1.Detection of type A influenza virus among 30 cases of duck samples;30只鸭子中甲型流感病毒的检测
2.This paper focuses the topic on the duck image,which will reveal the hero′s change —— from a catcher to a hermit in the capitalistic society.本文旨在通过对“湖里的鸭子”这一意象的分析,探讨主人公霍尔顿在异化了的资本主义社会里从“麦田里的守望者”到精神病院里的遁世者的“他者”的可悲命运,揭示其象征意义。

1.The duck is short. The duck is short.鸭子很矮。鸭子很矮。
2.This duck is a cross between a wild duck and an ordinary duck.这种鸭子是野鸭和普通鸭子的混种。
3.The ducks look at the mother duck and her ducklings.鸭子们盯着母鸭和她的小鸭看着。
4.Seven lit-tle, eight lit-tle ba-by ducks.七只,八只小鸭子
5.Nine lit-tle, ten lit-tle ba- by ducks.九只,十只小鸭子
6.Poor little duckling,“可怜的小鸭子,”
7.Five lit- tle, six lit- tle ba- by ducks.五只,六只小鸭子
8.Three-lit-tle, four lit-tle ba- by ducks.三只,四只小鸭子
9.One lit-tle, two lit-tle ba-by ducks.一只,两只小鸭子
10.A duck says @Quack, Quack@,鸭子说“嘎嘎,嘎嘎”,
11.One big duck and two small ducklings,一只大鸭子和两只小鸭子
12.The duck was the now famous Donald Duck,那个鸭子就是现在著名的唐老鸭,
13.The mother duck shows her ducklings their home.母鸭把他们的家指给小鸭子们看。
14.The duckling followed its mother everywhere.小鸭子跟着鸭妈妈到处走.
15.And when the skin turns crisp and golden brown, the duck is done.等鸭皮发脆、呈暗红色时,鸭子就烤成了。
16.Inside the courtyard there are five ducks.院子里有五只鸭子
17.flesh of a duck (domestic or wild).鸭子(野生或家养)的肉。
18.The different duck is very happy now.小鸭子现在很开心。

A duckling, a duckling,小鸭子,小鸭子,
3)Yazi River area鸭子河
4)drake spermatozoa公鸭精子
5)Orchardgrass seed鸭茅种子
1.Geochronological Study on Yazigou Polymetallic Deposit in Eastern Kunlun,Qinhai Province;青海东昆仑鸭子沟多金属矿的成矿年代学研究

鸭子1.鸭蛋。 2.家鸭。 3.指脚。俗称脚为脚丫子,省作丫子,故亦以鸭子相称。