事物的根本,essence of matter
1)essence of matter事物的根本
2)an ultimate truth.根本的事实

1.The basic or fundamental fact, element, or principle.基本或根本的事实、因素或原则
2.Your story bears/has/shows little or no resemblance to the facts.你说的与事实相去甚远, 或谓根本不符.
3.the fundamental laws of the universe; a fundamental incompatibility between them; these rudimentary truths; underlying principles.宇宙的基本规律;他们之间的根本对立;这些基本事实;基本原则。
4.The principle of seeking truth from facts is the point of departure, the fundamental point, in Mao Zedong Thought.实事求是,是毛泽东思想的出发点、根本点。
5.Be Practical and Realistic: the Basic Ways of DENG Xiao-ping’s Understanding Socialism;实事求是:邓小平认识社会主义的根本方法
6.He did not by any means discover the existence of exogamous groups; still less did he understand them.他根本没有发现外婚制集团存在的事实,也完全没有理解这个事实。
7.The System of Creativity Is the Key to Practice “the Scientific Outlook on Development”--The Actual Consideration of “the Tieben Event”;制度创新是实现“科学发展观”的根本保障——对“铁本事件”的现实思考
8.Of or containing facts.根据事实的凭事实或包含事实的
9.This is simply not true.事实上,根本就没有这回事。
10.As a matter of fact, he did not care to talk about this business at all.事实上他根本不愿谈这事。
11.She didn't say anything about a trap.她根本没提马车的事。
12.In the movement, he repeatedly emphasized the need for the fundamental principle and attitude of seeking truth from facts and proceeding from reality.毛泽东同志在整风运动中反复强调实事求是、从实际出发的根本观点和根本态度。
13.And what is worse is that there is not even factual evidence that the Greeks knew it at all!而所糟糕的是没有事实上的证据,即希腊人确实根本知道它!
14.According to experimental facts,the evaluation emotion functional system in the brain is discussed.本文根据实验事实 ,讨论脑内评估 -情绪的功能系统。
15.To proceed from reality and seek truth from facts is our fundamental stand as materialists.从实际出发,实事求是,这是我们唯物主义者的根本立常
16.a basic fact; the basic ingredients; basic changes in public opinion occur because of changes in priorities.基本事实;基本成分;民意的根本改变是因为徐优先考虑的事情的改变。
17.His arguments are ill grounded in facts.他的说法事实根据不足。
18.His arguments are well grounded in facts.他的说法事实根据充足。

an ultimate truth.根本的事实
3)inward nature of a thing事物的本质
4)probe into the essence of things探索事物的本质
5)get to the essence of a matter触及事物的本质
6)uncover [unveil] the essence of things揭露事物的本质
