葛梯尔问题,Gettier problem
1)Gettier problem葛梯尔问题

1.Nature of knowledge and root of definitiveness--another explanation to E.L.Gettier s Problem;知识的性质和确定性的根源——对葛梯尔问题的另一种解答
2.Olga said: "The first problem is whether we will be believed."奥尔葛说:“首要的问题是人民是否相信我们。”
3.On the Relation between Knowledge and True Belief from the Point of View of Gettier s Counterexample;从葛梯尔反例看知识与真信念的关系
4.Pangge City,Zhoute City and Huipingzhou--The Beginning of Qiqihar City;庞葛城、周特城与会平州——兼及齐齐哈尔市城史纪元问题
5.Experimental Studies of Sediment Problems of Gezhouba Project on the Changjiang River长江葛洲坝工程泥沙问题的试验研究
6.Hence, the question now was: Could Wang Xiaoshi kills Mr Zhuge?问题只是:他杀不杀得了诸葛先生?
7.All those problems are interrelated to each other, twisted to each other to create more problems.这些问题纠葛在一起,又会不断衍生出新的问题。
8.Discussion on life well construction influence on lift installation浅谈电梯井道土建问题对电梯安装的影响
9.The advantages or disadvantages of the Zhuge Liang Northern Expedition have been argued about for years, which have also caused quite different remarks on his personal ability.诸葛亮北伐问题历史上一向争议很大,进而对诸葛亮的才能问题也众说纷纭。
10.Grace: We're going to have a problem meeting the budget for the production of our new sound board.葛蕾丝:我们拨给新声卡产品的预算会有问题。
11.Some Issues Between the Seventeenth Slip of Confusious’ Commentaries on Book of Poetry in Chu Bamboo Slips in Shanghai Museum and Pick Vine in Book of Poetry;谈上博简《诗论》第17简与《诗·采葛》篇的若干问题
12.How to Look at Several Historic Issues Related to Zhuge Liang如何历史地看待有关诸葛亮的几个问题
13.The problem simple analysis of operating lift upward overspeed protecting device在用电梯上行超速保护装置问题浅析
14.On the Calculation of Parameters in a Shaded Pole Motor with a Step Air Gap阶梯气隙罩极电动机的参数计算问题
15.Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient Methods for Optimization Problems;求解最优化问题的非线性共轭梯度法
16.Conjugate Gradient Methods for Super-resolution Image Reconstruction Problems;超解像度图像重构问题的共轭梯度法
17.The Short-term Optimal Scheduling of Hydro Power Systems with Cascaded Reservoirs;梯级水电系统短期优化调度问题研究
18.The Exceeding Gencralized Aradient Method for Minimax Problem;极大极小问题的超广义梯度投影算法

The Problem of Gettier Problem葛梯尔问题的问题
3)Gettier's counterexample葛梯尔反例
4)problem of going upstairs楼梯问题
1.The problem of going upstairs is a classic mathematical problem which often appeared in mathematical contest of various kinds.上楼梯问题是一个经典名题,经常出现在各类数学竞赛中。
5)Ruhr Problem鲁尔问题
1.Ruhr Problem after WWⅡ & Early Integration of West Europe;战后鲁尔问题与西欧早期一体化
6)high gradientproblems高梯度问题
