发生特点,occurrence characteristics
1)occurrence characteristics发生特点
1.Main weeds species in gardening plant nursery in Jinhua City and its occurrence characteristics;金华市常见绿化苗圃主要杂草种类及发生特点
2.The research progress of occurrence characteristics of Spodoptera exigua in coastal agricultural area of Jiangsu Province;江苏沿海农区甜菜夜蛾发生特点研究进展
3.Composition and occurrence characteristics of weed community in flat-planting narrow-row solid-seeded soybean fields;窄行平作密植大豆田杂草群落组成与发生特点

1.Occurrence Specialty and Integrated Control of Main pests Injuries in Gardenia jasminonides Ellis红栀子主要害虫发生特点及防治研究
2.Studies on Occurrence of Ustilaginoidea Virens (Rice Green Smut) and Its Controlling;稻曲病的发生特点及其防治技术研究
3.An Analysis of the Features on Life Events in Military Medical Students.;军校医学生生活事件发生的特点分析
4.The Development of Children's Cognition and Psychological Experience of Life and Death儿童生命认知和生命体验的发展特点
5.characteristic of or occurring in winter.具有冬天的特点或者发生在冬天的。
6.This action was not lost on Trent.这种举动对吐伦特颇能发生一点影响。
7.occur at a specified time or place.在特定的时间或地点发生。
8.something that happens at a given place and time.在特定的地点时间发生的事情。
9.Diversity is a hallmark of the renewable energy development.再生能源发展的特点是多元化。
11.Study on the Structure and Developmental Characteristics of University Student s Autonomy;大学生自主性的结构及发展特点研究
12.A Study on the Developmental Characteristics of Honesty and Credit Values of Undergraduates;大学生诚信价值观结构及其发展特点
13.The Research of the College Students Characteristic and Developing Current of Love;当代大学生恋爱特点及发展趋势研究
14.The Structure and Developmental Characteristics of Aesthetic Ability of Middle School Students;中学生审美能力的结构及其发展特点
15.An Experiment Research on Middle Student s Analogical Inference Development;中学生类比推理发展特点的实验研究
16.The Study on the Personality of Pupils in Dalian Country;大连市农村小学生个性发展特点研究
17.Features of the self-identity of undergraduates in private universities;民办高校学生自我同一性的发展特点
18.Developing Character of Modern Middle School Student s Sport Mental Quality;当代中学生体育心理素质的发展特点

1.To effectively prevent midge occurrence,the article bases on 2006 wheat midge occurrence fact,summarizes the characteris- tics and analyses the reasons of outbreaks in some area.结合2006年小麦吸浆虫的发生实况,总结了其发生特点,并对局部麦田的暴发成灾原因进行了分析。
2.Its morphological characters,harmfulness and occurrence in Guiyang were studied.本文对此种瘿螨的形态鉴别特征、危害性和周年发生特点进行了初步研究。
3.Systematic investigations on the occurrence feature of Liriomyza sativae Blanchard were carried out in Gutian county of Fujian province from 1998 to 2000.通过 1998- 2 0 0 0年对美洲斑潜蝇在古田县的发生特点的系统调查 ,提出了以农业防治为基础 ,保护利用天敌 ,结合药剂防治的美洲斑潜蝇综防技术措施 ,并在生产上进行示范和推广 ,取得了良好的经济、社会和生态效益。
3)Occurrence character发生特点
1.In this paper,the occurrence character and prevalence regulation of this disease and its control in Hunan Province were researched,and according to the results,synthesis control strategy with agricultural control as primary,a.本文对湖南省油菜菌核病的发生特点、流行规律及防治对策进行分析总结,提出了以农业防治为主,化学防治为辅、其它防治措施为补充的综合防治策略。
2.State occurrence characters and harmful extent of rice Huanghuaaisuo disease in Qingan county.阐述了水稻黄化矮缩病在庆安县的发生特点及危害程度。
4)Occurring characteristics发生特点
1.Investigation on occurring characteristics of pests after transgenic Bt cotton planted in a large area in Anqing;转Bt基因棉在安庆市大面积种植后害虫发生特点调查
1.The Pest Characteristics and Control Strategy of the Landscape Plants;城市园林植物病虫害发生特点与防治对策
2.The Characteristics of College Students with PTSD and its Enlightenment to Education;大学生创伤后应激障碍的发生特点及教育的启示
6)occurrence features发生-特点

《电影艺术在表现形式上的几个特点》  中国电影理论著作。史东山著,艺术出版社1954年出版。全书分两部分。第一部分从分析小说、戏剧与电影的区别和共同点入手,阐释了电影艺术在表现形式上的基本特点;第二部分,对电影分镜头的原理提供了一些论据。该书对初写电影剧本者有一定的参考价值。