1.The Influences of Fencing on Soil Organic Carbon and Nitrogen of the Typical Mountainous Lawn in Xinjiang;围栏对新疆山区草地土壤有机碳和氮的影响
2.Effects of fencing closure on grassland reservation in the Zhaosu pasture of Xinjiang;新疆昭苏草原围栏封育效果研究
3.Influence of fencing on Seriphidium transillense pasture in Yili region of Xinjiang;围栏封育对新疆伊犁绢蒿草地的影响

1.A barrier or an enclosure of fences.栅栏的阻挡物或围栏
2.An enclosing framework, such as that around a skylight.围栏一种围起来的结构,如天窗周围的围栏
3.An enclosure for livestock.牲畜栏用于饲养家畜的围栏
4.A fenced enclosure for confining bulls.牛栏为关公牛而做的围栏
5.A fenced enclosure for animals.畜栏一种圈养牲畜的围栏
6.efficiency of feedlot gain围栏肥育时增重效率
7.Cattle in the stockyard are waiting to be slaughtered.围栏里的牛正等待屠宰。
8.a pen where stray animals are confined.控制离群的动物的围栏
9.an enclosure for livestock in southern Africa.饲养南非牲畜的围栏
10.The fox burrowed under the fence to reach the chickens.那狐狸在围栏下面掘
11.bestride a horse, chair, ditch, fence跨在马、 椅子、 沟渠、 围栏上.
12.fence wire dispenser围栏铁丝放送拉紧机
13.He vaulted the fence.他一撑便越过了围栏
14.The motorcycle crashed into the fence.摩托车猛地撞在围栏上。
15.To supply or enclose with rails or a rail.用栏杆围提供栏杆或把栏杆围起来
16.There were railings round the park.公园周围围上了栏杆。
17.A fence enclosing an area.栅,栏杆围住一个地区的栏杆或篱笆
18.An enclosure where stray animals are confined.围场,畜栏关着迷途的动物的畜栏

1.Effects of fence protection on the structure of grass population on Phragmites commiunis grassland;围栏封育对矮化芦苇草地草群结构动态变化的影响
2.The dynamic of phosphorus in large-scale enclosure and fence in an eutrophic lake;富营养湖泊大型围隔和围栏中磷的动态
3.Effects of fence on daily variation of CO_2 flux from the soil in subalpine meadow of Xinjiang;围栏封育对新疆亚高山草甸土壤夏季CO_2日排放的影响
1.The variations of phytocommunities and water quality in large scale enclosure and corral in East Lake, Wuhan;东湖大型围隔及围栏内植物群落和水质的变化
1.Applying a new conception of the plane recovering,the spilt oil on water can be enclosed and the thickness of oil slick can be increased controllably by the operating booms.该技术采用了新的面式溢油回收理念,通过对围油栏的操作实现了水面油膜的围控和加厚,并改进了堰式撇油器以实现溢油的快速高效回收。
2.The boom is an important equipment to deal with oil spill in marine environment.围油栏是海洋溢油治理的重要设备。

草地围栏草地围栏fencing of grassland CQ0di weilon草地围栏(fencing of grassland)一种经济有效的培育、保护和合理利用草地的技术措施。是国内外培育草地的有效方法。 以不同的围篱方式将草地围圈起来,或封闭一定时期,使被抑制的优良牧草有一个充分生长、繁殖的机会,并积累足够的营养物质,促进草群自然更新,提高草地生产力,改善其饲料品质和适口性。经过围栏封育的草地产草量一般都可提高30%以上,如果采取综合改良措施,产草量可提高一至数倍。对于抗灾保畜、储备饲草起到了积极作用。为划区轮牧创造了条件。 草地围栏将随着水、草(料)、林、机、路综合建设,逐步向完善的高级草地围栏方向发展,最后变成稳产、高产的基本草地。蘸瘾 围栏(《中国畜软》) 围栏是改良退化草地应用最广泛的措施之一。退化草地围栏后,草地植被的种类成分、植物的生长发育和草地的生境条件都得到了改善,草地生产力有很大提高。在一般情况下,特别是在草地生产力没有受到根本破坏时采用,可收到恢复草地生产力的效果。从围篱技术上可分为镀锌钢丝网围栏、电牧栏、沟围栏、土墙围栏、石头围栏、柳笆围栏、刺铁丝网围栏和生物围栏等。从利用上可分为打草围栏、放牧围栏、打草放牧兼用围栏、封育围栏(退化草地)、畜群围栏等。从内容上可分为草地围栏、苗圃和林地围栏、饲料地围栏、草林料结合围栏、乔灌草结合围栏、治沙围栏等。生物围栏是一种造价低、有效利用时间长、有多种用途、无污染的环保型围栏。是目前被推广的围栏类型。缺点是建设时间长。(张安时)