1.Study on the Control Efficiency of 25% Amistar on Potatoes Early Blight and Late Blight;25%阿米西达防治马铃薯早疫病和晚疫病的研究
2.Primary report of Amistar against wax gourd downy mildew;阿米西达防治冬瓜霜霉病药效试验初报
3.Study on Amistar s Prevention and Treatment Effects Against Phytoplothora infestans;杀菌新药——阿米西达对番茄晚疫病的防治效果研究

1.Studies on Amistar for Controlling Sphaerotheca Fuliginea;阿米西达防治黄瓜白粉病的技术研究
2.Inducement of Azoxystrobin-resistance Mutants of Phytophthora Infestans and Its DNA Fingerprint Analysis;马铃薯晚疫病菌抗阿米西达突变体的诱导及其DNA指纹分析
3.Studies on the Inhibitive Spectrum and the Synergism of 25% Amistar SC and Its Efficacy in the Main Apple Diseases Regulation;25%阿米西达SC杀菌谱、混用增效性及对苹果主要病害管理研究
4.Anaximenes OF MILETUS阿那克西米尼(米利都的)
5.Amerada pressure gauge阿米雷达井下压力计
6.Simeon OF DURHAM西米恩(达拉谟的)
7.Lex Anastasiana阿那斯达西那皇帝谕令
8.At the San Francisco Ameca plant in the State of Jalisco, Mexico, as many as 111 cubic metres of water were used for every ton of sugar produced.在墨西哥哈利斯科省的圣弗朗西斯科阿梅卡糖厂,每生产一吨糖需用多达111立方米的水。
9.Cooke was there to hand over the adidas Chelsea Young Player of the Year award which went to another African- John Mikel Obi.之后库克把由阿迪达斯赞助的切尔西年度最佳新秀奖颁给了另外一个非洲人——米克尔。
10.It means Damien Duff and Arjen Robben will be paired as the two wingers for the first time since late September.这意味着自九月下旬以来戴米恩-达夫和阿延-罗本将首次联袂坐阵切尔西两边。
11.The Semitic language of Mesopotamia.阿卡德语美索不达米亚使用的闪语
12.U.S. envoy Armitage arrived in Beijing for talks美国特使阿米塔吉抵达北京展开会谈
13.CHITUNDA, Jeremias Kalandula热雷米阿斯·卡兰杜拉·契通达
14.AC MILAN, Kalac or Abbiati to replace Dida?米兰,卡拉奇或阿比亚蒂替换迪达?
15.Complex of the Archimedes Fulcrum in Modern Western Philosophy近代西方哲学的“阿基米德点”情结
16.Chemiluminescence determination of amoxicillin sodium by luminol-AuCl_4~- systemAuCl_4~--鲁米诺体系测定阿莫西林钠的含量
17.Study on Ananda s Making Use of Korea Political Forces;安西王阿难达对高丽政治势力的利用
18.This committee also includes Lieutenant General Amir al-Saadi, an adviser to Saddam.该委员会成员还包括萨达姆的顾问阿米尔·萨阿迪中将。

amistar 25 SCAmistar(阿米西达)
3)amistar 25% SC25%阿米西达SC
4)25% Amistar SC25%阿米西达悬浮剂
1.Action of 25% Amistar SC against downy mildew of angular sponge gourd;25%阿米西达悬浮剂防治丝瓜霜霉病药效试验
2.Efficacy of 25% Amistar SC against wax gourd anthracnose;25%阿米西达悬浮剂防治冬瓜炭疽病药效试验

阿米洛利 ,氨氯比咪 ,盐酸阿米洛利,氨氯吡咪, 蒙达清,复方阿米洛利药物名称:复方阿米洛利英文名:Amiloride Compound别名: 阿米洛利 ,氨氯比咪 ,盐酸阿米洛利,氨氯吡咪, 蒙达清,复方阿米洛利外文名:Amiloride ,Amipromizide, Guanamprazine, MIDAMOR,MK-870,Amiloride Compound适应症: 本品能增强氢氯噻嗪和利尿酸等利尿药的作用并减少钾的丢失。一般不单独应用。 用量用法: 口服:1日量10~20mg,分2~3次服。 蒙达清:口服每次1-2片,每日1次,与食物同服.注意事项: 与氨苯喋啶相同。 规格: 片剂:每片5mg。 氨氯比咪-氢氯噻嗪片:每片含氨氯比咪5mg、氢氯噻嗪50mg.类别:抗高血压药