欲望的生产性,the productive capacity of desire
1)the productive capacity of desire欲望的生产性
2)occur of desire欲望的生成
4)life desires生命欲望
1.The transformation in movie production of "directors of the fifth generation" is accomplished in the course of the "vision shift" in current culture,as there have been changes of ideology and cultural identity behind the change from the conveyance of "life desires" to the adherence to "visual desires" in the images presented by "directors of the fifth generation"."第五代"的影像从承载"生命欲望"向迎合"视觉欲望"的转化背后还存在着意识形态和文化身份的变迁,他们已经从精英文化的代表转换为大众电影产业中的首席工人。

1.Desire in Isolated Life--The Erotic Poetics of Eileen Chang in Novel "Feng Suo;封锁中的生命欲望——从《封锁》看张爱玲的情色诗学
2.On the Desire of authors Livesat Han Dynasty & Their Characteristics of Creative Psychology;汉赋作家的生命欲望及其创作心理特点
3.The Writing of Female's Desire for Life--The comment on the female written by Wang Anyi and Tie Ning女性生命欲望的书写——论王安忆、铁凝笔下的女性
4.Ups and Downs of Females in Desire for Life--The Pursuit of Affection in HONG Ying s Novels;在生命欲望中沉浮的女性——虹影小说的情感追寻历程
5.Desire·Morals·Life--he female doctrine deciphering of Sheng Keyi s "morals Song";欲望·道德·生命——盛可以《道德颂》的女性主义解读
6.Kink With Desire Jerking Motion and Life Meditative--A Discussion of Jia Ping Wa s Novel Creation in the 1990s;欲望跃动与生命沉思的纠结——贾平凹20世纪90年代以来小说创作论
7.It was an organic demand of his being.这是他生来固有的欲望。
8.The language of desire, and aversion, is imperative.欲望与嫌恶所用的语言是命令式的。
9.The tragedy of Blache a Heroine in A Streetcar Named Desire;《欲望号街车》女主角布兰奇的悲剧命运
10.The Birth of Spiritual Pain--The Transition from Limited Desire to Unlimited Desire;精神痛苦的诞生——从有限欲望到无限欲望的转换
11.Elegies on Civilization and Desire:Tracing the Source of Blanche's Tragic Fate in A Streetcar Named Desire文明与欲望的挽歌——《欲望号街车》中布兰奇悲剧命运探源
12.Desire is crazy need, which drives one to waste precious life just for vanity or competition with others.欲望是已经疯狂的需要,只是为了和别人攀比,为了虚荣心的缘故在无谓地耗费自己宝贵的生命。
13.Addiction crowds out friendship, ambition, moral conviction, and reduces all the richness of life to a single destructive desire.毒瘾让人丧失友谊、志向和道德信念,将丰富的生命缩小为一种单一的毁灭性的欲望。
14.Rock singers on the other hand, make music their life. They play music to satisfy their inner desire.另一方面,摇滚歌手把音乐视为生命,他们演唱是为了满足内心的欲望。
15.An instinctive physical desire, especially one for food or drink.食欲一种本能生理欲望,尤指对食品或饮料
16."Lust" and "Fatalism"--Analysis of Tragic Consciousness in Hardy`s Works;“欲望”与“宿命论”——解析哈代创作中的悲观意识
17.Those instincts that in him were so close to the surface suddenly leaped to life.他天生那股一触即发的欲望产生了。
18.Formation and Extinction of Desire in the traditional Culture of Male-supremacy;欲望在传统男权文化中产生和消亡——《奔跑的火光》的欲望叙述

occur of desire欲望的生成
4)life desires生命欲望
1.The transformation in movie production of "directors of the fifth generation" is accomplished in the course of the "vision shift" in current culture,as there have been changes of ideology and cultural identity behind the change from the conveyance of "life desires" to the adherence to "visual desires" in the images presented by "directors of the fifth generation"."第五代"的影像从承载"生命欲望"向迎合"视觉欲望"的转化背后还存在着意识形态和文化身份的变迁,他们已经从精英文化的代表转换为大众电影产业中的首席工人。
5)survival desire生存欲望

欲望欲望want  欲望(want)在各种需要的影响下产生的人的各种要求和愿望的总和。人的欲望是极其复杂的。它可以根据所引起的需要的不同而分为相应不同的种类,也可以因其活动的时相不同而分为意向和欲望。人正是在各种欲望的发动下从事各种不同的活动的,它是人类活动和社会进步的推动力量。但是,它的过分膨胀和无限满足又会造成对社_会生活的危害和破坏‘对个人来说,‘之的合理满足是健康发展的必要条件研究如何使人的欲望在社会生活条件容许的范围内得到合理的满足,以促进社会和个体的健康发展,是心理学的任务之 (王启康撰彭共龄审)