社会实践过程,social practice process
1)social practice process社会实践过程

1.Establishment of Marxist Social Practice Process Dialectics论马克思社会实践过程辩证法的确立
2.A Brief Talk on the Experiment of Carrying Out Research Learning in Social Classes;社会课教学中开展研究性学习的实践过程
3.The Choice of Life-style --Method of Thinking and Practising in the Course of Real Activitives of People;生存方式的选择——人在实际社会活动过程中的思维方法与实践方法
4.The theory and the (?)这个理论本身和社会实践均有一个不断发展的过程。
5.Socialist market economy s impact on Chinese women s liberation;社会主义市场经济实践过程对中国妇女解放的影响探析
6.Reflection and Research in Moral Education Entering Dormitory In the Course Of Rear Service s Socialization;高校后勤社会化过程中思想政治工作进公寓的实践与思考
7.Correctly understanding the effect of practice of socialist reform on contemporary young college students ideology;正确认识社会主义改革实践过程对当代青年大学生思想的影响
8.Social Practice and the Socialization of College Students;社会实践的加强与大学生社会化进程的推进
9.Social Dimension of Integrated Curriculum Development of Practical Activity;论综合实践活动课程开发的社会维度
10.The Practice and Reform of the Course Construction of The Science of Social Security;《社会保障学》课程建设的实践与改革
11.Construction of Programs of Undergraduates Social Practice;对大学生社会实践课程化建设的思考
12.Innovative Thinking on Curriculum System Construction of College Students' Social Practice大学生社会实践课程体系创新的思考
13.In social practice, the process of coming into being, developing and passing away is infinite, and so is the process of coming into being, developing and passing away in human knowledge.社会实践中的发生、发展和消灭的过程是无穷的,人的认识的发生、发展和消灭的过程也是无穷的。
14.An Analysis of Central Position on Practice Teaching--Give an Example of Social Work Specialist Subject;课程实践性教学的主体性思考——以社会工作专业课程实践教学为例
15.The Model of Teacher Community Practice for Improving Teaching Process基于教学过程改进的教师社群实践模型
16.By Delivering Education,Science and Hygiene to the Countryside to Improve the Innovation Practice Ability of Agricultural College Students通过“三下乡”社会实践提高农科大学生创新实践能力
18.On Mid-transition of Social Practice in Colleges;浅析大学社会实践活动“中间过渡性”特征与作用

Practical Curricula Socialization社会实践课程化
3)social practical curriculum社会实践课程
1.The social practical curriculum has very important significance to develop the middle school students moral cultivation and great progress.社会实践课程对中学生的品德修养和健康成长具有重要意义。
4)social practice社会实践
1.Implementation of social practice in education of preclinical medical courses;社会实践在基础医学课程教育中的实施
2.Exploration on social practice mode of psychology course among campus students of Chinese medicine;中医药院校心理学专业在校生社会实践模式初探
3.Nurturing medical students creative ability in social practice;论医学院校大学生社会实践中创新能力的培养
5)Society Practice社会实践
1.Discussion of Examination Trainee Society Practice Mode;对检验系实习生社会实践模式的探讨
2.The normal pattern of the activity of academician society practice is from practice,so it can make the activity of academician society practice has a better use in the education of academician ideology and politics.一般模式是指比较稳定的操作程序及实施方法的策略体系,大学生社会实践活动一般模式来源于实践,以使大学生社会实践活动在大学生思想政治教育中发挥更加积极的作用。
6)practice process实践过程
1.The practice process is also analyzed and concluded.以《纺织工艺学》为例,从教学环境、教学媒体和教学设计等方面详细介绍了多媒体教学手段的应用模式,并对教学的实践过程进行了分析和总结。

社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决