意义哲学,philosophy of meaning
1)philosophy of meaning意义哲学
1.Established on the perspective of the philosophy of meaning,this article explores the origin of the interlinkage between translation and dictionary,and argues that the actual interlinkage of the two language activities attributes to an advanced and voluntary pursuit of meaning of human beings."翻译"与"词典"的链接有着深层次的意义哲学溯源,即两者在人类语言实践过程中形成的事实交叉根本上归因于人类对于意义的一种高质量能动追求。
2)philosophical significance哲学意义
1.The theory of the dissipative structures based on self - organizing phenomenon has important scientific and philosophical significance.从自组织现象出发而建立的耗散结构理论具有重要的科学意义和哲学意义。
2.This essay inquires into the scientific value, cultural value and philosophical significance of non-Euclidean geometry in regard to the influence of non-Euclidean geometry to mathematics,natural science and culture.结合非欧几何对数学、自然科学及人类文化的影响,探讨非欧几何的科学价值、文化价值、哲学意义。
3.In this paper,the philosophical significance of sports was compared with philosophical significance of some sports events such as chess,E-sports and racing.通过对体育哲学意义的探讨并与某些令体育工作者产生疑惑的"体育项目"的哲学意义相比较,得出:诸如围棋、电子竞技运动、赛车等项目并不属于体育。

1.Philosophical connotations of Yi Zhuan s view on heaven ──simultaneously on whether there are philosophical concepts in Chinese philosophy;《易传》天论的哲学意义──兼论中国哲学有没有哲学概念
2.The Biological Revolution in 20th Century and It s Philosophical Significance;20世纪的生物学革命及其哲学意义
3.Linguistic Turn and its Significance in Philosophy History;西方哲学“语言学转向”的哲学史意义
4.Metaphilosophical View or Definition of Philosophy?--and on the significance of metaphilosophical view to philosophy itself;是元哲学观还是哲学的定义——兼谈元哲学观对于哲学本身的意义
5.The Significance of Modern German Philosophy:Preface to Modern German Philosophy;现代德国哲学的意义——《现代德国哲学》序
6.Fundamental situation of Philosophy and Marxist Philosophy Renovation;哲学本源性情境与马克思主义哲学变革的意义
7.A Study of Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Wittgenstein;意义与无意义——《逻辑哲学论》中的意义问题
8.Can philosophy be learned?--On philosophical archetype and its significance by Kant and Mou Zongsan哲学可学吗?——康德和牟宗三论哲学原型及其意义
9.Significance of Discussing Philosophy in Education of High School;论哲学在中学教育中的意义-引言:作为“思”的哲学
10.Significance of "Philosophy in the Flesh" as the Philosophical Foundation of Cognitive Pragmatics;“体验哲学”作为认知语用学哲学基础的意义
11.Essence of Marx s Economic Philosophy and Its Contemporary Significance;马克思经济哲学之要义及其当代意义
12.Modern Social Value of the Balance;儒家中和观的哲学意蕴及其现代意义
13.On Philosophical Connotations and Practical Significance of Human-orientation;“以人为本”的哲学意蕴和现实意义
14.Let Philosophy Close to Reality--Ai Siqi s "The Public s Philosophy" and Its Realistic Meanings;让哲学亲近现实——艾思奇《大众哲学》及其现实意义
15.The Significance of Hu Shi s "Modern Philosophy" Concept for the Study of Chinese Philosophical History;论胡适“近世哲学”概念对中国哲学史研究的意义
16.Contemporary Philosophy and the Substance of Existence-My Philosophical Outlook “For the Sake of Man";当代哲学与“存在的意义”——我的“以人为本”哲学观
17.Philosophy·Emotion·New Significance--Dewey s New Attitude to the Birthplace of Philosophy FAN Chuan-hong;哲学·情绪·新意义——杜威关于哲学发源地的新态度
18.Post-Modernist Intentions in Philosophy of Science of the Critical School;批判学派科学哲学的后现代主义意向

philosophical significance哲学意义
1.The theory of the dissipative structures based on self - organizing phenomenon has important scientific and philosophical significance.从自组织现象出发而建立的耗散结构理论具有重要的科学意义和哲学意义。
2.This essay inquires into the scientific value, cultural value and philosophical significance of non-Euclidean geometry in regard to the influence of non-Euclidean geometry to mathematics,natural science and culture.结合非欧几何对数学、自然科学及人类文化的影响,探讨非欧几何的科学价值、文化价值、哲学意义。
3.In this paper,the philosophical significance of sports was compared with philosophical significance of some sports events such as chess,E-sports and racing.通过对体育哲学意义的探讨并与某些令体育工作者产生疑惑的"体育项目"的哲学意义相比较,得出:诸如围棋、电子竞技运动、赛车等项目并不属于体育。
3)philosophic significance哲学意义
1.The philosophic significance of the sustainable development is discussed.本文系统地论述了可持续发展观的内涵及形成的工业文明背景 ,探讨了可持续发展观的哲学意义 ,指出实行可持续发展战略作为我国的一项基本国策具有革命意
4)philosophical meaning哲学意义
1.The electric media,aesthetic landscape and their philosophical meaning;电子媒介、审美景观与哲学意义
2.Form the point of materialist dialectics, the origin, essence and philosophical meaning of mathematical paradox is discussed on the whole in the light of the paradoxes that appear in three mathematical crises.以唯物辩证法的观点,结合数学三次危机中所出现的悖论,从总体上对数学悖论的成因、实质及其哲学意义进行了阐明。
3.we inquire into the physical meaning of action concept and philosophical meaningof the principle of least action.本文评述了最小作用量原理的历史发展,指出了它在现代物理学、现代宇宙学中的重要地位,探讨了作用量概念的物理意义以及最小作用量原理的哲学意义。
5)significance on philosophic history哲学史意义
6)philosophy-aesthetic meanings哲学美学意义

意义1.谓事物所包含的思想和道理。 2.内容。 3.美名,声誉。 4.作用,价值。