1.Test of Killing Root of Euphorbia fisheriana and Oxytropisby New Types of Chemical Herbicine;新型化学除草剂灭除狼毒、棘豆的试验
2.Primary study on the harmfulness of Oxytropis and its control strategy;棘豆属植物的危害性及其控制对策初探
3.Current Research Progress on Grassland Poisonous Weeds Oxytropis;草地毒草棘豆的研究现状及进展

1.Isolation and identification of swainsonine-producing fungal endophyte from Oxytropis kansuensis甘肃棘豆中产苦马豆素内生真菌的分离与鉴定
2.Effect of Evaluation of "Jidujing" Preventing Rats from Xinjiang Oxytropis Poisioning and Feeding Domestic Animals;“棘毒净”预防大鼠新疆小花棘豆中毒效果及小花棘豆饲用价值的探究
3.Studies on Toxicity and Bacteria Degradation of Oxytropis Glacialis Toxin;冰川棘豆毒素的毒性及细菌降解研究
4.Diversity and Phylogeny of Rhizobia Isolated from Oxytropis in Pamirs of China;帕米尔高原棘豆属根瘤菌多样性研究
5.The Taxonomical Study of Oxytropis DC. in Inner Mongolia;内蒙古棘豆属(Oxytropis DC.)植物的分类学研究
6.Alkaloids Constitutents Research and Toxicity Evaluation of Oxytropis Falcate Bunge;镰形棘豆生物碱成分研究及毒性评价
7.Test of Rub-chronic Toxicity of Xinjiang Oxytropis glabra Fed to Rats and Observation of the Detoxification Effect of the Jidujing新疆小花棘豆饲喂大鼠的亚慢性毒性试验及棘毒净解毒效果观察
8.Extractive Technology of Total Amount of Flavoids from Mongolian Medicine Herba Euphorbiae Humifusae with Orthogonal Test正交设计研究蒙药多叶棘豆总黄酮提取工艺
9.The Systematic Analysis and Pharmacological Activity Research of Oxytropis Glabra DC.;小花棘豆生物碱成分系统分析及其活性研究
10.Optimization of Fermentation Culture on Embellisia Oxytropis and Study on Primary Active Component;棘豆蠕孢菌的优化培养及主要活性成分的研究
11.Studies on the Toxicity and Major Chemical Constitutients of Oxytropis Serioopetala C.R.C.Fisch;毛瓣棘豆的毒性及其主要化学成分研究
12.The Extraction of Different Parts from Oxytropis Kansuensis and the Research of Its Anti-tumor Effect;甘肃棘豆不同活性部位提取及抗肿瘤作用研究
13.Oxytropis Glabra Endophyte and Its Relationship with Seedling Resistance Research小花棘豆内生真菌及其与幼苗抗性关系的研究
14.Test on Oxytropis glabra Antidote against The Acute Toxicity in Mice小花棘豆解毒剂对小白鼠的急性毒性试验
15.Study Advance on Chemical Constituents and Pharmacological Effects of Oxytropis falcate Bunge and its Toxicology镰形棘豆化学成分和药理毒理作用的研究进展
16.Study on the Component of Essential Oil from Inner by GC-MS蒙药材多叶棘豆挥发油化学成分的GC/MS分析
17.Culture and identification of endophytic fungi from Oxytropis glabra DC.小花棘豆(Oxytropis glabra DC.)内生真菌的培养与鉴定
18.Studies on Correlated Factors to Swainsonine in Three Oxytropis Species in Inner Mongolia;内蒙古三种棘豆属植物中苦马豆素相关因子的研究

Oxytropis ochrocephala棘豆
1.A study on Mielangdu and Miejidou for control of Stellera chamaejasme and Oxytropis ochrocephala in natural grassland;2种新型除草剂防除天然草地狼毒和棘豆试验研究
2.Effects of two kinds of weedicides on tissue structures and membrane metabolism of Stellera chamaejasme and Oxytropis ochrocephala respectively;两种除草剂对狼毒和棘豆组织结构及膜代谢的影响
3.Technique of Herbicide "Miejidou" Destroying Oxytropis ochrocephala and Experimental Demonstration;化学药剂灭杀棘豆技术研究与试验示范
3)Oxytropis ochrocephala黄花棘豆
1.The preliminary research on Oxytropis ochrocephala rust in alpine meadow around Qinghai lake;青海环湖高寒草地黄花棘豆锈病的初步研究
2.Effects of Oxytropis ochrocephala alkaloid on structure and function of rat yolk sac placenta in vitro;黄花棘豆生物碱对体外大鼠卵黄囊胎盘结构及功能的影响
3.An Investigation on Mountain Pasture′s Poisonous Plant-Oxytropis ochrocephala in Ningxia.;宁夏山地草场毒草黄花棘豆及其防治途径
4)Oxytropis kansuensis甘肃棘豆
1.Preliminary study on improving the extraction technology of the Swainsonine from Oxytropis kansuensis;甘肃棘豆中苦马豆素提取工艺改进初报
2.Screening of anti-tumor components from Oxytropis kansuensis;甘肃棘豆抗肿瘤活性成分的筛选
3.Analysis of serum enzyme of goats immunized with SW-BSA after poisoning with Oxytropis kansuensis;用甘肃棘豆草粉饲喂苦马豆素-BSA免疫山羊的血清相关酶分析
5)Oxytropis glacialis冰川棘豆
1.Extraction and Separation of Alkaloids from Glacial Crazyweed (Oxytropis glacialis);冰川棘豆生物碱的提取分离
2.Advances in research of the poisonous fraction and control of Tibet Oxytropis glacialis;西藏冰川棘豆有毒成分及其防除、利用研究进展
3.Detection of Alkaloid and Isolation of Swainsonine from Oxytropis glacialis;冰川棘豆生物碱分析及苦马豆素的分离、鉴定
6)Oxytropis falcate Bunge镰形棘豆
1.Preliminary Chemical Test of Oxytropis falcate Bunge and Alkaloids Analysis by TLC;镰形棘豆化学成分预试及生物碱成分薄层色谱分析
2.Study Advance on Chemical Constituents and Pharmacological Effects of Oxytropis falcate Bunge and its Toxicology镰形棘豆化学成分和药理毒理作用的研究进展
3.The chemical components of Oxytropis falcate Bunge from petroleum ether have been studied by means of the GC MS DC.采用GC MS联用方法测定和鉴定了采自青海贵德地区的镰形棘豆石油醚部位的化学成分 ,共鉴定出 5 7个成分 ,占该部位的 86 70 % ,其中 (z,z,z) 9,12 ,15 十八碳三烯 1 醇 14 73 % ,(E) 1 (2 ,6 二羟基 4 甲氧基 ) 3 苯基 2 烯 1 酮 7 68% ,十六碳酸乙酯 6 4 9% ,亚麻油酸乙酯 4 3 5 % ,2 3 ,2 4 双氢豆甾醇 4 3 0 % ,2 苯基 5 ,7 二羟基双氢黄酮1 93 % 。

黑萼棘豆【通用名称】黑萼棘豆【其他名称】黑萼棘豆 (《高原中草药治疗手册》) 【来源】为豆科植物黑萼棘豆的全草。 【植物形态】黑萼棘豆 多年生草本,高10~15厘米。茎细弱,散生。羽状复叶,长5~15厘米;叶轴细瘦,疏生黄色长柔毛;托叶基部连合,卵形,与叶柄分离,小叶9~25,卵形至卵状披针形,长5~11毫米,宽2~4毫米,先端渐尖,基部圆形,两面疏生黄色长柔毛。花3~10朵排成腋生伞形状总状花序;总花梗长8~14厘米,有疏长柔毛;花萼钟状,长约4~6毫米,宽2~3.5毫米,密生黑色短柔毛棍有黄色长柔毛,萼齿条形;花冠蓝色,长约12毫米,旗瓣宽卵状三角形,龙骨瓣有长仅1/2毫米的喙。荚果长椭圆形,下垂,长1.5~1.7厘米,宽7~8毫米,膜质,密生黑色长柔毛。花果期6~9月。 生于山坡草地或牧区山坡和草原中。分布陕西、甘肃、青海、四川、西藏及云南西北部。 【采集】8~9月采收,晒干。 【性味】①《高原中草药治疗手册》:"甘淡,温。" ②《青藏高原药物图鉴》:"甘,温。" 【归经】《高原中草药治疗手册》:"入肾、脾、膀胱经。" 【功用主治】①《高原中草药治疗手册》:"排毒医疮,利尿消肿。治腹水,皮水,风疹,丹毒。" ②《青藏高原药物图鉴》:"退烧,镇痛,催吐,利尿。治溃疡病,胃痉挛,水肿;外用熬膏治创伤。" 【用法与用量】内服:煎汤,4~6钱。