1.Preparation, Purification and Identification of Clomazone;广灭灵的制备、纯化及结构鉴定
2.Study on the Bioassay method of long residual Clomazone;长残留除草剂广灭灵的生物测定方法
3.The physiological mechanism and security assessment of Clomazone;广灭灵生理机制与安全性评价

1.Research on Treatment of Pretilachlor and Clomazone Wastewater with Anaerobic Baffled Reactor;ABR法处理丙草胺及广灭灵废水的实验研究
2.Research on Treatment of Clomazone and Pretilachlor Wastewater with Microelectrolysis Method;微电解法处理广灭灵及丙草胺农药废水的研究
3.Study on the Weeding in Direct Seedling Paddy Fields with Mixed Supply of Guangmieling and Bimihuanglong广灭灵与吡嘧磺隆等药剂混用防除直播稻田杂草研究
4.He had the intelligence to put the fire out with a fire extinguisher.他机灵地用灭火器灭火。
5.Death, the destroyer死神, 生灵之毁灭者.
6.Some people believe that the spirit is immortal.有人相信灵魂不灭。
7.exterminate all the inhabitants of the village灭绝村中所有的生灵
8.he believed his soul would be instantly destroyed if he did such a thing他相信他的灵魂立刻就会遭到毁灭的,
9.perhaps even his new soul within him, also.也许他的新灵魂也在他的心里毁灭。
10.Hope is the last thing extinguished in the heart of man.希望原是人类心灵中最后破灭的东西。
11.extinct primates; lower Pliocene.上新世后期已灭绝的灵长类。
12.Turin Winter Olympics in 2006------An Ever BurningFlane.都灵冬季奥运会------永不熄灭的火焰。
13.Dru-gs used were chiefly carbazone and metronidazole, the efficacy of latter was ashigh as 92.68%.卡巴胂疗效为85%; 灭滴灵达92.7%。
14.The Concept on the Self of Buddhism and Its Critique on Immortal Soul;佛教的自我观及对灵魂不灭论的批判
15.The Thought of Mao Zedong Is the Inspiration of the Times;毛泽东思想是永不磨灭的时代的灵魂
16.Indescribably Free and Perishable--A discussion o n the Buddha s mind and the meditativeintention in Wang Wei s later poems;空灵与寂灭——谈王维晚期诗的佛心禅意
17.Contrast of the new termite pesticide Yikexing to Mirex at Daquan reservoir白蚁新药“蚁克星”与“灭蚁灵”在大泉水库的灭杀效果对比试验
18.7a. At death the spirit of man does not cease to exist or become unconscious.人之灵魂,在肉身死后,并不泯灭或无知觉。

1.An Assessment of the Environmental Fates of Mirex and Chlordecone Using EQC Model;应用EQC模型评估灭蚁灵和十氯酮的环境归趋
2.Study on Culling a Chemical to Replace Mirex to Control Coptotermes Suzhouensis;防治苏州乳白蚁的灭蚁灵替代药剂筛选研究
3.ASE-GC-MS Mirex Determination in Plastics from Electrical and Electronic ProductsASE-GC-MS测定电子电气产品塑料部件中的灭蚁灵
1.Insects killing and disinfection efficacy of Miehailing aerosol;灭害灵气雾剂杀虫灭菌效果研究
5)Mie Man Ling灭螨灵
1.The Efficacy and Toxicity of Mie Man Ling against Acarus siro;灭螨灵的灭螨效果和毒性研究
1.The therapeutic effect of dexamethasone-metronidazole paste on chemical periapical periodontitis;地塞米松灭滴灵糊剂治疗化学性尖周炎的疗效观察
2.Curative effect of metronidazole gargle and smectite powder on oral mucositis in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;灭滴灵加蒙脱石散剂治疗慢性阻塞性肺病病人口腔黏膜炎的效果观察
3.A clinical evaluation of metronidazole gargle in oral nursing;灭滴灵漱口液应用于口腔护理的临床观察

广灭灵分子式:C12H14CLNO2分子量:239.7CAS号:81777-89-1密度:1.192蒸气压:19.2mPa(25℃)毒性LD50(mg/kg):急性经口LD50:雄大鼠2077、雌大鼠1369、鹌鹑和野鸭大于2150。鱼毒LC50(96h,mg/L):虹鳟19、蓝鳃太阳鱼34。性状:纯品为淡棕色黏稠液体.溶解情况:易溶于丙酮、乙腈、氯仿、环己酮、二氯甲烷、二甲基甲酰胺、庚烷、甲醇、甲苯等。水中溶解度1.1g/L。用途:本品属噁唑酮类除草剂.主要用于大豆田防除阔叶杂草和禾本科杂草也可用于木薯、玉米、油菜、甘蔗和烟草田。芽前或植前混土处理,用量为0.l~1.0kg(a.i.)/ha,根据土壤类型在大豆播种前、芽前或在幼苗期。以0.84~1.4kg(a.i.)/ha施用,可防除禾本科和阔叶杂草。本品通过抑制异戊二烯化合物合成,阻碍胡萝卜素和叶绿素生物合成。制备或来源:以三甲基乙酸和邻氯甲苯为起始原料反应制得。备注:稳定性:窒温下1a或 50C下 90d原药无损失,其水溶液在日光下 DT50>30d,在土壤中DT50为10~137d,对碳钢、不锈钢和聚乙烯无腐蚀性,在酸、碱性介质(PH4.5~9.25)中稳定。其降解作用主要取决于微生物,化学持效期至少6个月。类别:除草剂