末端开放性困难,the difficulty of open-endness
1)the difficulty of open-endness末端开放性困难
1.While committed to ontological individualism,Brodbeck suggested that non-statistical institutional concepts presented the difficulty of open-endness in reduction,which led to heat discussions about the reduction of theories.后者为此深感不安,从而在本体论上承诺个体主义,但是在认识论和方法论上提出,对非统计的建制性概念进行个体主义还原时遭遇末端开放性困难,从而引发关于社会理论能否还原的热烈讨论。
2)exceedingly difficult极端困难

1.We must carry on till success in spite of the extremely difficult conditions."尽管条件极端困难,我们必须坚持下去,直到成功."
2.The unexpected storm landed me in great difficulties.突然的暴风雨使我陷入了极端困难的境地。
3.In such a period, China will undoubtedly be in an extremely difficult position.在这样的时期,中国无疑地要处于极端困难的地位。
4.On the other hand, Israel realized that in an extremity it would not stand alone.而另一方面,以色列看到在极端困难的时刻,自己并不是孤立的。
5."Symptoms include very laboured Breathing, Bluish skin tinge, and low Blood oxygen levels."其特征为呼吸极端困难、皮肤黏膜发绀和动脉血含氧量低。
6.When the government is in very great difficulties, it is necessary to ask the people to bear a heavier burden, and they understand that too.在公家极端困难时,要人民多负担一点,也是必要的,也得到人民的谅解。
7.Well, an analogous situation is making it extremely hard for information technology managers to effectively manage enterprise networked systems.类似的情况也会使信息技术经理有效管理企业网络化系统变得极端困难
8.Although the situation in the anti-Japanese base areas in the enemy rear is already several times as difficult as before, the difficulty is not yet extreme.敌后各抗日根据地的形势,截至今天为止,虽然已比过去增加了几倍的困难,但还不是极端的困难。
9.If we do not have a correct policy now, then extreme difficulty will overtake us.如果现在没有正确的政策,那末极端的困难还在后头。
10.They are the extremely grave material difficulties of the final stage of the war.就是抗战最后阶段中的物质方面的极端严重的困难。
11.Determining the oblateness is extremely difficult.测量扁率是极为困难的。
12.undergo great hardship, suffering, privation, etc遭受极度的艰难、 困苦、 贫困等.
13.A port scan against the box returned extremely troubling results.反击端口扫描返回了极端令人困惑的结果。
14.Seminar on extreme poverty and the denial of human rights极端贫困和剥夺人权问题讨论会
15.He reach the excess of destitution from which he never rose again.他走到了贫困的极端,从此一蹶不振。
16.Extreme poverty had reduced them to a state of apathy.极端的贫困使他们万念俱灰.
17.Jack can't find a job and has broken stones.杰克找不到工作,已陷于极端的贫困。
18.perseverance in the face of extreme hardship面对极端困苦而百折不挠.

exceedingly difficult极端困难
3)Suprapillary fenestration切开困难
1.In addition, we point out the error of Albers and Brucker(1993) s proof on the ordinary NP-hardness of the poblem.关于此问题,Albers和Brucker(1993)也曾试图给出NP困难性证明,我们阐明了其证明中存在的缺陷。
5)singularity puzzle奇性困难
1.The necessity and difficulty of bacteriological tests in basic hospital;基层医院开展细菌学检验的必要性和困难性调查分析

腹部子宫切开取胎术腹部子宫切开取胎术 手术名。人工流产 术之一。此法适用于中期妊娠之经产妇,需终止妊娠与绝育,或不适宜其他方法引产者,如 慢性疾病伴有肝肾功能减退、严重高血压,瘢痕子宫,其他方法引产失败等。禁忌证:凡 各种疾病急性期;腹部皮肤感染;严重贫血;心脏病伴有心力衰竭,24小时内有二次体温超 过375℃以上;全身情况虚弱,不能胜任手术者。操作步骤:麻醉后,取低头仰卧位 。行下腹 正中偏左切口,上缘自子宫底下2cm,按层切开腹壁。打开腹腔后,用温盐水纱布保护切 口创面、子宫周围,肠曲及网膜,以免羊水、血液流入腹腔。切开子宫壁方法有二:①子宫 下段切开取胎术。剪开膀胱腹膜反折,将膀胱与子宫分离,在子宫下段做直或横切口约3cm 长。其优点为术时出血少,术后并发症少。②子宫体切开取胎术。在子宫体前壁正中作纵 切口,长4~5cm。刺破胎膜后吸尽羊水,术者用右手示,中指伸入子宫腔,依次牵出双 胎足,以臀式抽出胎儿,后出胎头可用剪刀或手术刀进行穿颅术。子宫肌层内注入催产素10 ~20U,促进子宫收缩。用大刮匙刮子宫腔内壁1~2圈,再用卵圆钳夹盐水小方纱布揩拭 ,吸引器吸净子宫腔内残余物质。用长弯钳扩张子宫颈,以利恶露外流。子宫壁切口用1~2 号铬制肠线分两层间断或连续缝合。须绝育者同时结扎双侧输卵管。缝合腹膜。用生理盐水 冲洗伤口,防止宫内膜细胞遗留在伤口内。常规缝合腹壁各层。术后每天清洁外阴1次。5~ 7天后伤口拆线。并发症:偶有并发腹壁切口子宫内膜异位症,平时无症状,月经期结节增 大伴有疼痛并逐月增剧。应术时严密保护子宫周围及腹壁切口。