历史主体论,historical entity theory
1)historical entity theory历史主体论
2)historical subject历史主体
1.It is through a practical reading of human and human history that helps Marxist philosophy overthrow the formerly philosophies abstract comprehension mode about historical subject and historical essence,reveal that the historical subject is the "human reality"and historical essence is the history of human practice,thus accomplish the dual process of revealing the historical subject the e.正是通过对人和历史的实践解读,马克思主义哲学推翻了以往哲学对历史主体和历史本质的抽象理解模式,揭示出历史主体是"现实的人",历史的本质是人的实践活动史。
2.He emphasized that the people is the unity of historical subject and value subject.邓小平以人为本的思想主要在于他强调人民是历史主体与价值主体的统一,人民是价值主体必然要求人民利益至上。

1.As far as historical development is concerned, its decisiveness means prerequisiteness and regularity, and its selectivity is that of the historical subject.历史发展的决定性即历史发展的前提性和规律性,历史发展的选择性即历史主体的选择性。
2.Theoretical Thought on the Historical Subject of Marx Materialism;对马克思唯物史观历史主体的深层理论思考
3.Shin Chae-ho and Liang Qi-chao: Recognition of the Historical Subject and Their Thoughts on "New Citizenship"申采浩与梁启超:历史主体认识及“新国民”构想
4.Historical anthropology: from historical text to meaning subject;历史人类学:从历史文本到意义主体
5.Historical Recognition: Subject Consciousness and Subjective Creativity;历史认识:主体意识和主体的创造性
6.The practical significance of studing the subject theory of historical materialism;历史唯物主义主体论研究的现实意义
7."History without Subject ":Washback Effect of Humanist Marxist Outlook on History;“历史无主体”:对人道主义马克思主义历史观的理论反拨
8.Combination of Historical Objectivity and Researchers’ Subjectivity: A Proper Research Perspective on the Journalism History of China;历史客体性和学者主体性:新闻史研究之两翼
9.On the Issue of Students as Main Body in High School History Teaching;高中历史教学中学生主体性问题探析
10.The Discussion on Diversification of the Valuators of History Study in High School;中学历史学习评价主体多元化的探讨
11.Understanding the Objectivity of Cognition From the Perspective of the Inter-subjectivity;主体间性·客观性·历史认识的客观性
12.Bright Spring Day:the Literary Imagination of the Subjects in History;《艳阳天》:历史“当下”的主体性文学想象
13.Formation of the Self and Inter-subjectivity in Historical Cognition;自我的构成与历史认识中的主体间性
14.Social Function of History Teaching and Students Subjective Function;历史教学的社会功能与学生的主体性
15.On the Limitations of Althusser's Thought of History without a Subject论阿尔都塞“历史无主体”思想的局限性
16.Understanding the Wrold In Marxist Concept of Viewing It as a Whole;用马克思主义的整体世界史观把握世界历史
17.While sticking to the basic principles of historical determinism, the historical materialism emphasizes on human's objective option with the development of society and history.历史唯物主义在坚持历史决定论的基本原则的同时,强调人在社会历史发展中的主体选择性。
18.The Pursuit of Contemporary Historical Education--To Cultivate the International Subject;培养世界历史性的个人主体:当代历史教育的追求

historical subject历史主体
1.It is through a practical reading of human and human history that helps Marxist philosophy overthrow the formerly philosophies abstract comprehension mode about historical subject and historical essence,reveal that the historical subject is the "human reality"and historical essence is the history of human practice,thus accomplish the dual process of revealing the historical subject the e.正是通过对人和历史的实践解读,马克思主义哲学推翻了以往哲学对历史主体和历史本质的抽象理解模式,揭示出历史主体是"现实的人",历史的本质是人的实践活动史。
2.He emphasized that the people is the unity of historical subject and value subject.邓小平以人为本的思想主要在于他强调人民是历史主体与价值主体的统一,人民是价值主体必然要求人民利益至上。
3)historical object and subject历史主客体
4)history without a subject历史无主体
1.Therefore, he raisedthe thought of history without a subject, which not only was an inaccurate expression, but also showed that Althusser didn\'t truly understand Marxism."历史无主体"是阿尔都塞对马克思历史辩证法所作的结构主义式解读。
5)historical ontology历史本体论
1.This paper aims to present and interpret these ideas from the perspective of contemporary Science Studies,such as philosoph of experimental science,historical ontology,remaking the world and making up people,and styles of reasoning.作为当代科学哲学界的重要人物,哈金在一系列重要问题上提出了自己的独到见解,本文旨在把哈金置于当代科学论的背景之下来集中阐述他的科学哲学思想,其中包括实验科学哲学、历史本体论、世界的重构与人的构造以及推理风格,并对其中可能引发的相对主义等问题进行了简要评论。
2.Lukacs ontological idea mainly comes from Hegelian historical ontology and Marxist ontology of social being.卢卡奇的本体论思想主要来源于黑格尔的历史本体论和马克思的社会存在本体论,卢卡奇认为,马克思的历史唯物主义就是社会存在本体论,只有向着马克思的社会存在本体论的复归,才能从根本上代表当代本体论研究的正确方向。
3.Popper is also a historical philosopher, who proposes many original opinions on historical ontology, historical epistemology, and historical methodology, and whose historical thought is profoundly connotative.波普尔也是一位历史哲学家,在历史本体论、历史认识论、历史方法论提出了不少独到的见解,其历史思想内涵丰富。
6)relativity in historicism历史主义相对论
