1.Test of Soil Fertility in Tongcheng City and Technique of Fertilization;桐城市土壤肥力监测与施肥技术应用
2.The Cultural Meaning of Women s Literature Creation of TongCheng in the Qing Dynasty;清代桐城女性文学创作的文化内涵
3.Occurrence Law and Management Measures of Rice Water Weevil Lissorhoptrus Oryzophilus Kuschel in Tongcheng, Anhui Province安徽桐城稻水象甲发生规律与治理措施

1.A Pair of Peaks: Tong Cheng & Xin’an--On the Internal Motive for Yao Nai to Establish Tong Cheng Literary Orthodox;桐城与新安:双峰并峙——论姚鼐建立桐城文统的内在动因
2.His efforts attained the goal of developing the Tong Cheng Group.其所作所为,达到了“中兴桐城”夙愿。
3.Analyses on Death Causes of Residents in Tongcheng 1998 to 2007;桐城市1998-2007年居民死亡原因分析
4.Historical Context of Zeng Guofan s "Resurgence of Tongcheng Group" and Its Effect;曾国藩“中兴桐城”的历史语境及其作用
5.Between "True" and "Vulgar" Zhang Taiyan s Evaluation of Tongcheng Group;真与俗之间——章太炎对桐城派的评价
6.The First Person learned TongCheng School Prose in Guangxi --Chen Ren s Prose Creation;广西文学桐城第一人——陈仁的古文创作
7.Xiyang Zazhi-A Manifestation of the Prose Modernization of the Tongcheng Literary School;《西洋杂志》——桐城散文近代化的一段轨迹
8.On Yao Nai s Travel Notes on Climbing the Taishan Mountain viewed from the ancient prose of Tongcheng School;从桐城派的古文谈到姚鼐的《登泰山记》
9.Investigation of Common Diseases in Tongcheng Middle and Elementary School Students;桐城市区中小学生常见病的调查分析
10.Analysis on death cause of malignant tumors from 1998 to 2007 in Tongcheng City桐城市1998-2007年居民恶性肿瘤死亡分析
11.A Case of Nanshan Ji and the Declining of Fang Noble Family in Tongcheng《南山集》案与桐城方氏文化世族的衰落
12.On Relation between Tongcheng School and "Han Studies" from the Perspective of Academic Evolution in Early Qing Dynasty--Notes of "Arguments between Tongcheng School and Han-Song Studies";从清代前期学术流变看桐城派与“汉学”关系——“桐城派与汉宋学之争”札记之二
13.GUI You-guang and Tongcheng school shared a deep relatonship in originality.归有光和桐城派之间有着极其深厚的渊源关系。
14.The Formation of the Tong City Parties and the Explain of the Ancient Literary Style Theory Meaning;桐城文派的形成及其古文理论意义之阐释
15.On relation of Wang Kaiyun and Tongcheng School;王闿运与桐城派——论王闿运文学思想的另一渊源
16.The Transformation of Prose Writing of the Tongcheng School Exhibited in A Diary of the Experiences of An Ambassador to England,France,Italy and Belgium;《出使英法义比四国日记》所昭示的桐城散文变革
17.On Zhuang Zi′s Influence upon the Forming of the Literary Opinion of the Tongcheng School;试论庄子对桐城派文学主张形成的影响
18.The Five Masters of Guangxi--The Nucleus of TongCheng School during Jiaqing and Daoguang period of Qing Dynasty;清代嘉道时期桐城派的中坚——岭西五大家

Tongcheng city桐城市
1.Safety Problem of Water Quality of Potable Water and Countermeasure on Rural Water Project in Tongcheng city;桐城市农饮工程水质安全问题及对策
2.In the recent years, the feather and down enterprises in Tongcheng city has developed rapidly, and they have played an important role in the national economy.近年来,桐城市羽绒企业发展迅速,在桐城市国民经济中占有重要地位。
3)Double Late Hybrid Rice桐城地区
1.The Regional Trial in Double Late Hybrid Rice in Tongcheng City;20 0 0年对 8个新引进杂交晚稻组合的经济性状、产量表现进行了比较 ,筛选出适合桐城地区种植的“两高一优”新的杂交双晚组合。
4)Anhui Tongchen安徽桐城
5)Tongcheng School桐城派
1.From Anthology of Classical Prose to Collection of Historic Classical Works——On the Coherent Relation between Zeng Guo-fan and Tongcheng School;从《古文辞类纂》到《经史百家杂钞》——论曾国藩与桐城派的承传关系
2.On relation of Wang Kaiyun and Tongcheng School;王闿运与桐城派——论王闿运文学思想的另一渊源
3.Research on the Relationship Between WU Ying-qi with Tongcheng School;吴应箕与桐城派关系考论
6)Tong Cheng School桐城派
1.Zeng Guofan s Development of the Literary Theory of Tong Cheng School;曾国藩对桐城派文论的发展
