他人道德,Morality for others
1)Morality for others他人道德
1."Morality for others" from the Perspective of Marxism’s Humanism马克思主义人学视域中的“他人道德

1."Morality for others" from the Perspective of Marxism’s Humanism马克思主义人学视域中的“他人道德
2.He is a bad lot in business.他是个无商业道德的人。
3.He is a man of strong moral fiber.他是个道德高尚的人。
4.His moral standards have been called into question.他的道德标准令人生疑.
5.He is a noble man, we all admire him.他是一个道德高尚的人, 我们都敬佩他。
6.Human Moral Promise to Nature,Others and Self论人对自然、他人、自我的道德承诺
7.Many of those choices might have seemed immoral to the outside world.他的许多抉择被外人认为是不道德的。
8.Behaviors harmful to others are immoral.妨害他人的行为是不道德的。
9.Ed walked up to the first person he saw and asked,爱德朝他看到的第一个人走去,问道:
10.He doesn't know that Harold is the bee's knees.他不知道哈罗德是最杰出的人物
11.It's immoral to steal other people's ideas.盗用他人的主意是不道德的。
12.He is a man of strong moral fibre.他是个道德品性坚强的人。
13.He is a person of unquestionable principles.他是个具有完美道德原则的人。
14.So they can park in the (morally/intellectually) handicapped parking.他们能停在(道德/智力)残疾人停车厂。
15.He does not carry over his business ethics into his personal relationships他没有将人的商业道德引伸到他私人的交往上。
16.Whether by the old morality or the new, if he could help others at his own expense he would choose to do so, taking up a new burden.无论从旧道德,从新道德,只要是损己利人的,他就挑选上,自己背起来。
17.On the Relationship between Morality and Man from the Perspectives of Hominization Morality and Standard Morality从成人道德与规范道德看道德与人的关系
18.He was a man, and a downright noblehearted one, too.他也是一个人,而且还是个地地道道品德高尚的人。

The Other and Moral Consciousness他人与道德意识
3)morality heteronomy道德他律
1.In the condition of morality heteronomy weakening and moral guidance being ineffective,we should strengthen mechanism of morality heteronomy to enhance the binding force of morality.在道德他律弱化、道德导向失去作用的情况下,必须强化道德他律机制,以增强道德约束力。
4)heteronomy morals他律道德
1.However,Kant researches moral realm by a kind of analytical and logic way,so his moral philosophy is only a type of heteronomy morals.然而康德对道德领域的探究采取的却是一种分析、分解的逻辑架构之路,所以使得他的道德哲学在终极的意义上只能是一种外在超越型的他律道德。
5)moral heteronomy道德他律
1.The self absorbing process from moral heteronomy to autonomy is both an objective requirement of subjects′ moral needs and a realization process of moral needs.从道德他律到道德自律的内化过程 ,是主体道德需要的客观要求 ,也是道德需要实现的过程。
6)heteronomous morality他律性道德
