1.New Energy Conservation Measures of the Urea Dewaxing Unit;尿素脱蜡装置节能新举措
2.Reflection on the measures of carrying out colleges moral and sentiment education;对高校道德情感教育实施举措的思考
3.Vocational education:double opportunity and coping measures;职业教育:双重机遇与因应举措

1.The message, then, is prevention, not cure.当然,这个措施只是预防举措,而不是治疗方案。
2.The gesture was beginning to seem useless.这些举措显得有些苍白无力了。
3.<SUBTITLE>This year: Five major measures will be adopted to expand domestic demand.</SUBTITLE>今年:五大举措扩大国内需求
4.I thank the Congress for supporting these measures.我要感谢国会支持这些举措
5.These moves smack of desperation.这些举措带有绝望的色彩。
6.Companies were organized to carry out the move.这两家公司联合起来执行这项举措
7.Employing foreign coach is one the im-portant moves.聘请洋教头就是其中一项重要的举措
8.This year,244 students got approval from the school authority to change their majors.你如何评价复旦大学的这一举措
9.The government purchase is the important move to the reform of financial system.政府采购是财政体制改革的重要举措
10.State and local initiatives also seem to be making a difference.各州和地方的举措看来也要起效了。
11.This measure aims at raising people's living standard.这项举措旨在提高人民的生活水平。
12.This act brings about great change to conventional manual programmingmethod.此一举措,冲击着惯用外工编程方法。
13.Quality Oversee Type Research & Make Quality Manage Innovate Act质量督察 型号研制质量管理新举措
14.The Reform on Tax System in 2004--a New Act of Active Fiscal Policy2004年税制改革——积极财政政策的新举措
15.Characteristics and Policy Strategies of the Agricultural Developments in ASEAN-3东盟三国农业发展的特点与战略举措
16.Optimization analysis and strategy tactics of post logistics system邮政物流系统的优化分析和战略举措
17.Quality Overse Type Research&Make Quality Manage Innovate Act质量督察——型号研制质量管理的新举措

1.Effective measures taken for the enhancement include; to carry on effective improvement, to standardize the management of the freight of dangerous goods, to improve the workers' professional qualities, and to form step by step the administrative mechanism which suits to the social development.开展务实有效 的专项整治活动,规范、拓宽危险货物运输安全管理,加强危险货物管理设施建设,提高从业人员业务素质, 逐步形成与社会发展相适应的危险货物运输消防安全管理机制,是当前加强铁路危险货物运输消防安全工 作行之有效的举措
1.Discussion of the strategic action of developing Chinese logistic industry;浅谈中国发展物流业的战略举措
2.Probe into logistics current situation bring B2C restriction of e-business, the advantage of B2C combining with the chain enterprises, accelerate the action that the two combine.文中主要探讨了物流现状带给B2C电子商务的制约,B2C与连锁业结合的优势,加快两者结合的举措
4)act[英][,e? si: 'ti:][美]['e 'si 'ti]举措
1.The act of energy conservation and consume reduction in Wuxi Hubin hotel;无锡湖滨饭店节能降耗的举措
2.Surrounding the exaltation of independent innovation ability,from three points,the paper discusses the act which government should take.围绕国防科技工业自主创新能力的提升,从三个方面论述了政府应采取的举措
3.With the cognition of the urgency of humanities education, combined with practice and the thoughts of developing with the times,the essay put forward the important act to strengthen the humanities education on students.本文通过对理工科学生人文教育迫切性的认识,结合实际,以与时俱进的思想,提出了加强理工科学生人文教育的重要举措
1.Some Move Settling the Starting Marks in the Air-jet Loom;喷气织机解决开关车稀密路疵点的若干举措
2.The text summaries introduce the work clue and move of HuangShi electric power supply company deepen hierarchical direct.黄石供电公司在构建“人、财、物”分级管理模式的工作中,坚持预算管理、自主管理、按绩取酬等管理的原则,搭建决策、监督、执行等3个平台,创建“五项机制”等具体举措,调动了全公司员工的工作主动性、积极性和创造性,公司各项工作取得了优异成绩。
6)administrant measures监管举措
1.By building models, the authors analyze the influence factors of safety arrears, makes clear the government administration's object and administrant measures, and set conditions and target of government administration,and put forward some corresponding measures for government administration.通过模型的构建,剖析影响企业安全欠账的因素,明确政府监管的主要对象和监管举措,确定政府实施有效监管的条件及目标,并为政府制定各种监管政策提供建议。
