杂交一代,F1 hybrid
1)F1 hybrid杂交一代
1.Baishacuimi is a new F1 hybrid of watermelon developed by crossing inbred line HG-1 as famale parent with inbred line XJ-8 as male parent.白沙脆蜜西瓜是采用HG-1作母本,用XJ-8作父本配制而成的杂交一代品种。
2.The variety is a F1 Hybrid.镇椒八号杂交一代辣椒品种,中早熟,粗牛角形,果长15~20cm,横径4。
3.The texts indicated F1 hybrid grows luxuriantly,with considerably resistance to virus and blight diseases.自交系9804和9909杂交配制成杂交一代干椒,植株生长旺盛,座果力强,较抗病毒病和疫病,果实指形,纵长17~19cm,横径1。

1.Determination of Performance for First Filial Generation of Limousin with Local Yellow Cattle利木赞牛与本地黄牛杂交一代性能测定
2.Fattening Experiment of Poll Dorset×Small-tail Han Sheep无角陶赛特×小尾寒羊杂交一代育肥试验
3.Adaptability analysis of alfalfa cultivars on red earth in Yunnan Province紫花苜蓿杂交一代品系在云南的适应性分析
4.Comparison between Trimolter, Tetramolter and F_1 of Eri-silkworm on Rearing Performance蓖麻蚕三眠、四眠蚕及其杂交一代的饲育成绩比较
5.first filial杂交第一代, 子一代
6.F1 The first filial generation; i.e. the first generation that results from a particular cross.子一代(杂种一代):杂交第一代,也就是一个特定杂交产生的第一代。
7.a filial generation【生】杂交后代, 子代
8.F2 The second filial generation, obtained by crossing or selfing within the F1 generation.子二代(杂种二代):,通过子一代内部的杂交或自交获得。
9.mate a hybrid of the first generation with one of its parents.使第一代杂种与其双亲之一交配。
10.Performance on Powdery Mildew Resistance of F_1 Generation in Hybrid Wheat杂交小麦杂种一代白粉病抗性表现规律的研究
11.A study on embryonic development of hybrid F_1 by Siniperca chuatsi(♀)×Siniperca scherzeri(♂)翘嘴鳜(♀)×斑鳜(♂)杂交子一代的胚胎发育
12.(genetics) designating the generation of organisms from which hybrid offspring are produced.(遗传学)指产生出杂交后代的第一代生物体。
13.Mendel called the second generation the hybrid generation.Mendel将第二代称为杂交代。
14.The hybrid offspring of a zebra and a horse.杂交斑马斑马与马杂交的后代
15.The hybrids and progeny of intervarietal crosses of P. graminis were tested on the parental hosts.杆锈变种间杂交的一些杂种和后代在其亲本寄主上受到测量。
16.Heterosis Analysis of Hybrid F1 of England and Spain Turbot (Scophthalmus Maximus L.);英国和西班牙进口大菱鲆杂交子一代的杂种优势分析
17.The Chinese yellow breed is perhaps one of the earliest products of this cross.中国黄牛可能是最早的这种杂交后代之一。
18.Study on Genetic Variation of the Hybrid BC_1F_1 between Elymus Dahuricus and Hordeum Brevisubulatum;披碱草与野大麦杂种回交一代遗传变异研究

first filial generation杂交一代
3)hybrid F1杂交一代
1.Breeding of tomato hybrid F1 ‘Zheza 204 with high resistance to bacterial wilt and large size fruit;高抗青枯病大果型番茄杂交一代新品种‘浙杂204 的选育
1.Comparison of genomic DNA of hybrid ( Oreochromis niloticus ♀ × O.aureaus ♂) and its parents;杂交一代(尼罗罗非鱼♀×奥利亚罗非鱼♂)及其亲本基因组DNA的比较
2.Chlorophyll content and Chemical analysis was measured in the aromatic tobacco,the medicinal plants,the hybrid,and the backcross.以不同香料烟和药用植物杂交一代、及回交一代为实验材料,测定叶片叶绿素含量和化学成分分析,结果表明:药用植物的叶绿素含量比香料烟高,而且杂交一代的叶绿素含量介于亲本之间,回交一代比杂交一代又有一定的提高;杂交一代与回交一代的化学成分中,烟碱中低,总氮的含量偏高,氯的含量偏高,钾的含量中低,糖的含量低。
3.Selection of a New Watermelon Hybrid Shuangkang No.8;利用 94S8和 97F0 3自交系选配的杂交一代西瓜新品种双抗 8号 ,经苗期枯萎病接种鉴定 ,平均病株率为 30 。
5)hybrid F_1杂交一代
1.Observation of Growth and Development of Hybrid F_1 from Dorset and Semi-fine wool Sheep;陶赛特与半细毛羊杂交一代生长发育的观察
