1.Report on the recognition characters of eight borers in the trunk and limb of Castane mollissima, happening at large comparatively in Shangrao district, and apply for the research of woods pests.本文对上饶市板栗主干和枝干部8种常见钻蛀性害虫的林间识别特征进行了描述,供林间虫害调查识别应用。
2.Evaluation on Control Efficacy of Scleroderma guani against Borer;管氏肿腿蜂Scleroderma guani Xiao et Wu是一些钻蛀性害虫特别是天牛科昆虫的幼虫和蛹的外寄生天敌。

1.Development of Plant Volatile Attractant of Wood-boring Pests in Artemisia Ordosica and Artemisia Sphaerocephala Shrubs沙蒿钻蛀性害虫的植物源引诱剂开发
2.Application of stepwise regression model in predicting the movement of Artemisia ordosica boring insects.逐步回归模型在油蒿钻蛀性害虫预测中的应用
3.The key pests and rat include: nematodiasis of the pines and pine moth, forest rats, defoliator of the poplars, bristletail.二是松毛虫、森林鼠害、杨树食叶害虫等常发性病虫害; 三是小蠹虫、萧氏松茎象等钻蛀性害虫
4.Risk Assessment on Typical Wood Boring Insects Associated with Solid Wood Packing Materials from China to the United States;中国输美木包装携带重要钻蛀性害虫的风险评价
5.Mixed-population Dynamic of Boring Insect and Environmental Effects in Artemisia Ordosica Shrubs油蒿钻蛀性害虫混合种群动态及与环境关系研究
6.Woodborers Abundance and the Relationship with Environmental Factors at Different Successional Stages of Artemisia ordosica (Asterales:Compositae)油蒿不同演替阶段钻蛀性害虫数量变动与环境的关系
7.The spatial distribution and population dynamic of four bore pests on Longan四种钻蛀性龙眼梢、果害虫的空间分布及种群动态
8.Green Plants in Our City by The Borer Pest Hazard Categories Preliminary Investigation扬州市绿化植物受钻蛀类害虫危害情况初步调查
9.Infested with or damaged by worms.虫蛀的有蛀虫寄生或被其侵害的
10.A worm or an insect larva that bores into wood.蛀虫钻在木头里的蠕虫或昆虫幼虫
11.A Taxonomic Study of Ichneumonids(Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) Parasitizing Wood-borers in Palearctic Part of China;中国古北区林木钻蛀害虫天敌姬蜂(膜翅目:姬蜂科)分类研究
12.Community Structure and Function of Boring Insects in Pine Forest Infected by Bursaphelenchus Xylophilus in Zhejiang Province;浙江松材线虫侵染后松林钻蛀性昆虫群落结构和功能
13.Studies on the Occurrence of Conopomorpha Sinensis Bradley and Its Key Control Techniques;荔枝蒂蛀虫发生为害特性及防治关键技术研究
14.A hole made by a burrowing worm.蛀虫孔一种蛀虫蛀的孔
15.Any of various mollusks that bore into soft rock or wood.钻蛀虫钻入松软岩石或木头中的软体动物
16.This project makes research on the following aspects: ①Applied studies on bethyloid wasp ( Scleroderma guani )control for stem borer;现已完成了以下几方面的研究 :①应用管氏肿腿蜂防治蛀茎性害虫 ;
17.Photosynthetic Characteristics of Pinus Yunnanensis and the Analysis of Its Photosynthetic Physiology after Attacked by Xylophagous Insects云南松光合特性及受蛀干害虫攻击后光合生理分析
18.An insect or insect larva, such as the corn borer, that bores into the woody parts of plants.蛀虫钻入植物的木质部的昆虫或昆虫幼虫,如玉米螟虫

1.Damages caused by borers against pigeon pea in the blooming and pod-bearing period and their control;木豆花实期钻蛀性害虫的为害及防治
2.Integrated control to popular borers in western Jilin;吉林省西部杨树钻蛀性害虫的综合防治
3)boring insects钻蛀性害虫
1.Application of stepwise regression model in predicting the movement of Artemisia ordosica boring insects.逐步回归模型在油蒿钻蛀性害虫预测中的应用
2.61 plots damaged by boring insects were taken as an example at different successional stages of A.近年来,油蒿主要钻蛀性害虫:沙蒿大粒象Adosopius sp。
1.Ichneumonids, an important kind of parasitoids of wood-borers, can directly drill into tree trunk deeply by their long ovipositors and lay eggs on surface or into the bodies of their hosts which are damaging in xylem.国内外对林木钻蛀害虫天敌姬蜂分类研究非常少,一般都是对个别种类的生物学等的单项研究。
5)stem borers in cowpeas豇豆钻蛀性害虫
1.s:In order to make the data of investiga tion more accurate to the actual situ ation,investigative times,methods,sampling position and the r ecord content of each stage of stem borers in cowpeas were studied based on infestation characteristics of t he pests and field investigations fo r many years.根据豇豆钻蛀性害虫的为害特点和多年田间调查的经验,就该类害虫各虫态的调查时间、方法、取样部位、记载取舍等进行探讨,以使调查数据更加合乎客观实际。
6)borer pest category钻蛀类害虫

虱蛀1.亦作"虱蛀"。 2.指生虱病。