1.Microclimate Characteristics of Plastic Greenhouse in the Summer in Southern Area of Guangxi;桂南地区夏季单栋塑料大棚小气候特征分析
2.Analysis on microclimate characteristic in sring of six-span plastic greenhouse in southern areas of Guangxi province;桂南地区春季六连栋塑料大棚的小气候特征分析

1.Calculation of greenhouse tomato transpiration based on indoor meteorological data in winter基于棚内气象数据的冬季大棚番茄蒸腾计算
2.The Correlation between the Application of N Fertilizers and Environmental Pollution and the Selection of Fertilizers for the Greenhouses;大棚内施N与环境污染的关系及大棚专用肥的筛选
3.Study on 3-D Turbulent Numerical Simulation on Airflow and Optimal Design of Greenhouse;蔬菜大棚内部流场三维紊流数值模拟及大棚断面优化研究
4.Effects of Reformed Plastic Tunnel on Environmental Factorsand China Rose Cut-flower Growth大棚改造对棚内环境因子及月季切花生长的影响
5.The Nitrate Cumulation and the ALA, DCD Regulating Effect of Tomato in Different Age of Greenhouse;不同棚龄蔬菜大棚番茄硝酸盐的累积和ALA/DCD的调控效应
6.Study on Application of Greenhouse Monitoring System Based on ZigBee;基于ZigBee温室大棚监控系统的应用研究
7.The Physiological Effect of CO_2 Enrichment on Muskmelon Seedlings in Plastic House;大棚甜瓜苗期CO_2加富的生理效应
8.The Intelligent Greenhouse Control System Based on Singie-Chip Computer;基于单片机的智能温室大棚控制系统
9.Marketing and Prospect of Qilu Vegetable Shedding Film Feedstock QLLP01;齐鲁大棚膜料QLLP01的市场开发及展望
10.Designing of a Small Deep-Digging Rotary Tiller used in Plastic Shed;蔬菜大棚用小型深耕旋耕机组的设计
11.Design of Greenhouse Temperature Monitoring Network Based on CC11基于CC1110的大棚温度监测网络设计
12.Application of nRF401 in Greenhouses Temperature ControlnRF401在大棚温度监控中的应用
13.Effect of Different Growth Regulators Treatments on the Bitterness of Greenhouse Luffa不同激素处理对大棚丝瓜苦味的影响
14.Cultivation Techniques of Potted Anthurium Andraeanum in Greenhouse in Xishuangbanna西双版纳盆栽红掌温室大棚栽培技术
15.Effect of Continuous Cropping of Different Vegetables on Soil Polysaccharides大棚蔬菜连作对土壤多糖影响的研究
16.Descaling and Antisepsis of Steel Structural Charge Shed on Expressway高速公路钢结构收费大棚的除锈防腐
17.The rain is pelting down.下大雨了,我们到棚里去躲一躲吧。
18.By now the sound of angry voices outside had become louder still.这时候草棚外的喧扰也已经扩大。

Plastic house大棚
1.Effects of environmental factors on growth of early spring maturing Amaranthus tricolor in plastic houses;环境因子对春季大棚早熟苋菜营养生长的影响
2.Studying Plastic House Chili on Dynamic Variety of Nutritive Growth and Correlation Between Them and Temperature-light Factors;大棚辣椒营养生长的动态变化及其与温光因子的相关性研究
3.The application of carbon dioxide in growing strawberry in plastic house;大棚草莓增施二氧化碳的增产效应
3)Plastic greenhouse大棚
1.Fertility Status of Plastic Greenhouse Soil in Hefei Region;合肥地区大棚土壤肥力特征研究
2.Effects of different N rates on the yield,N use efficiency and fruit quality of vegetables cultivated in plastic greenhouse in Taihu lake region不同施氮量对太湖地区大棚蔬菜产量、氮肥利用率及品质的影响
3.Relationship between electrical conductivity and chemical properties with characteristics of soil salt accumulation of soil extract(EC5∶1)in plastic greenhouse were sudied.采集具有次生盐渍化特征的大棚土壤,对土壤浸提液电导率和盐分化学性质进行相关性分析。
1.The results showed that the pH of the green-house soil was lower than that of the air-opening land soil and lower than that of the cereal cropland soil.选取不同种植年限蔬菜大棚、露天菜地和一般农田,测定了土壤pH值、有机质、全氮、硝态氮、铵态氮、速效P、速效K和阳离子代换量等主要养分。
2.Test and consumption of chemical study with the influence of the state growth of tomato in the green-house which built in Coastal Saline -alkali soil by control the quantity of using the organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer.试验通过控制有机肥和化肥的施用量研究不同的施肥处理对滨海盐碱地大棚西红柿生长状况的影响。
6)Ecological greenhouse生态大棚
1.The technology of combination of "sewage water recycling and ecological greenhouse" is firstly put forward, and it is applied to the protection of environment in extremely cold and high elevation area.首次将污水处理与大棚种植相结合,提出了污水处理回用生态大棚技术,并将其应用于高寒、高海拔地区的生态环保。
2.Through an innovative engineering design, our research enabled us to grow several kinds of aquatic animals and plants in an automatically controlled ecological greenhouse in a high density, intensive and water-saving manner.该研究通过创新的工程设计 ,在自控生态大棚内实现多种水生动物和植物的高密度、集约化、节水化养殖。
3.Considering the characteristics of the domestic sewage at the medium-small Qinghai-Tibet railway stations,the ecological greenhouse is adopted,which forms a small artificial semi-closed environment at the bad natural condition of Qinghai-Tibet plateau so as to provide dynamic heat balance and the cyclic balance of O2-CO2 for sewage biological treatment.本文结合青藏铁路中小站区生活污水的特点,提出在自然条件恶劣的青藏高原采用生态大棚污水处理系统,利用青藏高原丰富的太阳辐射热作为热源,建立适宜于常规污水生物处理的半封闭人工小环境,为生活污水的处理提供必须的动态热平衡和O2-CO2平衡。

叶斑病 又称蛇眼病,主要为害叶片、叶柄、果梗、嫩茎和种子。在叶片上形成暗紫色小班点,扩大后形成近圆形或椭圆形病斑,边缘紫红褐色,中央灰白色,略有细轮,使整个病斑呈蛇眼状,病斑上不形成小黑粒。  使用药剂:发病初期用70%百菌清可湿性粉剂500倍~700倍液,10天后再喷一遍,或用70%代森锰锌可湿性粉剂,每667平方米200克对水75千克进行喷雾。  白粉病 主要为害叶片,也侵害花、果、果梗和叶柄。叶片上卷呈汤匙状。花蕾、花瓣受害呈紫红色,不能开花或开完全花,果实不膨大,呈瘦长形;幼果失去光泽、硬化。近熟期草莓受到为害会失去商品价值。  使用药剂:在发病中心株及其周围,重点喷布波美0.3度石硫合剂。采收后全园割叶,喷施70%甲基托布津1000倍液或50%退菌特800倍液及30%特富灵5000倍液等。  灰霉病 是开花后的主要病害,在花朵、花瓣、果实、叶上均可发病。在膨大时期的果实上,生成褐色斑点,并逐渐扩大,密生灰霉使果实软化、腐败、严重影响产量。  使用药剂:于现蕾到开花期进行防治,用25%多菌灵可湿性粉剂300倍液、50%克菌丹可湿性粉剂800倍液、50%扑海因500倍~700倍液等喷雾。  根腐病 从下部叶开始,叶缘变成红褐色,逐渐向上凋萎,以至枯死。支柱在中间开始变成黑褐色而腐败,根的中心柱呈红色。  使用药剂:草莓移栽前用40%芦笋青粉剂600倍液,浇于畦面,然后覆土,整平移栽,以有效杀死土壤中的病菌,降低田间菌源基数,减少传染机会。    黄萎病 该病是土壤病害,主要症状是幼叶畸形,叶变黄,叶表面粗糙无比。随后叶缘变褐色向内凋萎,直到枯死。  使用药剂:严格引入无病植株种植,缩短更新年限;用氯化苦13.5升~20升进行土壤消毒;已发病者必须拔除烧毁。  蚜虫 它对草莓为害是因吸取汁液使果实生育受阻,同时也因蚜虫排出甘露而让叶、果受到污染。另外,蚜虫也是传播病毒的媒介。  使用药剂:及时摘除老叶,清理田间,消灭杂草。开花前喷布50%辟蚜雾2000倍液,共喷施1次~2次。  红蜘蛛 为害草莓的以红蜘蛛、黄蜘蛛为主,尤其红蜘蛛为害更多。叶片初期受害时出现小灰白点,随后逐步扩大,使全叶片布满白色花纹、黄化卷曲,植株矮化枯萎,严重影响生长。  使用药剂:花序初显时,可喷0.3度石硫合剂,隔七天再喷一次。采果前用残毒低的20%增效杀灭菊酯5000倍液~8000倍液,喷二次,间隔五天。注意采果前二周禁用农药。