人都会这么说。
17.Experimental Study of Peripheral Nerve Grafts on the Repair of Chronic Spinal Cord Injury in Adult Rats;周围神经组织游离移植修复大鼠陈旧性脊髓损伤的实验研究
18.Study on the Academic Thought and Clinical Experience of Treating Ulcerative Colitis of Professor Chen Zhi-shui;陈治水教授治疗溃疡性结肠炎学术思想及临床经验研究

the former Ten Pieces of Experience前十条经验
3)the Later Ten Points《后十条》
4)Houchen experience后陈经验
5)Four Pieces of Experience四条经验
1.The Thought Features of Philosophy of Social Science of Post-experientialism;后经验主义社会科学哲学的思想特征

陈达夫中医眼科临床经验陈达夫中医眼科临床经验  眼科著作。罗国芬编。此书共16章。首述眼的解剖生理、眼病病因病机、辨证施治原则等;次介绍陈氏眼科学术思想,他认为:五轮为人体固有的组织和功能,而八廓则表示病理现象;又创论内眼结构与六经对应学说(如虹膜属足厥阴肝经)并运用六经辨证类证眼科疾病。第四至十六章为眼科各种病证的症因脉治(西医病名、中医辨证)。后附眼科特殊病例2则。1985年由四川科学技术出版社出版。