1.Musa tongbiguanensis (Musaceae), A New Species in Yunnan, China;中国芭蕉属植物新种:Musa tongbiguanensis(Musaceae)
2.Musa violetensis(Musaceae), A New Species in Yunnan , China;中国芭蕉属植物新种:Musa violetensis(Musaceae)
3.Studies on AFLP Analysis and Classification of Musa;几种芭蕉属植物的AFLP分析及分类研究

1.Studies on AFLP Analysis and Classification of Musa;几种芭蕉属植物的AFLP分析及分类研究
2."Banana: Fruit of the genus Musa (family Musaceae), a gigantic herbaceous plant spread by rhizomes, and one of the most important food crops of the world."香蕉:芭蕉科芭蕉属植物,又指其果实。植株为大型草本,从根茎长出,是重要的粮食作物之一,
3.A bananalike plant(Musa textilis)native to the Philippines and having broad leaves with long stalks.麻蕉原产于菲律宾的一种类似香蕉的植物(蕉麻芭蕉属),其长茎上有宽阔的叶子
5.any of several tropical and subtropical treelike herbs of the genus Musa having a terminal crown of large entire leaves and usually bearing hanging clusters of elongated fruits.芭蕉属热带和亚热带树状草本植物,大叶有端冠,长有拉长的簇生果实。
6.Study on Plantain:Meaning of Plantain in Chinese Classical Garden芭蕉考——中国古代文人园中的芭蕉
7.tall-trunked woody tropical plants; sometimes placed in family Musaceae.热带木本植物的一个属,树干高大;有时归入芭蕉科。
8.small genus of large perennial evergreen herbs having leaves resembling those of banana plants; sometimes placed in family Musaceae.大型多年生常绿草本植物的一个小属,叶类似于橡胶树叶;有时放入芭蕉科。
9.Rain on the Plantain Leaves . This was one of the earliest compositions of this type.《雨打芭蕉》是早期优秀乐曲之一。
10.a family of tropical monocotyledonous plants of order Musales.热带单子叶植物芭蕉目的一科。
11.Tea farmers of Bajiaodong ethnic group are picking tea leaves on November 16, 2005.2005年11月16日,芭蕉侗族茶农在采冬茶。
12.Fruit consumption and seed dispersal of wild banana Musa acuminata by short-nosed fruit bat Cynopterus sphinx犬蝠对小果野芭蕉的取食及种子传播
13.Redden the Cherry and Green the Plantain--Analysis of Jiang Jie s vernacular poems;红了樱桃,绿了芭蕉——蒋捷白话词浅说
14.About the Influence of Chiness Poetry on Masho s Works;浅谈中国诗词对芭蕉诗文创作的影响
15.With the plantain fan, Monkey put out the fire. The master and his three disciples continued their journey to the West to fetch scriptures.悟空用芭蕉扇扇灭山火,师徒四人继续西行取经。
16.After having made arrangements for his master, Monkey left for the Plantain Cave to see Princess Iron Fan.悟空把师父安排好,前往芭蕉洞找铁扇公主。
17.Research on Treatment Technology of Wastewater From Glycerol Production by Fermentation with Canna Edulis Ker;以芭蕉芋为原料发酵甘油废水处理技术的研究
18.The Flowers Are Red While the Leaves Green--Campus Culture and Quality Education;红了樱桃 绿了芭蕉——校园文化与素质教育

type genus of the Musaceae: bananas.芭蕉科模式属;香蕉。
1.Study on Plantain:Meaning of Plantain in Chinese Classical Garden芭蕉考——中国古代文人园中的芭蕉
4)Canna edulis ker芭蕉芋
1.Study on the Property of Canna edulis Ker & Its Application in Ethanol Fermentation;淀粉质原料芭蕉芋的性质及其酒精发酵的研究
2.Study on Technology of the Semi-Solid State Pulp Fermentation of Canna edulis ker for Ethanol;芭蕉芋原料酒精固态发酵工艺条件的初探
3.Study on Flask Ethanol Fermentation conditions of Canna edulis Ker;芭蕉芋糖化液酒精发酵条件研究
1.Bajiaochang gasfield is a small-sized one in East Sichuan.芭蕉场气田是川东地区的小型气田。
6)palm-leaf fan芭蕉扇
