学理依据,harmonious values
1)harmonious values学理依据
1.Accompanied by the promotion of constructing a socialist harmonious society,the socialist harmonious values,which is as the core of the socialist value,is becoming an important problem in theory and practice.从学理依据和现实基础来看,构建社会主义和谐价值观具有可行性。

1.The Theoretical Basis and Restriction of Scope in the Test of PSC "Speech";PSC“说话”测试的学理依据与界域定位
2.Cultivate Students Learning Motivation and Psychological Principles;依据心理学原理激发学生的学习动机
3.The Realistic Foundation and Philosophic Basis of The Times of Managerial Philosophy;管理哲学时代的现实基础及哲学依据
4.The Theoretical Basis and Practical Significance of Chinese Teaching at Different Levels;汉语分级教学的理论依据及现实意义
5.Discussion on Theoretical Proofs and Practical Foundation of Scientific Approach to Development;论科学发展观的理论依据和实践基础
6.The Theoretical Basis and Traits of "Awareness-Creativity";“体悟-创新”教学模式的理论依据及特征
7.The Theoretical and Real Bases for the Scientific Concept of Development;论科学发展观的理论基础和现实依据
8.On Theoretical Base,Connotation and Feature of Self-regulated Learning;试论自主学习的理论依据、内涵与特征
9.Tact:Zhu Xi s Jingxue Basis Emphasizing Argumentative Explanation;权变:朱熹注重义理阐释的经学依据
10.Reflection on the Base of Theoretical Philosophy about "Adaptation;关于“相适应”理论哲学依据的思考
11.Basis and Feature of "the Subjective School Management;“主体型学校管理”的依据及其特征
12.Theoretical Basis on Students Subjective Ideology andReqrirements of Practice;论学生主体观的理论依据及实践要求
13.Core Value of Scientific Outlook on Development and Its Basis科学发展观的核心价值理念及其依据
14.Pancreatic head mass:the pathological diagnosis and surgical decision making胰头部肿块的病理学依据与手术决策
15.The Philosophic Basis and Theoretical Renovation of Human-Oriented Principle“以人为本”的哲学依据及理论创新
16.Psychological Basis of the Joint OF Students Mental Quality Education;论学生心理素质教育衔接的心理学依据
17.Develop and Arouse Study Motives in Accordance with Educational Psychology Fundamentals;依据教育心理学原理培养激发学习动机
18.On Personsa Understanding of English Reading Based on the Baisc Principles of Psychology;依据心理学的基本原理谈对英语阅读的理解

physiological basis生理学依据
3)basic geographic theory地理学依据
4)theoretical foundation理论依据
1.An Analysis on Theoretical Foundation and Elementary Frame of Organizational System of Modern Commerce & Trade Logistics Distribution;现代商贸物流配送组织体系的理论依据和基本框架
2.The theoretical foundation and necessity for the colleges and universities to develop the field survival education高校开展野外生存教育的理论依据与必要性分析
3.It offers the effective theoretical foundation for the fact that expand the function of the instrument and realize computer acquisition and deal with the data.文章从相互啮合的一对渐开线齿廓齿轮啮合原理出发,介绍了在齿轮双面啮合综合检查仪上用千分表进行读数的方法,为扩展仪器的功能及实现计算机采集与处理数据提供有效的理论依据。
5)theoretical basis理论依据
1.The Evolution in Characteristic and Theoretical Basis of New Protectionism;新贸易保护主义的特征演变及其理论依据
2.On the theoretical basis and objective certainty of the execution of revitalizing the nation through science and education;论实施科教兴国战略的理论依据及其客观必然性
3.On the Theoretical Basis and Division Method about the Workers Share-holding;论职工持股的理论依据及分割方式
6)Theoretical base理论依据
1.I,myself,think we should use Marxism to analyze the theoretical base of faster development of private economy in a scientific way,and to remove the people s concerns about it because it is very important to support the development of private economy.对待私营经济快速发展的问题应该站在马克思主义理论高度来认识,科学地分析私营经济快速发展的理论依据,打消人们的各种顾虑,大力支持私营经济发展。
2.This paper analyzes some existing problems of "mustering policeman system" from the perspective of its origin, the main content, the effect and the different evaluation such as lack of sufficient theoretical base, not conforming to the characteristics of public security department and incorrect target location.结合"点警制"的产生及主要内容、产生的效果及不同评价,说明"点警制"在理论上和实践中存在的问题:"点警制"客观上缺乏充足的理论依据、"点警制"不符合公安机关的性质和特点、"点警制"的目标定位不准。
3.This paper deals with the theoretical base of students’innovative mind and practical use of these theories in training students.根据创新能力的内涵 ,探讨了学生创新能力培养的理论依据 ,提出了这些理论在创新能力培养中的指导作用。
