1.A study on the tourism fuction of Linhai State Geo-park in Zhejiang Province;试论浙江临海国家地质公园的旅游功能
2.Lion Dance and Drum Music",a kind of folk percussion ensemble music in Linhai,Taizhou,has a long history,but faces with the risk of lost.台州临海的民间音乐"狮子锣鼓",是一种以打击乐器为主的器乐合奏形式,有悠久的历史,也面临着失传的危险。
3.The paper examines the time when Records of Special Land and Water Species in Linhai and its author.考辨了《临海水土异物志》的成书时间和作者,对世界首部台湾古文献的探讨,有益于对台湾地方史研究和海峡两岸学术交流。

1.the waterfront of a seaside town.海边城市临海的部分。
2.The country is bounded on three sides by the sea.这个国家三面临海
3.Jiangnan Foreign Investment Zone of Linhai City临海市江南外商投资区
4.Situation and Potential Perils of the Economic Development in the Bohai Sea Rim;环渤海临海区域经济发展态势与忧患
5.Study on our Country s Ocean and Inshore City Economy Construction;对我国海洋与临海城市经济建设的思考
6.Design and Application of Regional Construction Master Plan by the Sea in Liaobin Coastal Industrial Area辽滨临海工业区区域用海规划编制设计及应用
7.My hometown is close to the sea.我们家乡临近大海。
8.Welcome to Deep Sea Diving.欢迎光临深海潜水中心。
9.The Aral Sea Saving the Last Drop拯救濒临干涸的咸海
10.Our room faces the sea.我们的房间面临大海。
11.His house looks on to the sea.他的房子濒临大海。
12.Welcome to Seafood King.欢迎光临“海鲜大王”。
13.Penglai, which is situated on the northern coast of Shandong Peninsula, looks out on the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea to the north.蓬莱,在山东半岛北部,濒临黄海,渤海。
14.Unable to return to the ocean during low tide, the starfish were dying.海星由于在退潮后回不到海里,面临死亡的厄运。
15.The west boundary of this country abuts on the Mediterranean Sea.这个国家的西部边界濒临地中海(与地中海邻界)。
16.It is bounded on the N by the Sea of Okhotsk, on the E and S by the Pacific Ocean, on the SW by the East China Sea, and on the W by the Sea of Japan.北濒鄂霍次克海,东和南临太平洋,西南面是东海,
17.Clinical annlysis of spongiorm encepnalopathies caused by herain;烫吸海洛因致海绵状白质脑病的临床分析
18.Clinical and neuroimaging features of heroin spongiform leukoencephalopathy海洛因海绵状白质脑病的临床和影像特点

coastal boundary临海边界
3)Linhai City临海市
1.Regional Soil and Water Conservation Planning of Linhai City;浙江省临海市水土保持规划编制研究
2.A Survey of the Sports Activities in Major Communities of Linhai City;临海市主要社区体育活动调查报告
3.Based on analyzing a synthetical system of city leisure life suitability indexes which included 5 criteria at the second level and 10 criteria at the third level,with a case Study of Linhai city in Zhejiang province,some suggestions are proposed to help the city leisure life development.该文以城市休闲场所构成为依据,选择城市休闲适宜性评价指标要数,构建了综合性评价模型,并以浙江省临海市为例,进行了实证分析。
4)costal building临海房屋
5)sea front building临海结构
6)civilized Linhai文明临海
