无知的智慧,the wisdom of ignorant
1)the wisdom of ignorant无知的智慧
2)knowledge intelligence知识智慧
1.The knowledge intelligence in China s ancient legal explanation is the legal intelligence under the frame of political philosophy——study of Confucian classics.中国古代法律解释中的知识智慧,乃是在政治哲学———经学框架下的法律智慧。
3)wisdom in nothingness无生智慧
4)showing no sign of thought or intelligence;blank无思想或智慧的;木然的
5)knowledge and intelligence知识与智慧
1.Discussion of philosophical meditation on the relationship between knowledge and intelligence of Jing Yueling;论金岳霖对知识与智慧关系的哲学沉思

1.Discussion of philosophical meditation on the relationship between knowledge and intelligence of Jing Yueling;论金岳霖对知识与智慧关系的哲学沉思
2.Experience,Knowledge and Wisdom--Value Clarification and Significance Revaluation of Teaching Experience经验、知识与智慧——教学经验的价值澄清与意义重估
3."Knowledge and Wisdom" Expounded in Kutadgu Bilig;《福乐智慧》中关于“知识、智慧”论述的归纳与辨析
4.Narrating Wisdom,Difficulty and Knowledge Framework of Stylized Movie;类型电影的叙事智慧、难度与知识结构
5."By him times and years are changed: by him kings are taken away and kings are lifted up: he gives wisdom to the wise, and knowledge to those whose minds are awake:"他改变时候,日期,废王,立王,将智慧赐与智慧人,将知识赐与聪明人。
6.Knowledge in youth is wisdom in age.少时有知识,老来有智慧
7.The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge; the ears of the wise seek it out.聪明人的心得知识。智慧人的耳求知识。
8."Knowledge is stored up by the wise, but the mouth of the foolish man is a destruction which is near."智慧人积存知识。愚妄人的口速致败坏。
9.Act as the key to knowledge; enter the kingdom of wisdom.开启知识的钥匙,走进智慧的殿堂。
10.Job's words do not come from knowledge; they are not the fruit of wisdom.约伯说话没有知识,言语中毫无智慧。
11.The simultaneous interpreter needs lots of intelligence and knowledge.同时通译者需要许多的智慧和知识。
12.The knowledge or wisdom so acquired.经验,教训这样获得的知识和智慧
13.For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.智慧必入你心。你的灵要以知识为美。
14.a wise man is strong; and a man of knowledge makes strength greater.智慧人大有能力。有知识的人,力上加力。
15.A wise man is string; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength.智慧人大能能力,有知识的人力上加力。
16.Wisdom is with aged men, With long life is understanding.伯12:12年老的有智慧、高的有知识。
17."Old men have wisdom, and a long life gives knowledge."年老的有智慧,寿高的有知识。
18.With him there is wisdom and strength; power and knowledge are his.在神有智慧和能力,他有谋略和知识。

knowledge intelligence知识智慧
1.The knowledge intelligence in China s ancient legal explanation is the legal intelligence under the frame of political philosophy——study of Confucian classics.中国古代法律解释中的知识智慧,乃是在政治哲学———经学框架下的法律智慧。
3)wisdom in nothingness无生智慧
4)showing no sign of thought or intelligence;blank无思想或智慧的;木然的
5)knowledge and intelligence知识与智慧
1.Discussion of philosophical meditation on the relationship between knowledge and intelligence of Jing Yueling;论金岳霖对知识与智慧关系的哲学沉思
6)Knowledge vs wisdom知识和智慧

“机械人”的智慧“机械人”的智慧  “机械人”的智蔽英国的皮里和苏联的库茨同为长跑运动员,在1956年6月的一次5000米比赛中,库茨一路领先,皮里紧随其后,到第十一圈时,皮里突然加速,一下子跑到库茨前面,赢得了胜利,并打破了世界纪录。有记者讥讽库茨只是一个没有头脑的长跑机器,称库茨为“机械人”,甚至有文章挖苦说“机械人能否战胜有头脑的运动员呢?不,在较量智慧的斗争中,像库茨那样的运动员是不可能获胜的。” 过了5个月,第16届奥运会在墨尔本开幕。在10000米决赛中,皮里和库茨再次相遇。这次库茨的教练为他制定了新战术:发令枪响,库茨跑在前面,甘作领头羊,皮里故伎重施,继续用跟随跑的战术;第五圈时,库茨第一次冲刺,皮里也加速跟进,一个高潮过后,依然是库茨在前,皮里如影相随;接着库茨第二次猛冲,仍未甩掉这个尾巴此时库茨突然闪在一侧向皮里招手示意,让他领先跑在前面,皮里立即摇头,表示决不上当;第十六圈后,库茨频繁地施展快慢结合的战术,把皮里的计划彻底打乱,使之疲于奔命,哭笑不得;第二十圈时,库茨又突然加速,此时的皮里已被折磨得精疲力竭,只能无可奈何地看着对手越跑越远,甚至眼睁睁地看着后面的运动员一个个地越过自己。库茨用这种变速跑的战术,一路领先到达终点,夺取了金牌,并打破了世界纪录,而皮里则未能进人前六名。在5天后的5000米决赛中,皮里不敢重施故伎,库茨再夺金牌,皮里获得银牌。 这两场比赛过后,舆论大变。一名记者写道“库茨像一只猫,而皮里只是一只老鼠……库茨不是机械人,他的思维像他的身体一样健全。”