1.Metadata Theories and Their Application to the Sharing of Huitong Forest Ecosystem Information;元数据理论在会同森林生态系统信息共享中的应用
2.Soil Carbon Cycle of Phyllostachy edulis Plantation in Huitong Region,Hunan Province湖南会同毛竹林土壤碳循环特征
3.The landslide at center street of Huitong county is one of the deep layercutting fault,there is a large hidden disaster at this district.会同县城中心街滑坡是一个深层切层岩质滑坡,隐患巨大。

1.Chief Executive in Council行政长官会同行政会议
2.The question is whether they will agree to it or not.问题是他们会不会同意。
3.I thought they would chime in.我想他们会同意的。
4.I think it proBaBle that he may give his assent.我想他大概会同意的。
5.alumni association[美]校友会, 同学会
6.a class reunion(毕业后的) 同班同学会
7.Consultative Meeting with Industry/Trade Associations同工贸协会的协商会议
8.Council of the Common Market共同市场理事会(理事会)
9.Joint Commonwealth Societies' Council英联邦学会共同理事会
10.Member of a livery company(穿制服的)同业公会会员
11.The meeting hall of a guild.同业工会会所同业工会举行会议的场所
12.Difference of age and difference of temperament occasion difference of sen timent.年令不同,气质不同,看法也就会不同。
13.Comite Interamericano de la Alianza para el Progreso美洲进步同盟委员会(美洲进步同盟会)
14.The Social Identity Threat from the Perspective of the Social Identity Theory;社会认同理论视野下的社会认同威胁
15.Discussion On the Life of YU Zhimo,the First Chairman of the Hunan Branch of Tong Meng Hui;同盟会湖南分会首任会长禹之谟述论
16.a female person who is a fellow member (of a sorority or labor union or other group).是同会(妇女联谊会、工会或其它团体)会员的女性。
17.The buildings in such a community.社会共同组合会会馆在那种社会里的建筑
18.I have not seen much of him lately.近来,我同他不常会面。

Company with会同In
4)social identification社会认同
1.By combining economic,social and psychological factors,a three-forces-driven interpersonal trust system is constructed with the trust driven by limited rationality and economic interest,the trust driven by social identification and trust driven by self-fulfillment included.结合经济、社会和心理等因素构建了三重驱动的人际信任机制的模型:有限理性与经济利益驱动下的信任,社会认同驱动下的信任以及自我实现驱动下的信任。
2.Secondly, the social identification should be converted owing to the prejudice of the value pursue and the current social identification assumption.本文针对“新农民工工人阶层”的形成、影响及其走向,从政治学的角度进行以下几方面的分析:一是利益驱动和现有不合理的利益分配格局使农民工形成阶层利益,促使社会利益关系的再调整;二是价值追求和现有社会认同取向的偏颇使具有“新”涵义的农民工要求社会认同取向的再转换;三是制度发展使农民流向城市成为可能,而制度不够发展带来的制度歧视则成为“新农民工工人阶层”形成的最主要原因及其发展的最主要障碍,制度重构势在必行;四是政治发展与稳定及其政府执政合法性资源的增强都需要“新农民工工人阶层”实现阶层融入。
3.Some think that it is a kind of causality between social identification and development of vocational education.一些人认为职业教育的社会认同和职业教育的发展是一种因果关系 ,只要通过教育或法令的形式来提高人们对职业教育的社会认同 ,就能促进职业教育的发展 ,摆脱职业教育目前发展的困境。
5)social identity社会认同
1.On the Social Identity and Social Mobilization in the Socialist Core Value System;论社会主义核心价值体系的社会认同与社会动员
2.Cross-cultural Study on New Fashion s Impact on Social Identity;新潮流对社会认同影响的跨文化研究
3.The Social Identity Prospect of Floating Children under Household Registration System Background户籍制度背景下流动儿童的社会认同图景
6)Colleagues Association同仁会
1.Colleagues Association: A medical organization in modern Japan;日本近代医疗团体同仁会
