1.Effects of Rare Earth Elements on Some Leaf Inclusion and Leaf Yield in Seedlings of Ginkgo biloba;稀土对银杏苗木叶内含物及其产量的效应
2.Study on the different types of inclusion in vessel elements of Glycine L.;大豆属植物导管分子中不同类型内含物的研究
3.Quality gene such as color, fragrant, savor is easy to be reduced by long-playing high temperature especially destroyed solubility inclusion.高温容易降低茶鲜叶色、香、味等品质因子,尤其是长时间的高温还容易破坏茶叶中的可溶性内含物(如茶多酚和游离氨基酸),降低这些有益成分的含量。

1.Primary Studies on Seedling Growth and Contents of Chemical Compositions in Cyclocarya Paliurus Leaves of Different Provenances不同种源青钱柳苗年生长及叶内含物含量研究
2.Effects of the Damage of Aphrodisium Faldermannii Rufiventris Gressitt on the Contents of Inclusions of the Host Plants;红腹柄天牛为害对寄主内含物的影响
3.A solid, liquid, or gaseous foreign body enclosed in a mineral or rock.内含物包含在矿砂或岩石中的固体、液体或气体等外物
4.Studies on the Fruit Growth and Changes of Some Substances Content in Fruit of Red Fuji Apple on Different Dwarfing Interstocks;不同矮化中间砧红富士苹果果实生长及其内含物含量变化的研究
5.The Study of Contents of Tender Seedling Embeded Material in Wheat Seed With Different Temperature Treatment;多种温度处理小麦种子对幼苗内含物含量的影响
6.Tannin inclusions in vacuoles have also been demonstrated by the electron microscope.液泡中的丹宁内含物也已用显微镜证实。
7.Vacuolate inclusions are present in the fat globules of the endosperm of young seeds.液泡内含物存在于幼嫩种子胚乳的脂肪珠滴中。
8.Study on the Technique System of Micropropagation in Vitro of Tea Plant and Variety about Organic Ingredient between Test Tube Plant and Outside Plant;茶树的茎段快繁与组培苗内含物变化的研究
9.Studies on the Interaction between Proteins and PAAC(a Novel Content in Dune Reed);沙丘芦苇特有内含物PAAC与蛋白质的相互作用
10.This tumor has gelatinous material within it.肿瘤内含胶冻样物质。
11.something determined in relation to something that includes it.与其包含在内的事物相关。
12.a pill in the form of a small rounded container with medicine inside.内部含有药物的小的圆状药片。
13.The fluid contents of a plant cell vacuole.汁植物细胞的液胞内所含有的液体
14.implicit price deflator of Gross Domestic Product本地生产总值内含平减物价指数
15.Application and Market Situation of Fluoropolymers at Home and Abroad;国内外含氟聚合物的应用及市场现状
16.Progress in the Synthetic Methods of Fluorine-Containing Lactones含氟内酯化合物的合成方法研究进展
17.Investigation of indoor air formaldehyde pollutants in Shanghai上海市室内空气污染物甲醛含量调查
18.The Identification of Acidic Peptide in Animals Brain and the Analysis of Content in Big Mouse Brain;动物脑内酸性肽的鉴别和大鼠脑内含量的分析

1.The contents of the spermatheca of the grasshopper Oedaleus infernalis Saussure were assayed with histochemistry and affinity-histochemistry methods.用组织化学、亲和组织化学方法研究了黄胫小车蝗OedaleusinfernalisSaussure交配前后受精囊内含物的化学组成。
2.After testing the quantity of some kinds of contents, comparing the healthy fruits and the diseased fruits of the Ziziphus jujube Mill.对谢花后不同日龄果实的几种内含物,可滴定酸、可溶性糖、果胶质、单宁含量进行对比以及不同时期冬枣健果与病果比较。
1.Comparison of inclusions in female and male Trichosanthes kirilowii individuals;雌雄栝楼植株内含物比较研究
2.Dealing with hyphae cells of synergistic mixture,after 60 min the conductivity increased,which shown that there is a phenomenon of the hyphal cell inclusions leakage constantly;and antagonist mixtures deal with the mycelial cell permeability,which was less than that of the contrast.增效组合处理菌丝细胞后,60min后的电导率一直表现上升,表明存在着菌丝细胞内含物不断外渗的现象;而拮抗组合处理的菌丝细胞渗透性比对照较弱。
5)content of medicine components内含物含量
6)internal substances内含物质

外轨配合物和内轨配合物  根据L.C.鲍林的价键理论,具有八面体结构并有4个未成对电子的、顺磁性的[CoF6]3-,或有5个未成对电子的、顺磁性的[Fe(H2O)6]3+,其配位成键杂化轨道为4s4p34d2,所用d 轨道与s和p轨道是属于同一主能级的。这类具有nsnp3nd2形式的配合物(见配位化合物), 因为使用了外层的d轨道,所以叫做外轨配合物。两种配合物的杂化成键轨道分别如图所示。对于具有八面体结构且所有电子都是成对的、抗磁性的[Co(NH3) 6]3+, 或具有1个未成对电子的、 顺磁性的[Fe(CN)6]3-,其成键杂化轨道为3d24s4p3,使用了比s和p轨道低一级主能级层中的d轨道。这类具有(n-1)d2nsnp3型式的配合物,由于使用了内层的d轨道,所以叫做内轨配合物。    在四配位体系中,具有四面体结构且有两个未成对电子的顺磁性的[NiCl4] 2-,其成键杂化轨道为4s4p3,属外轨配合物。而所有电子都成对的、抗磁性的[Ni(CN)4]2-,其成键杂化轨道为3d4s4p2,是平面正方形结构,属内轨配合物。两种配合物的杂化成键轨道如图所示。